>jews are bad, they killed jesus
>jesus had to die for our sins
explain yourselves
Jews are bad, they killed jesus
Other urls found in this thread:
pol is a white pagan board, get lost kike
Why are you kikes so obsesed about yourself?
If jews weren't bad jesus wouldn't have had to die for their sins.
Jews were bad before killing jesus.
They still are.
They didn't embody the meaning of God living a life dedicated to a more "hands on" approach to understanding humanities struggles.
Further, that he died specifically to show his commitment, and proves a miracle to remove all doubt.
Too bad there wasn't more tangible evidence, that people may have faith, right?
Otherwise we might not be asking this question right now.
Why killing jesus is considered a bad thing when his death was needed in order to wash the primordial sin?
>Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
Btw hurry up converting boy, take your life and courage up and come with us
It was still a crime to murder the creator made flesh. Jews always murder prophets though.
He came for you kikes, he was your Messiah yet you nailed him.
Don't believe this "jesus had to die for our sins" it's just a church teaching later devoleped it has nothing to do with bible.
Maybe you should explain why jews always kept living in christcuck lands
Digits never lie. Friendly reminder that all Jews carry the curse of deicide upon them and the only hope they have is to repent.
It is kind of circular but it works. The real message is don’t hang out with or trust Jews. They will get you killed.
why don't you explain it, kike? your ilk invented it.
Because we are the only ones that haven’t holocausted them. Yet.
>"jesus had to die for our sins" it's just a church teaching later devoleped it has nothing to do with bible.
Jesus know himself he will be killed.
Did you read the New Testament, dickhead?
>For Christ died for sins once and for all, a good man on behalf of sinners, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually
1 Peter 3:18
jews predates christcucks by more than 1000 years, and lived on european land long before jesus was a thing
Hmm, let me count the ways:
>literal Deicide, meaning the ultimate revolution against authority
>the guilty on high commanding against the purely innocent
>a campaign against this innocent entirely motivated by resentment and animated by lies
>betrayed for the price of a slave
>the innocent moreover came to set these ingrates free from the shackles of their own blindness
The act itself was the supreme expression of injustice, whatever the result.
that's what most people don't get, that he had to die, so it's not that important who made that happen.
But Jesus preached against the Rabbis who follow the "doctrines of man" aka the Talmud.
noone believes in christ cuck religion
thanks to you jews for inventing it to drive out the romans
can we get off this wild christ cuck ride now
Stop mocking Christ
Gib bible reference evan find "original sin" in bible.
Don't have to, specially to a jew like you.
Facts do that enough.
You are real God chosen people. This is fact.
God choose you to make all the horiible sins and go to hell
Good luck.
You continue to participate in your thread, without any form of counter to my point.
What say you to this?
Why are you kikes afraid of the Cross? Will it fucking burn you?
>still religious in the 21st century
Kys faggots.
jesus died for our sins but was sold out by jews
nothing contrary here
I don't understand the point you're trying to make
jews are often referred to as christkillers, but why is it considered such a bad thing when his death was needed?
Unironically discussing about thing that doesn't exist...
Ur father will beat u if he will know that u are n atheist
>asks the Israeli
Too good
>Jews are bad
God said to do the other part. The fact it happened is as he instructed.
It's hyperbole when you're called Christ killers, or the people making the claim are parroting hyperbole they heard, (phone game comes to mind) as if they had read anything on the matter they wouldn't be saying such.
Nah, he’ll just be sad.
Black hair is ugly, go away you nigger chink sand nigger golem, you all are the same
but fact is, jews were persecuted exactly because they were considered responsible for the death of jesus
sorry we're not as diverse as the averag Jow Forumsack
>For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures
1 Corinthians 15:3
>For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
>He who was delivered over because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification.
Romans 4:25
>Baiting someone in the same post you reply to me
Disrespect, mate.
Jews were persecuted for the death of Jesus because people didn't get the fucking memo.
For the creator of all that I see today, he sure did forget quite a few loose ends, like making the message spread with foreknowledge of his own plan.
Or he didn't originally plan that, and was betrayed by Judas.
>According to Gospel accounts, Judas was one of the twelve named disciples of Jesus and betrayed him to the Jewish authorities for payment in silver coins.
But let's forget that, shall we?
Jesus died for YOUR sins OP.
Explain what?
The abrahamic covenant that your ancestors (well not your khazarian ass, but you no what i mean) had with God was unbreakable (right?)
Yet after all the prophets he sends, you kill them all.
God finally sends his only begotten son, and what do the Jews do? They hate him from day 1.
You wanted a 10' tall David with flame throwers to conquer the world. But God didnt have that planned. So Jesus still following the covenant that God/Jesus layed out with you filthy heathens, he tried to convert you and make you all one.
You killed God, thus ending your covenant with him. Maybe Jesus would have been betrayed by a jew, but ALL THE JEWS?
Jews lost the covenant of the chosen people. Christians are the chosen people because God breathed his breath (holy spirit) at penetecoaasst to us.
Jews are satanic, you serve your lord the devil. But YOU as an individual can be saved shlomo, you neeed to convert, be baptised, repent and live your life for Jesus
There is no conflict without the antagonist
Jews are the antagonist to christians
Judeo christians ruin the film
He didn't have to die for the sins of the world, he chose to do so, it's slightly different. However the people that put him to death will still be held accountable to God for commiting murder.
Don't make this thread all about yourself.
Your ego has done that before.
Having a name just makes your mistakes accrue on here.
Jesus is a mushroom, the followers of this mushroom wanted to share this knowledge but the synagogue of satan killed jesus; or outlaws the mushroom, placing a taboo on the mushroom, saying you will die if you eat it. pic related. manna, fruit of knowledge of good and evil, burning bush, holy grail, etc
>Let his blood be on our heads and our grandchildren's heads
Jow Forums is a Christian board summerfag maybe you didn't get the memo
Full context if you're gonna post, otherwise it's just shitposting.
InB4 1Post is all I get from ye.
You faggots keep talking like Jesus was a real person. Jesus was a mushroom truth defied, the mushroom was outlawed and substituted for a sky god to control the slaves.
Any source besides food of the gods?
Maybe he was the apotheosis of the mushroom reality. Not fucking elves but molecules. We are nothing more than than a chemical reaction.
Judas was also bad
I don't expect him to do anything more than parrot contrarian views he's read. It's to be expected of slaves who haven't found the one truth that sets you free.
John Allegro, Jan Irving, but just think about the thematic elements of the bible- eat something and have visions. John eats a little scroll, Jesus tells you to eat his body, and drink his blood- from the cup of christ. pic related
Jesus- virgin birth, dies and is reborn. Like a mushroom appearing overnight with no obvious seed; then, it dies off and grows back in the same spot.
What about the accounts of Jesus being crucified, got any way to warp that? He was a living man, you need to do less drugs, namely LSD, mister too many connections.
>Jow Forums
We aren't niggers
I will explain nothing to you,filthy kike.
Early christians were jews preaching to the lost sheep of Israel. They had to practice in secret because the mushroom was outlawed, and their was a crack down by the church and Roman state.
Fate exists to a degree. Dive deep into astrology to learn more.
Friendly reminder that Judaism is a hollow religion.
Judaism has no priesthood as none of them can prove they decent from the Levies, no temple as the result of lack of priesthood and had not a single prophet since the death of Jesus, while Christianity had plenty and continues to do.
Synagogue is likewise hollow. Jews only follow the words of rabbis who have no real authority over the words they speak. So it's all a giant larp on par with today's pagans. Circumcision is a blood sacrifice and is disgusting.
The real Israel is the Church as it inherited the God's blessings.
What about the accounts of Jesus being crucified, got any way to warp that? He was a living man, you need to do less drugs, namely LSD, mister too many connections.
The cross is also a symbol for the mushroom. It comes from the egyptian ankh. When you eat the mushroom, your consciousness is rewired, your perceptions of the world are reborn so to speak. You become Jesus on the cross and die.
Your pretty egoistical yourself.
"Jesus HAD TO die for our sins" is just damage control from kikes to justify a murder.
The son of man- you see these are all symbols of the mushroom.
Exodus 13:21-22. By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.
Here's your pillar of fire and cloud
Is that based vac ban suicider?
It's the truth, though.
I am not perfect, and my earlier post at that named post was "damage control" because he has several times ruined perfectly good discussions with very low quality posts.
As far as God's word setting "slaves" free, you are bound by desire, and it can get the best of you. God's way is to help you prevent you from hurting yourself.
Oops, somehow got the wrong one, this was meant for
When will they apologize to Christians and pay reparations for killing Jesus. We would have been so much richer if they hadn't killed Jesus. You owe us reparations!
Jews are so evil they would kill Jesus. It's pretty basic shit you dumb fucking jew. Just because Jesus died for our sins doesn't mean that Jews had to be jewish an kill him.
You have caused the gentiles to blaspheme
You had Moses and the Prophets and you did what was right in your own eyes every 40 years.
You've chosen the seal of solomon (an idolater) as your flag rather then the red shield of david (a man after gods own heart) or the lion of Judah.
Pipe down ephraim
Fukn this.
It was a distant volcano erupting somewhere in the Sinai
Shem : H-Sh-m has a way of giving the birthright to the second born.
Japheth: Here's a bowl of pottage
>w-we had the Oral Law the whole time!
>it was just SECRET!
Because Jesus didn't have to be killed, just die.
Read Acts 7
Jews didn't have to kill Jesus. He originally came for them but they rejected Him, so He made the covenant for all mankind instead. The Romans or some other group would have eventually killed Him, since Jesus was meant to be sacrificed to evil. God cannot stop free will. He can see how things can kind of go but His omniscience stops where our free will begins. Thus, He couldn't see how far the pharisees would go until things were already in motion.
Its religion, it ain't gotta make sense.
Thehundredth monkey effectis a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea...
>But did you know its BASED
Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities...
>give up on 60+ year olds , maybe 50
The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked
>reason for slide theads!
They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND
>dumbing down society is reverse 100th monkey effect
Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece
The fact that this is necessary to be said says something of how well these people internalized the opinions on this echo chamber.
Parroting information is not knowing information, it's whether you know how to apply the information that shows your depth of understanding.
Critical thinking skills.
So, I'm not trying to be defeatist, but do you think the people here on Jow Forums are the same type of people to seek knowledge for themselves, or do they parrot that which is said (on this board) to this board.
YeahRead the Old Testament
Modern day israelites the same as the white israelites of the bible.
OP, don't ask pol! Be careful! I've detected at most perhaps 2 real Christians here
But I'm so glad you're reading the New Testament, you're going to find it's more Jewish than your Rabbis in Israel told you!
Read Hebrews for example.
God bless you brother! (I can't stay ITT, must go out)
What a shame, I would have liked to ask what you define as a "real" Christian.
Mine is as broad as anyone who accepts Jesus died for your sins.
A good Christian embodies their thankfulness in their life and how they interact with others.