Crisis Averted

A trio at a Texas High School get arrested for allegedly planning a school shooting after another student listened in on one of their conversations and told an adult

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wow such diversity

I wonder if the oreo formation was intentional

I bet they were just joking around and student who reported decided to rl troll and fuck them over

Looks a little more like the Neopolitan Ice Cream Gang.

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But they are just a diverse group of friends wanting to share a meaningful event in their lives. They should be allowed to proceed.

this. they tried to do this to a kid I know because he told someone to kill themselves.

My sides are slain

They couldn't call it Zero Tolerance if they showed any kind of tolerance

Hahaha. He’s crying!!!

Jesus Christ that school must be fucked. I remember kids in my high school used to shout “DUDE PUT THE GUN AWAY” in the empty halls so kids in the class could hear and in crowds.

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Elliot Ness and the unfuckables

a nigger, a white and a spic
warms my heart to see people come together like this!

I dunno they showed tolerance to some kid locally who pushed a kid down the stairs and years later he was caught waving a gun around in the parking lot. Now he is getting charged as an adult for displaying a weapon or w/e

haha no but they're all mutts

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Would have been a nice way to heal the racial divide. Ebony and Ivory (and tacos) shooting together in perfect harmony

None of them had any weapons, none of them were investigated properly, all the police had to go off of was, "I heard Johnny say he was gonna shoot up the school!" I can almost guarantee that they were just fucking joking.

I heard the informer was a trans fluid sjw non binary disabled therapy lizard trainer

so this is the power of diversity

You can safely bet there’s a Jew involved in instigating this

I heard they were a poly-abled, transracial, demisexual, ponykin hivemind

True diversity

dont let your kids associate with niggers and spics and this wont happen

>american demographics in one photo

goddamn white people