Brit/pol/ - justice for hillsburra

>Boy fined £500 for kicking dog to death in St Ives

>Councils' care spending spirals as other services cut

>Scottish public finances show improvement

>Birmingham Prison: Government takes over from G4S

>National Living Wage 'fails to cover families' basic needs'

>Pet shops are BANNED from selling puppies and kittens in move to tackle animal cruelty and curb profit-driven rogue breeders

>'Coconut oil is poison': Harvard medical professor says the health fad is 'one of the worst foods you can eat'

>BBC humiliates former Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain by axing her Mecca pilgrimage series

>Measles is on the rise in Europe – and populism could be to blame

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dont ever work for private security like G4S unless you hate life. Unbelievable what we were allowed to get away with.

I just found out I'm half Jewish.

Can I stay?

I hate this cunt.

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Honestly if we don’t start getting rid of these cunts we’ll be a third world country by 2040. When non-whites see a non-white in a high position they have this dumb belief they can do it too.

Why the fuck is there such a seething hatred of Thatcher by Poortherners? Is it literally just "muh jobs"

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Mornin', Brit/pol/

Got some Monster Munch my breakfast here, fookin' lovely.

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My breakfast this morning was actually a pack of Happy Shopper cookies and a white Monster Energy Ultra

>Honestly if we don’t start getting rid of these cunts
How's the weather down in London? I suppose Thames House has good air con though, doesn't it?

She was instrumental in sacrificing our heavy industry to promote the burgeoning financial services sector which makes more money but has a miniscule and globalised workforce in comparison.

wa'gwan innit famting yaget me bredren ya like BIG UP to da sheffild roadmen BLUD, fuk all dis wite peepul shieet get sum fukkin birds in 'ere man.
next poet laureate gun be som rap men ya get me 'nd ting? all dat old shit gettin' flushed man roadman on da streetz want to hear some fresh fukkin beats ya get me ting? aint nobody got tiem for dem old ded white men


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She was also the person who let Europe's talons sink into our vulnerable working-class underbelly, in the interest of a supranational capitalism she made our labourers compete with the world for their livings.

Good boy
How did they get away with a song that was so explicitly sexual?

>implying I’m from the cucked south
Scouser here lad.

>>Boy fined £500 for kicking dog to death in St Ives
So much misleading going on with this story. The dog he killed had his own dog pinned down, so he was perfectly justified to kick it. Granted he went too far by fucking killing it, but it isn't like he just killed some random dog. Some people get so fucking autistic over dogs

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>Some people get so fucking autistic over dogs
Have you noticed the sudden love for dogs that every millennial has these days?
I mean dogs are fantastic and all but fuck me, a human child (white of course) is more valuable, surely?
and it’s the absolute state of what these dogs are, their not based guard dogs or working ones they are ones who start pissing themselves after they hear a loud noise or bark at you because they have little dog syndrome.

>The slip comes when he is explaining how he squares his republican views with his role in a post created in the mid-19th century. 'Queen Victoria, Harry, William... they are all lovely people, hard-working. Nothing personal.'

>I point out that our Queen is Elizabeth, not Victoria. 'Yeah, yeah,' he replies. 'What's the name of the Queen? Elizabeth? Yeah. Liz.'
LMFAO what a legend

Damn, dude.

wasted get

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I hope you and your family die soon.

'ate europe
love britain
simple as

>'No-deal' Brexit advice to be published by UK government

>Migration from EU to UK continues to fall, ONS figures show

>Britain threatens to pull '£1billion a year in foreign aid' if no deal is struck with the EU

>Migration is 'behind 82% of UK's population growth' as Labour's open door policy added 5.4m new arrivals in just 15 years, says report

>Home Office blunder leads to 1,000 children born in UK to migrant parents being refused new British passports

>BASED SLAVS: Workers punch sheep in the head, stand on their necks and leave them for dead in undercover investigation that reveals horrors at 25 farms in England

>The Lord Mayor in Doc Martens and a baseball cap who is dividing Sheffield

> British expat, 60, is left homeless after being hounded by debt collectors in Dubai over £500,000 credit card bill - but is BANNED from leaving the Emirate

>Richard Dawkins, 77, hopes his new atheism book for children will stop the 'religious indoctrination of youngsters' by family members

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>mfw have been through all those stages
I shiggy diggy, i really do

>Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs

>The Syrian refugee aiming to become an Olympic swimmer

>It’s too late. Not even Pope Francis can resurrect Catholic Ireland

>A new centrist party is the far-right’s dream

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Wait so how are the EU "unelected bureaucrats"? we don't elect the European Commission, sure but don't we vote for representatives that vote for the commission?

each commision member is appointed by each goverment

anyway it doesnt matter how democratic it is, someone in berlin or paris shouldnt have equal say over britain over someone in britain

i propose that whenever we post links outside of the OP we accompany it with a dog holding the newspaper

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>Immigration from the EU falls to lowest level since 2012

Kek, migration has simply just shifted to letting in more non-EU citizens.

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you need a
advert on the paper

>>>>>>>>>>>Derbyshire Police said: "A 44-year-old man has been arrested under the malicious communications act in connection with social media posts during the aftermath of the recent fatal collision in Chellaston.

What the fuck is this?

>>>>>>>>>>>The arrest has been made after photographs posted on Facebook on the evening of Monday, August 20 caused distress to members of the public."

This guy took pictures of a crash and uploaded them to Facebook and got nicked?

as planned

probs said it was a islamic terror attack and tweeted it straight to the police who tweeted the story. Age makes this the most likely.

hmm. how sinister.

you could always just click on the link.
the guy was arrested for sharing 'distressing' aftermath photos

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Ginger Posting is Back on the Menu Lads

Also It's nearly finished other the FEO visit, additional notes on Safes (Removing the fucking foam and notes saying how many guns it can hold) and Expanding on the Application Process

Here's the current edition, after that there will be an FAQ and the 6th section will be filled with something I'm forgetting then hopefully it will be posted and added onto the OP

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can only imagine the state of the lads making these and all the HILLSBURA posts. I live in liverpool and literally nobody is talking about hillsborough but it I see it in every single britpol thread. Then theres that sad cunt who goes HAHA THOSE POORTHERNERS HATE THATCHER DON'T THEY like some runt child trying to fit in

Is this the famous 'Northern Fragility' I hear so much about?

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seems like it was disrespecting the dead. poor girl died in a car crash. Fuck journos

I can make you rich.

God save the Queen.

Why did it have to be MY fucking city? Think I'm gonna have to flee further north, Sheffield is a lost cause.

i go to the gym everyday, eat well and study hard
yet i still want to kill myself and im cripplingly lonely
what am i doing wrong boys

Been employed for 2 months now, wish I was a NEET again. I'm only contracted for 16 hours a week but the manager just changes rota without asking and I end up doing 40+ hours a week.

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Do you get paid for that time?

You'll miss the money when you eventually quit you sad cuck. At least put some money away on bettering yourself. An few week intensive training course or something??

The worst part about that fucked Magid is the fact he puts his feet on the table. "Hurr I'm just being radical and bringing Sheffield in to the 21st by having 0 decorum and being a disrespectful cunt". Hope some disgruntled Yorkshireman blows Magid's head off with a shotgun and feeds the body to his ferrets.

The worst part is that a foreign national can get a job that by right only a native should hold.


More likely to be a whippet

This guy triggers rorkes so much it's great

The Bill Clinton metaphysic is that everyone should mind their own business, and everyone should get along with each other. But it denies the crucial harbinger of identity, which is the heart of all existence and becoming—in Nietzschean terms, or in neo-pagan terms. All real identity is underpinned by what existed before you. The societies that are being created are tabula rasa societies, where you’ve got essentially a blank piece of paper, and what an American is, is written upon this piece of paper, the way you ask a child to do a diagram or an image and they do a face with a smile. And that’s your new American: your new American is straight off the boat, he’s a face with a smile and two dots for the eyes.

Where is the history of what it means to be an American? Where is the historical trajectory which relates to what you are now and to what you have achieved? And if that tabula rasa is such that everything that you have ever achieved in the past is smoothed-down and removed, what will it mean to be an American? What will it mean to be an American—a de-hyphenated American, deconstructed to the degree that doesn’t even occur—because that is all that will exist in the future. “Americans” will be those that wish to be American.

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Dogs are replacement children
18:50 onwards hasnt aged well with the future revelations.

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No big tits bingo?

Foreign nationals should not be allowed in those positions, as well as other government jobs such as police, civil service, schools, even low level shit like g4s and the like.

my sister went to university and did a course she wasn't interested in for four years and failed it she is now homeless and 'lives' in London squats and hostels

I nicked me mums phone and looked at her whatsapp and my sister sends messages to my mum saying that my mum and me the rest of the family are stupid and scum because they don't 'live' in London she reads weird twitter and uses lower case lmaos on my mum and repeats other people's words to pretend to be witty/creative to bully my mum who doesn't know any better and lectures her about politics using big macro chunks of words lifted from correct opinion curators and constantly contradicts herself, says things like children should be castrated if they pick up a barbie doll or action man and my mum says thats wrong then she lifts a paragraph from somewhere and pretends its her own words

she has no interests or hobbies, my mum sends her loads of money that she spends all on alcohol and owns cats and blames the patriarchy for why she doesn't have a six figure salary and a notting hill postcode she has literally no skills or knowledge and says its cos shes a female and gammonspiracy is behind it she is jealous of everyone especially over her lack of creativity and ruthlessly slated her best friend from high school who made contact with her who was the most sweetest harmless girl just because she had a kid and got married, literally blocked a rare solid trustworthy friend out of cat surrogacy rotey uni brain rage calling her a 'breeder'

this is because she has no platonic friends only dumpling looking uni bfs who won't criticize her because they want sex ive never seen such levels of not knowing you're a non-entity nothing because uni and pussywhipped boyfriends made her go unchecked and uncriticized to critical mass levels, never seen such staggering inability to observe that you're a cunt

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just woke up and refreshed thread from early this morning and read the breakup letter user posted from his ex

>them feels

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>my sister went to university and did a course she wasn't interested in for four years and failed it she is now homeless and 'lives' in London squats and hostels

Let me guess, she now blames white men for her problems...

Well lads, in 9 hours I finally get off this fucking turd of an Island, moving to New Hampshire for a whole new life, really looking forward to exercising my first and second amendment rights, and do not worry, I will be doing my bit for Old Blighty from the other side of the pond where I will be free to do so.

I just can't stand to watch this once great country circle the drain for another fucking minute more than necessary. Good luck to you all and remember, you don't have to stay here and await your own genocide, there are always options you know.

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>for four years

ay caramba

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Which Visa did you get lad? or did you marry?

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New Hampshire is at 90% white, of course USA is no longer a white country, but at least it's free. Enjoy not being allowed to protest the Islamization process and establishment of sharia law while your daughter is held down by police officers to be raped by an Imam who owns 23 houses thanks to benefits paid by your taxes.

>USA is no longer a white country, but at least it's free

Magid Magid is disrespecting the office of mayor and he knows it, he taunts people to call him out.

He knows he can play the race/muslim card as his places him dirty boots on the antique furniture, and acts like a delinquent in a position of responsibility.

He knows he is the enemy, and he is gloating.

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•Employment Creation/Investors visa, I'm starting a business there, as long as I keep my nose clean and things work out it's a guaranteed road to citizenship, I have an American gf and marriage is definitely on the cards.

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>believing the 90% figure despite knowing what passes or 'white' over their
>guns restricted
>free speech becoming restricted
>the american right wing dominated by sub-IQ christkikes
I'm happy for you man but dont act like you're jumping from a sinking ship onto dry land.

you know what I mean lol, the UK is on track to be less white than the US (which has seen an upturn in white birth rates) in under 25 years and is already authoritarian

You forgot to draw in the big ears

>b-but muh white race
Sorry brainlet, I just don't give a shit about that.
And if you truly did, you'd be going to as white a country as possible.
>already authoritarian
And America isn't?

You need to man the fuck up and give her some truth and reality checks then. Just talk to her with some authority and clarity like an adult. Show her the error of her ways and if it's not getting through, unleash hell on her. "show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

Guy had his firearms seized from him after being accused of 'racism and intimidation'. careful out there lads

Well lad I can only congratulate you for winning what is essentially the lottery, I can only hope you can also find a nice place in New Hampshire and Montana if you want a place to escape to.
Not to be too intrusive what's your business mind if I ask?

Since literally ever small nation has low/no tax, regulations, laws etc general legislature why arent you backing every separtist movement?

Its not cause of some sense of loyalty to a random land space with a flag attached to it right?

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And how much investment capital does that require? Not particularly something that is within reach of most people.

>he UK is on track to be less white than the US

Not necessarily true, but it's largely immaterial. Both nations have demographics that are beyond political repair.

You're mum

investment visas are like $500000

Greater London independence when?

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Your parents failed her and probably you too

No-Deal Assessment Papers:

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>we're actually gonna get no deal

Nothing about building bomb shelters in the garden or stockpiling cans of potatoes?

Surely brits will wake up eventually - r-right?

You haven't got a wife and kids.

I kept a civil whatsapp contact with her for a few months and didn't say a single wrong word to her. She is incapable of individual thought drinks alcohol and reads tumblr and copies and pastes chunks of opposite world-think says white northern men are nonces probably because some jew said that because of rotherham.

She is a spastic and called me a pedo totally non-sequitur out of the blue because I told her that things were going well for me and then blocked me so she couldn't be criticized. That's why I spied on my mum's phone because I was mad af that she had the cheek, felt aggrieved that there was hundreds of miles between my fist and her face but then I realized when reading my mums whatsapp she was literally jealous of everyone and insinuating shit about them and is bitterness and dying alone with cats in lieu of being a human.

She wasn't anything like that before university so fuck people who say it doesn't brainwash people.
