They are coming for anime now

First it was movies, then tv, then video games, and now anime is also being desecrated by bluepilled western degenerates.
An anime where the main character wants to fuck his sister has better production and less degeneracy than this trash.
I'm just waiting for them to start fully seeping into Japan and destroying anime.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Save the waifus

Who cares, anime is degenerate, incel shit. Let the losers have their loser, escapist fantasy worlds

Looks gayer than most anime.

It is like they unironically try to look like caricatures.

Nobody cares about Crunchyroll's autism project. In fact the original thread was deemed off-topic on /a/ and ended up being moved to /co/, where this shit festered.

>t. someone pretending he doesn't partake in fun

cry more

>Ratings and comments disabled

Nah I think Anime is safe. Anime is the next level autist niche that will have a hard time being cracked.

Imagine going through life looking like that.

That doesn't even look like anime. It's shit and will fail.

bring it

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Is this an ugly elephant woman or a male to Female mental retard?

>c...c...cum on senpai we're doing a gamergay...


Anime was always degenerate

That's it. It's over. You let literal faggots into the fanbase over a decade ago and look what it has come to. Does Jow Forums forget about his video from long ago?

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Seinfield is degenerate, Will and Grace is degenerate, anime that tell epic tells of honor and courage are not degenerate.

They will remake berserk with a female lead and griffith will just suck off all his enemies.

that was fucking painful but... that. anime has been ironically tolerated by people but if you kids are still watching diaper cartoons... well, it's fine but that shit is why incels exist and not western women.

So yeah, we did this with gaming, and you all ethics and opticsed all over us and left Jow Forums holding the bag.

If your shitty cartoons are getting BLACKED, oh well.

It's a gamergay and we don't do gamergays anymore.

This vid takes me back.

no, it's understandable.
notice how they always understate any and all character traits? everyone is the same to them.
they are literally unable to identify features.
so they have to go right out the fucking window to see anything at all about themselves, to create that sense of difference that makes them special.
because they have a need to be special, but they can't see themselves as anything but perfectly average without that shit.

jeez that's an old video

Anime is already shit


will it be yuri tho?

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>I don't think anyone's seen stories like the one's were going to tell
>get the white man to speak this lie

None of the women could say this with a straight face.

get Woke, go broke!

The White Man's anime is Kemono Friends.

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Unless this endangered species are living and working in japan. This is not considered Anime.

Hagahahahahhaah that's fucking hilarious. Some old Jew skank making an anime wtf are they thinking?

anime has been degenerate long before westerners got their hands on it
SJWs haven't seen in their nightmares the things that the japs have long been drawing in their cartoons
this "brother wants to fuck his sister" is the mildest shit ever
I very much doubt that actually want to open that pandor's box.

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>the best about this project is that its so diverse!
if they want diversity that much, why dont they just grab a person of every colour and go have an orgy until they die
they would have a great fun diverse time, and the world would be rid of them, win-win

So how does Jewmerikan imitation animu affect the real Japanese animu?

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They can't bitch about it, that extreme shit is their culture and they wouldn't want to shit on someone else's culture, else they might be opened up to accusations of hypocracy. So roll on the weird shit!

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>fake anime diversity propaganda is unilaterally rejected by anime fans all around the globe
>Jow Forums doesn't care
Wait what

It doesn't, at all. CR just threw a bunch of shekels into a furnace.

the hentai people draw of this to trigger them is no doubt going to be the most fucked up disturbing loli gore fetish hentai anyone has ever drawn. I bet if the shadmans out there get drawing asap they could have this show cancelled before it ever airs from all the staff being too triggered to write or draw.

and the main characters (who no doubt are self-inserts the writers & artists identify with) are little loli shit you might as well just make the main bad guy a tentacle monster too. I can't believe they don't see how this is going to backfire.

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Are you new to animation in the western world? The whole art form is full of losers who watched one anime series and instead of getting a real job they want to live out their unrealistic fantasies. This will die as soon as it comes out and everyone working on it will probably die too because they won't have a job.

who gives a shit about lefty propaganda?
why even give them a platform?

>Genuinly thinks anime is watched by more women than men
Ha, yeah right, as if anyone would let anything happen to their precious animu

I'm more baffled by the levels of rage over calling this anime or not, who the flying fuck cares what you call if it's garbage. I swear there is nothing on earth that sends people into frothy rage faster than just typing the word anime.

It's not even anime. It's calarts.

>only one jap in the video, and he doesn’t even write
>all of those colorful hambeasts
I would rather watch the filler in naruto, desu.

This is the start of gamergay 2.0.
/a/ is fixing to get woke.
We need to be there for them when they overdose on redpills.

you faggots still didn't learn from femfreq debacle. the only way to kill this is to not give it any attention. just unsubs from CR and stream/torrent anime online

Rundown on this creature? Did Michael Moore finally decide to transition?

Fuck off retard

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fuck off and die kike

It's never going to work. Asians won't watch our shit and they are the majority of the anime audience. Naturally weebs won't watch it either because the Asians won't. It's already been proved to be this way with gaming. Japs didn't change their ways, they simply said fuck the West and don't release games here that SJWs will whine about. Or if they do release here, they make a special version for our socially cucked society.

This desu

Yeah just let them do what they want, silently with no backlash so kids think this is accepted and normal

Great strategy moishe

>made by tumblr landwhales
>not partaking only in anime crafted in glorious Nippon

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Can anyone in this thread justify pic related's allowed existence? Look at that fucking thing.

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go make a "animegate in 90 seconds" video with some faggoty anime song named like BATTLE FOR THE SOULS OF THE LIGHT AND DARKNESS about it crytard

There hasn't been a good anime made past 2010, change my mind (adaptations of manga made before 2010 do not count).

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>It's okay to punch a degenerate faggot tranny communist "democrat" abomination.

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