Other urls found in this thread:
>fuck off we're fu--
Re-posted from It doesnt matter who wins, Labor are going to win in a landslide come the next election.
Dutton is going to have to pull some serious shit out his arse to avoid a total wipeout.
With Turnbull no one really liked him besides boomers and the really rich, but no one really hated him either. At least outside the far right.
With Dutton a LOT of people already absolutely despise him and hes already being compared to Trump. Regardless of what you think about Trump or right wing politics in aus, Id wager that EASILY 70% of Australians absolutely hate trump. You will find people who want to close the boarders and deport all Muslims today who think Trump "is an idiot" (and not for the reasons that people on the far right think).
Our press is already one of the most heavily censored and controlled in the world with every single paper and tv network without exception repeating the same narrative. Dutton will be made out to be hitler and scare every moderate off. Compounded with being the current government which has done fuck all causing people to just want a change, and instability in leadership its going to be a bloodbath.
Which is a shame because if Shorten and Labor ever get back into power we are done as a country. Say hello to doubling of immigration intakes, safeschool tranny horseshit, more feminism etc.
Yeah nah she wont be right m8s
This is the seventh fucking aus/pol thread today
>Just fuck my party up edition
Did something happen to the Lib Dems???
We'll have even more tomorrow after the Final Happening goes down.
>be Australia
>build literal white Paradise through centuries of toil
>give it all away to nogs, poos and chinks in literally one generation
>dont even bother to vote for any of the 3+ nationalist parties on offer
What did Australia mean by this?
yeah the boys, productive day
I just had a class in uni today about white privelidge, there was only 2 white people in the class, the rest 20+ were asians/brown and they spent the entire class hating on white people and their privelidge. I hate immigrants
Dam it, I was explaining how I was wage cucking today and you had to make a new thread.
>*Sips on more V.
Imagine a spill that never ends
keep posting this epic content bröther
Bloody chinese did shit in the goldrush and on the railways, fucking historical revisionism.
okay you can have the desert yank
Why are you drinking V at 10:15PM? You're not going to get any sleep.
Who else /Julie/?
FUCK Dutton. I’m going to vote Bill if they put Dutton in as PM.
You know whats funny user? In the real world you're at a disadvantage if you were born a white male because every tom dick and harry have diversity quotast now.
what low iq major are you in that you had to study white privilege. Fuck you couldn't even spell that one right.
The whole developed world is in the same situation
Good, can you kys too?
Will you miss Pyne, Bishop and ScoMo Jow Forums? Also Frydenberg and some juniors will be quickly decimated. Sad.
Also any bets for the new main players and the next deputy? Hunt, Cormann?
> One nation
> unironically following a bogan woman
Low class aussies are just as bad as any immigrant and you don't follow a party led by a woman
I wage KEKED hard today user, I needed something to help me with the drive home. But it's okay, I only have a 5 hour shift tomorrow and I start at 1pm.
Why hasn’t May been cooked yet, cunt? Take a leaf out of our book and curb stomp your leader lad.
>muh debt and deficit
triples it
>muh leadership instability
fucks up even harder
Fucking hilarious that history is going to have Gillard as the only competent one of these clowns in the first 20 years of this century.
>Supporting the cunt who backstabbed Tones
>Supporting the cunt who doesn't support giving asylum to white South African farmers
>Supporting when of the leaders of the left wing faction of the Liberal Party
Might as well vote Labor
>10% habitable
>The """lucky""" country
legit real talk bruthas, onto some real shit.
fucken asked sum kunt for a fuckn lighter today
all fucking dark cunts everywhere fuxk oath aye
whers my rights cunt
I worked in a different department for two days so it's helped to break up the week. I still want to go the fuck home though.
medical degree, lol yeah I spelled it wrong sorry xd
Thats what I was thinking but I would basically sacrifice my life if I actually said that in class lol, i fuckin hate them I was so pissed off after that class
What do you do for work m8?
>Windsor pissing Barnaby fucked him and beat him in an election in New England
>Barnaby literally had an interview today.
Tony Windsor is an old senile dickhead
>One Nation
>Not being a Jew wearing a Wojak mask
Where is Palmer United user?
just wipe my ass with my ballot paper desu
>ou press is already one of the most heavily censored and controlled in the world with every single paper and tv network without exception repeating the same narrative
Complete delusion
Frydenberg. He'll probably be the only prominent frontbencher left who hasn't quit parliament or lost their seat at the election.
Is it really that hard to copy the OP user?
Looks full to me.
>bogans are as bad as ape-x gang members
latte sipper detected
How ironic, the only loyal bloke is the (((Jew)))
how is Dutton like Trump? Trump has money, charisma, is good on camera/isn't creepy. He attacks like a pitbull and has invented his own political language. Dutton's just a ex-bent qld copper with Abbott's hand up his arse.
can we get 20 PMs within the 2 decade
Sucks about some of her positions but I’m not conservative anyways. I prefer moderates than retarded boomers like Dutton. She has been a deputy for 10 years, at least he has experience in a similar role and being a statesman. She’s not going to personally fuck up immigration positions anyways, they’re most likely to be pretty right wing regardless of who makes it tomorrow.
make it a national sport
desu I don't hate Frydenberg, he's a decently competent minister that uses jew sorcery to avoid any controversy, a nimble navigator but he isn't ambitious and I think he will just lean whatever way his bosses tell him to.
bogans are supporters of gibs, lgbt, socialism and multiculturalism. funny thing is a bogan is more likely to race mix than a melbourne latte sipper
Work for a supermarket cleaning the joint, got a new manager and his being kind of a dickhead, I see my roster for this week and he wants me and others on to clean fridge doors and take a photo of it and send it to him, like who the fuck does this?
Maybe he is seeing who he can sack. Not sure.
We have an absolute legend in our parliament who actually understands the problems with our country. He really needs more support especially from people on Jow Forums who you'd think would get behind him. He's an actual liberal who believes in liberty above all else. His ideas are way beyond the current progressive vs conservative trash debate you see day to day. So much so that he confuses the average Australian because in this country we don't actually understand liberalism. People think it just means being a tranny etc. It's ironic that liberals or "progressives" or whatever, vote for parties like the greens whose ideas are bigger government to police thought.
Have a bigger version, user.
you'll never dilute your genes though will ya dawg ;)))))
Shorten v Bishop who wins?
The only reason why Julie Bishop is in the Liberal Party instead of Labor is because she wants lower taxes for her and her rich friends, she's socially leftist, might as well just vote Labor
So Cory Bernardi?
I'm tossing up between based Lyonhelm (I know there's a "j" in there somewhere, but can't be bothered to google it) and based Corey Bernadi.
Still unsure tbqh.
Shouldn't Shorten just stand aside and allow female representation for the good of the nation?
Corey Bernardi is just the false flag conservative bogeyman.
The threads come thick and fast in this ancient l&
Seems like a strange thing to do. Ask him why he wants photos of the doors.
if you'd ever met a saffer guaranteed you wouldn't want them in your country regardless of colour
Thats because everyone in Melbourne is chemically castrated they would mix if they could
Because it worked so well for Labour...
>bogans are supporters of gibs, lgbt, socialism and multiculturalism
Here in Queensland it seems like bogans oppose all those, perhaps apart from gibs.
yes but Aussies have proper nat parties, and no one votes for them, they just WANT to die out. I don't get it.
Looking back, Gillard was probably the best PM out of her, Rudd, Turnbull and Abbott.
>Low Taxes
>Small Government
>Individual responsibility
LDP is the smart vote
>Id wager that EASILY 70% of Australians absolutely hate trump.
you watch too much commercial TV m8
most people like him or are indifferent except vocal lefties
after all we need a compassionate woman's touch to heal our divided nation, not another (eurgh) white male in the most privileged position in Australia
this user gets it
>she's socially leftist
So am I.
Maybe user, but he is a poo in the loo and I'm not on good terms with him (Missed one shift and he wasn't happy about it, was a communication issue).
I think he wants to see who is actually competent and who isn't and will probably give less shifts to those less competent.
LDP are a shit party, on paper they just mirror the liberal party but are more socially liberal, more lax on immigration but muh guns though right? Just vote shooters, also David is a funny guy but all of the other candidates are furries and post on reddit.
PHON is only popular on immigration, Pauline should stop attempting to position herself as multifaceted and talented leader across the board.
Not even aware of Australia First Party, you must be from some backwater state or territory.
Exactly. Why in the fuck is political drama headline news all the time? The government shuts down and society keeps on keeping on. The economy is built by people not the government.
Socially left economically right describes like, the vast majority of the country
it is after all almost 2019 and people still want white males like Shorten in charge of our uterus
You'll regret that friend, we're gonna dump all our nuclear waste and test bombs there. Enjoy getting raped by a three legged abbo
We post on Jow Forums, not reddit.
One nation are retards but otherwise good.
>vast majority of the country
Try other way retard
Fun fact about the LDP, I created graphics for an election (I think it was 2014), I got invited to the liberal democrats graphic design group and started well photoshoping campaign stuff. The head of the Victorian LDP party was a Jew.
More like socially left and economically illiterate
Their policies are good, it's just proposed by bogans who can't string a coherent sentence together.
Still vote-worthy tbqh.
Lionhelm's also like all other Libertarians in that he's a huge pissweak glass jaw and hypocrite who votes against his supposed principles all the time and suddenly loses his belief that people need to harden up and not be offended when the tables turn on him
Powerful speech:
Except for flood in India part, that's purely for hygiene purpose.
More like politically and economically illiterate.
You're a huge idiot living in an echo chamber if you think otherwise.
The empty bits are full of emus
Maybe, still not saying much. Shiniest turd situation.
Tumblr is that way ↷↷↷
A Jew supporting no taxes, social degeneration and cheap imported labor. Shocking.
Australia has always been hugely unionized, and believe in big gubment. We have always been anti-immigrant, and still are this is now considered "right-wing".
He uh also got me to lie in the graphics that I created (He told me what the message should be).