>2025 >artificial womb for humans discovered >VR AI waifus reach peak potential >real women are basically obsolete >an Alternative for Mankind party is formed >revoke most women rights >free artificial womb access for everyone and waifu subsidies >they win the next election because tired betas and MGTOWs decide to vote for lulz >2035 >great civil war >lefties vs MGTOW estabilishment >lefties lose because they are basically mostly massive basedboys >2100 >the only women that survived have massive IQ and good personality >no socialist bullshit because pathological feminine drive for security is eliminated
Sure, it's not like he has more money that you can count, and he is trying to unite the planet under a totalitarian nightmerish state, huh? It's not like he took the test drive with Cina, and caused the arab sping to take down the EU and weaken the US? Sure, he is a servant. >mfw