B-b-but Animal Farm 1984 Venice Whaler Despacito!!!

Psychologists are trash

The faggot is lying, if you remove the hardworking ants no one takes their place and less work is done.

Attached: NEET ants.png (866x635, 182K)

>what is military service

He just described labor NOT being evenly distributed, but said it was.
Up is down, left is right.

>Leisure time
No such thing among ants

That's communist in Spain right now 101

neither of those are arguments.

>ants have no class divisions
what do marxist retards mean by this? If anything, ants are an argument for transhumanist monarchy

Attached: ants.png (293x300, 14K)

>they distribute labor evenly to maximize leisure time for the colony
>30% of the ants do 70% of the labor
What in the complete fuckall is this faggot on about? Ants dont have bull-preping leisure time.

Attached: 1532289795009.jpg (750x600, 113K)

Lol Peterson is such a retard.