>if Trump keeps saying it enough maybe it will disappear
Is this how Nixon would have behaved before he resigned if he had twitter?
>if Trump keeps saying it enough maybe it will disappear
Is this how Nixon would have behaved before he resigned if he had twitter?
Or maybe its because there is 0 evidence for collusion? Retard
Well he’s right, there is zero evidence of collusion. The stuff with his former employees is unrelated to the Russian witch hunt
>Or maybe its because there is 0 evidence for collusion?
Except for the fact there is evidence, including Trump's own tweets, that show you are full of total bullshit. Maybe stick your head in the sand Vlad.
>there is zero evidence of collusion.
>Cohen literally said yesterday Trump knew about the hacked emails by Russia!
He's right. It's a witch hunt.
There's zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. This investigation has been going on for nearly 2 years now. They're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping that it sticks at this point. It's a witch hunt.
>There's zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
Where is evidence?
sause me up on those famalam? I'm ready to shill for hill, just show me that evidence, m'kay?
that's rich coming from a genitally mutilated mutt that keeps repeating "impeach" like a Tourette's case
>Maybe if you keep saying it enough it will just appear
>personal lawyer for Trump
>what evidence does that guy got?!
Increasingly nervous
Look at this retarded faggot.
is there source on this?
Saying words isn't evidence
>Who personally delivererd a Uranium sample to Putin?
>Who authorized and procured the sale of 10% of America's uranium stockpile?
>Who sacrifices and eats children?
Ask Ben Carson.
Burn the witch on a pile of faggots .
Boom right here bbc.com
Admitting to collusion on twitter straight from Trump himself.
he's so panicked
>Saying words isn't evidence
>saying you are meeting with a foreign power to get evidence isn't evidence
We are living in Orwell.
fake news
Nice try libtard, but you would need to get some guilty Trump associates before you can say he's guilty
Unlike Hillary and her associates, of which zero have been arrested or indited for anything.
except there isn't, faggot
Don't you leftists get it? You've been doing this since Trump got elected and nothing ever happens. Wanna know why? Because Trump has done nothing wrong and furthermore he is protected by God. Something that you leftists and your Goat Head worshipping politicians lack.
You're as bad as the IT'S HAPPENING that's been going on in this shit site since mid 2011.
>meeting set up by Clinton campaign
Get your facts together before you look even more stupid. The woman worked for fusion GPS and was let in the country by onigger.
I mean is he wrong though, faggot? Is he wrong? Russia didn't get him elected - we did.
>except there isn't,
If you say it enough maybe Trump won't get impeached. I know this is hard for you living in your fox news bubble, but maybe you can keep pretending Trump is still president when he's gone and in jail.
>There is evidence
>except nobody bothered to use it yet
okay faggot
muh rigged system
Trump is losing his shit
>They cited several unnamed sources.
wow nice proof retard
libertards BTFO
Man Trump himself tweets it out and you faggots are acting like it's unnamed sources.
that isn't going to happen, but I'll enjoy you retards crying about it forever
But where is evidence? Jews lie all the time, check your 'history' textbooks, retard.
Guess you forgot to display your evidence. Keep trying kiddo.
The article literally says
>>They cited several unnamed sources.
And it doesn't show any Trump tweets showing it. kys
Fake news. Mueller alr2has everything Conen had from raiding his office. Then Mueller declined to prosecute and gave what he found to the NY DA office. So obviously Cohen doesn't have anything he could have cut a deal with.
Ha! Jow Forums BTFO
>I don't know anything
>but I do know drumpf is bad
What a pathetic existence.
We can see that...
trump talked with putin behind cloesed doors, but it was certainly about football, economy and stuff, that's why it's not public yet
He also said to russian ambassador that him firing comey released pressure because he always wanted 2scoops
Trump jr met with russians for adoptions
His father knew but he didn't knew at the same time
All guilty pleas and depositions under oath (comey, papadopoulos, flynn, cohen) are nothing burger because they are obviously ALL lying and this has nothing to do with trump anyways
"would/wouln't" is not shady or confusing, what you're seeing isn't what's happening
no collusion!
you are either trolling or the kind of evidence you want from us is a video where trump says "yes i colluded with russia"
funny how we can't even rule as impossible the existence of this kind of tape
Fag thread
Trump spoke to Putin about Russia blackmailing the DNC for laundering money through the Uranium One deal
Saying you're meeting with a foreign national ≠ meeting with a foreign power. The only people claiming that Russian Fusion GPS employee was actually a representative of the Russian government are the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists who think Russia hacked the election and put a puppet in the Oval Office, who proceeded to shit all over the Russian economy.
Pick one.
>If you say it enough maybe Trump won't get impeached.
Why do you faggots want electrocuted so badly?
At this point only mentally retarded or Ivans with proxy can deny collusion.
nixon would've been banned for saying nigger
>Is this how Nixon would have behaved before he resigned if he had twitter?
Nixon made hilarious speeches where he actually said "I am not a crook" right up to the point where he released the tapes showing that he was a crook.
you're conveniently ignoring the other points i made but fine
Where did you get this info? you seem to know what they were discussing
If what i see in your image is true, then why hasn't trump launched an investigation?
He said he'd lock her up but all he does is whining on twitter that she commited crime but was not punished.
So what is he waiting for exactly?
>So what is he waiting for exactly?
who da fuk knows?
I've run out of fantasy reasons.
>trump talked with putin behind cloesed doors, but it was certainly about football, economy and stuff, that's why it's not public yet
Entirely false. Trump didn't even meet Putin until he was president. Provide proof, lying fuck.
>Trump jr met with russians for adoptions
>adopting is collusion
Are you literally retarded?
Because he's right there isn't any evidence of Russian collusion.
Btw, you didn’t even post the most recent, no culliosion tweet. That was at 1am this morning. Somebody scared.
No you idiot. They are gonna run everything through state courts because Trump can only pardon Federal offenses. If, for instance they charge his son in NY state Trump cant do jack shit
Oh there will be. trumps gonna his ass impeached. And the tears from pol will be fucking glorious.
Thehundredth monkey effectis a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea...
>But did you know its BASED
Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities...
>give up on 60+ year olds , maybe 50
The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked
>reason for slide theads!
They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND
>dumbing down society is reverse 100th monkey effect
Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece
I heard that if you stop breathing for long enough,Donald Trump will no longer exist.
You might want to look into that and see if it's true or not.Just trying to help.
Jews are so disgusting that Cohen is using the holocaust as his reason for turning on Trump.
>find dirt on lawyer
>"if you testify bullshit against trump you'll only get 2 years for this"
>"ok Ill say anything you want!"
What actually happened.
It aint happening, probably because he didn't collude with Russians, and he'll continue to be president and BTFO little commie faggot losers like you :)
It doesn't even seem like you can speak proper English. Pro tip kys.
Except he hasn't testified to that effect. All he's confirmed so far is he paid off a couple of whores who were blackmailing his client. Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with fucking "collusion with Russia" or whatever.
Every person who's been scooped up by Mueller's investigation so far has been charged for shit that was done decades ago and had nothing to do with Russia. They don't care about proving collusion, all they care about is punishing anyone and everyone connected to Trump's administration by any means.
>my dad is going to be tortured and executed by our oppressive regime
>oh yeah!? well Trump ignores my tweets!
God I hate people in this century sometimes.
OP is admitted homosexual with mental deficiency
move on
still no evidence
i was talking of the helsinki summit
what did they discuss that needed this privacy and made him side with putin over his own intel in front of the whole world? i'm wondering...
maybe because he believe his intel is "crroked"? no that's not it since he reversed his comment later. so what could it be??
yeah he met for adoptions... adoptions yeah...
>investigate election for russian interference
>catch a jew for tax evasion
Rick Gates and Michael Cohen were also deputy Campaign Finance chairs for the RNC.
This is what a witch hunt is. They've accused him of a crime for which there is no evidence, so they can investigate him indefinitely and charge people around him of stuff completely unrelated to the original crime for which he is being investigated.
>Justice system forces po blacks to plea guilty to crimes they're not guilty of
>All Trump-related plea deals are because of Russian collusion
Liberalism is a disease
common shill, do the digging
all you need to know to prove this is entrapment setup
>ALL guilty pleas are unrelated to trump in any way
>if they are, then ALL of them are lying or manipulated by mueller/the deep state
this is what trumptards actually believe
>Trump is Nixon
You dumbfuck Nixon was great. That only makes me like Trump more.
This. The Russian was fusion gps right? If anything that means it was a set up by the people who paid for the dossier.
I dare anyone to disagree. Hillary and co are finished, especially now that we have precedent to investigate them and to break statue of limitations like they did with manafort
Again where is the Russian collusion?
>Benghazi investigation confirmed that the state department had clearly and deliberately misled the American public on what had happened and failed to act when it could have mattered.
>DOJ recommended no charges
>Email investigation confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt that Clinton knowingly violated federal regulations by storing work emails on an unsecured private server and knowingly instructed her staff to do the same
>DOJ recommended no charges
>Mueller investigation into collusion has charged a bunch of random schmucks with unrelated crimes for stuff that they did decades ago
Cohen's saying a lot of things but thus far has provided no proof. In fact, his lawyer admitted its Cohen's word against Trumps word regarding the payment.
This is the nigger tape of this week, next week we'll have a new "bombshell"
I cant wait for Trump to get tossed because then we get to see the white trash denizens of pol threaten violence that we all know they are too cowardly to carry out.
Damn, you are right. He just outright admitted. Why the fuck has Mueller not put him in cuffs yet? Trump signed a confession and Mueller still won't indict him...seems incompetent. Mueller should be fired for being so incompetent.
>Pierre doesn't understand plea deals
Real shocking stuff
Go back to tumblr fat baby you have to win the midterms before you can talk shit to us.
Go ahead and provide anything but media talking points about hypotheticals. Also the adoptions meeting was set up by fusion GPS and the woman was let into the US by Onigger.
>yeah he met for adoptions... adoptions yeah...
Wow fucking incredible argument, you goddamn moron.
Trump didn't know about the meeting beforehand and even if he did you're still not winning midterms.
He still believe all guilty pleas have nothing to do with russia collusion, even if they are part of the investigation of the russia collusion
Why are you so impatient? let's wait to see what mueller has found, then you can scream "no collusion" like retards if you want
maybe he did not find ANYTHING like your dotard says 5times a day
>Cohen literally said yesterday Trump knew about the hacked emails by Russia!
If so, what is the deal? The fact that Trump knew doesn't mean that he coordinated the attack against DNC or that he had colluded with Russia for that.
In a political campaign you receive the most absurd informations from your opponent. Most of them are hoax, FUD, fake news, desinformation, etc., but some of them might be true. It's like Jow Forums, but one sized-only
Is the coffee boy position still open?
Does Trump even drink coffee?
>guilty plea for crimes a decade ago has everything to do with a hypothetical investigation
This is why you faggots are on the way out, too stupid to connect the dots.
Hillary is guilty! i have proof : look fusion gps, the dnc, the emails...
Trump is innocent! we should ignore all the facts that point to obvious collusion
all guilty pleas are unrelated to him! they are all lying! no collusion!
looks like u fucked up ur copy paste
>we should ignore all the facts
Convenient when you don't have any at all. Why don't you look into who fusion GPS is before you make yourself look like an even bigger fool.
If the whole wall is covered in shit that's enough. That's exactly what they're doing, too. Just keep up the Trump fatigue until everyone is sick to death of it. They can keep it up forever, Trump is all in this by himself and it's sad. Nobody needs to go through all that shit every second of every day.
I'm asking you again what proofs of Russian collusion do you have? I know your brain is in shambles with all the nigger cum injected into it but provide some evidence.
Imagine how the (((media))) would howl if Trump had borrowed Obama's playbook, claimed executive privilege, and ordered the entire executive branch to stonewall all investigations.