Have you ever stopped supporting the State of Israel, Jow Forums?

Have you ever stopped supporting the State of Israel, Jow Forums?

Attached: israeli idf navy girl michalgru.jpg (2040x1690, 925K)

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Please stop memeing. Most israeli girls look like shitskinned arabs.

Never did Shlomo. Now go neck yourself and take some of your filthy kike brethren along with you.

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no i love them

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Whats wrong with the way Arabs look? Why the self-hate Mizrahi

Greatest Ally in the middle east! We love you Israel MAGA!

If i had the chance i would murder every one of then in front of her family

Top kek! My coffee almost came out of me nose!

Was just about to post this.

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damn she is pretty hot

im ok with that for unlimited milk

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nice info bump


I bet they dont even speak Hebrew

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Thats an insult to arab women

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I dont even know who is is real and who is America anymore.

Who's jewing who?

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wow they look so hot

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I have never supported the state of Israel because im from the real Israel - God's chosen people.

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that looks fun, your dumb subtitle acting like its a bad thing to be patriotic and also support israel is just retarded and makes you look like an idiot

they are one of our best allies in the war on terror

Bottom right has western potential.

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good folk

b**mer scum

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That's how women look like without makeup

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suddenly i want to nuke israel

and it's a good thing

I'm cherry picking, but Dima a cute

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Israel is a terrorist state and you are sociopaths.

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>What is your reaction?

In every field

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Nowhere in my post did I say persians were Arab.
Nice try Ahmed.
Secular arab > Islamic arab

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Ah so your a real Khazar since your Hungarian?

gay forgot pic

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kys shitskin, and stop pimping your ugly golbins, you're no better than OP

Would you, goyim?
We are god's chosen, after all.

Attached: Ultra-orthodox-women1.jpg (1490x990, 501K)

>implying you wouldnt drink from the fountain of youth

Attached: khazarian milkers.jpg (485x704, 145K)

Not at all

the one on the right gives me a boner

100% ashkenazi pure white jewish btw

>t. moshik from jerusalem

Tel Aviv has the finest asses in the ME.

Jews aren't white. Stop dreaming moshe...

>For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
>But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Ye dig?

>that's an insult to arab women
>uploads a picture with Iran flag

Did I say that she was Arab though, retard?

Wtf i love christians now
How do i get my foreskin back
Fapping hurts

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t. jose guava

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>bulgarian flag
This is burger education

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We are negrified mutts with only one purpose, spilling blood for Israel.

kek that shit is so awesome

hymen dont cherry pick your whore women

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If you actually thought Jews were white you’d be trying to subvert Jewish culture.

I'd fuck 8 and 10.

>mfw the most (((anti semitic))) guy on youtube is a jew
I actually saw him in jerusalem once kek he has this creepy smile glued to his face 24/7

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 7K)

Oh...dropping in to defend your kike brother there Eli?

Digusting hand tattoos.

That doesn't matter, what matters is that you should start being a real jew.

Hey both countries are still people who mass raped white people to become Whites. Basically Asian Mexicans.

oooo so close randito martinez escueval, keep guessing my name. Hint it starts with c

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henna it washes off. but jews cant do shit about that hook nose

Attached: GrandJewessSpotted.webm (654x360, 2.89M)


Why would I support something because of some girls I'd never get to fuck anyway?

And the goat like mouth, the beady eyes that are usually too close together,etc,etc.

Khazaar truk just arrived

keep trying goy, or you get less shekels! Even jamal would try harder....

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mfw no Trump bf to shit on my face as I plummet to my death

how is that allowed and not haram? whats the point of the burkas if they are shaking their ass in a bent over position for everyone

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Fucking kike you slimy pieces of shit are behind literally ever major evil the world over.
Even God hates you.
We're going to genocide you in a righteous bloodbath in retribution for your endless list of crimes against humanity.
That you think yet another fucking kike trick in the form of an organizing lie campaign is going to sway anyone to your side is perhaps the most quintessentially jewish thing I have ever seen.
Fuck you until you're nothing but smoke and bones.

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she actually looks much better without
it would come out more if she smiled tho

Fucking hell is this the concubine of the final boss ?

nice saggy jewess tits

Trips of truth..

>looks like a heroin addict w/o makeup
>looks much better

Sorry guys jewish women belong to big black cock. The future of Israel will be black.


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no 10 a cute

>Jew are whi...

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Come on be lucky

did that guy with the white dress stepping between them in the last second beat them up afterwards?

> gas

you are too much conditioned on women with makeup
she has a bad hair day and a pimple. who doesnt?


He dropped money on one of the girls back if you look closer


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nothing wrong with Arab girls as long as they're Christian

iranians are usually very pretty, shame most of them ruin it by covering up.

Puffy eyes, dead soulless look. I wouldn't say it's just bad hair and a pimple.

goddamn that webm justifies the Holocaust.

>never saw pic b4
Butthurt chewboy are we?

You are right. And we are fucking proud of it. Taking the best from both the White and the Turko-Mongoloid (Hunnic) races.

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