Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

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Nah but i managed to slow down a bit, from 10/15 to 5/7 a day

Take the vapepill ya dirty gypsy.

Fuck this psyop shill thread. SAGE

Seventy fucking five? Holy shit man.

>inb4 flag
Forgot to take shitposting one off

why do i constantly see this thread whats the point

Vaping's not gay if you do it to quit smoking tobacco.

Not much else going on.

Fuck quitting, as long as you’re fit who gives a shit. They took everything from us, now they’re taking our smoke and chew too? Fuck that.

Switch to smokeless. Much easier to quit.

Stop cold turkey.

Yes, I just stopped. Simple.

Went from 12 per day to like 7. At least it's a start

Quit through vaping. It's honestly much better than smoking. Don't be a fag and give a shit if other think you're a fag.

you need to reboot your brain.
pic related, check out the link, there are studies supporting the use of mushrooms or ayahuasca in the treatment of addiction.

Attached: aya.png (600x600, 125K)

yeah, just smoke weed instead
couple years back went from a pack/day smoking to like 5 spliffs per day, much less tobacco

I don't smoke anything because it's expensive and bad for your health .

Not sure I could afford to pay thousands more every year on a bad habit.

I smoked for like 10 years about a 30 cigs a day. Decided I didnt want to smell and taste like smoke. Health effects were also a concern but I drink everyday so that probably wont save me.

Managed to cut out cogs completely with e-cigs. Dont buy those meme vapes, I bought cheap eonsmoke to start and smoked my remaining cigs night before. Woke up in the morning with my coffee and e-cig (24mg but it varries between manufacturers) and 5 years later, still no cigs.

no cravings either, ive smoked a few here and there when friends have offered but never made me want to go back.

I smell clean, house smells clean, car smells clean, breath smells clean feel better too.

Guys this is old copy pasta, even the photo is the same. Lurk more.

It's tough, but you can do it. You need to convince yourself that you can't smoke cigarettes, and that's that. If you vape, you're just replacing the addiction. That's how I did it.

I quit like 5 years ago. Got the flu, was in bed for 5 days and used it as an opportunity to quit smoking. Sometimes the sickness is the cure.

tossed out half a pack and never looked back.

I don't remember pastabot being a gypo

>starting a discussion about quitting smoking is a psyop
I don't know who is Jewing who anymore

From 20 down to 2-3.


either start weaning off by sheer tyranny of will, or since youre already spending a lot, get nicotine gum: shit works.

dont smoke 75 a day

yes, i just quit.

Btw switched to a light, flavoured capsule cigarette brand to reduce nicotine, then eventually started craving less and less. Now I smoke as a ritual. After breakfast with coffee, 1 at work, one after work with wine.

Fucking vape kikes at it again

I did. Have you heard about tabex? It really helps but you wont manage without having strong will. If you are really determined, buy Tabex and give it a serious try. For the price of 32 BGN (roughly 16 EUR) I've managed to quite smoking. I've been smoking from the 4th grade and now I am 25 and I smoked around 40-50 cigarettes per day.

This thread is basically an ad for (((E-cigs))).

buy rolling tobbaco man

I am still at 30/day but its much cheaper and you smoke a lot less than the industry cigarettes

Thirty-six year old here, smoked regularly since I was about sixteen, grew up in a house full of heavy smokers.
Last year I decided it was too fucking expensive and too fucking heavy, popped down the petrol station and grabbed one of those cheap electronic fags and some of the shit that goes in it and I actually found that switching over to it was easy, I think i've probably smoked a single pack of fags since and on top of that i'm gradually lessening the electronic one too.
Physically I feel much more capable but I think i'm far easier to rile up these days, the fags really did keep me level.


Rolling tobacco is a nice way to finish off your lungs. Its even worse than normal cigarettes.

i switched to vaping. i quit after a week and i only vaped for like 2 months. worked well for me user.

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I dont mean to buy tobacco straight from the farm with the pestocides still on and all that shit

just buy a blend brand with thin papers which have no tar on and you're good to go

Is this you OP?

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Dat feel when you spend 25 $ a day to fuel your addiction