Took a DNA test along with some recent contact with a long lost side of my family and it turns out I’m 25% Slav. Not just Slav, but Balkan Slav. Not just Balkan Slav, but the meme country.
So now Id like to know more about who Slavs actually are and know their history in depth. However, I don’t speak any of the Slavic languages. Thankfully, Google translate is pretty good now. What are some top tier sources for the “true” history of the various Slavic peoples?
The reason I ask is that I’ve come across many comments on Youtube vids that appear to cast serious doubt on the current model and say it’s Western and lies. Ok, but what’s the truth that’s not Communist propaganda and revisionism. Some of them go so far as to assert south Slav people’s arent even Slavs, but only speak a Slavic language...that they are the original inhabitants...not just Macedonians like you would expect, but I’ve heard that from Bulgarians too about Bulgaria. I’m sure there are tons of great resources that are untranslated.
So who were the Slavs? What tribes went where? We’re they always there? What were their characteristics and heroes? How far does the history go back, even if oral? Can you give me a comprehensive brain download on who the Slavs are/were? Thanks senpai.
i'm not aware of any info dump, prob best to start on wikipedia could also try and
Isaac James
Slav means you belong to the Mongoloid Race.
Here you can measure your head to see for yourself.
Slavs are Slaves like the word implies, throughout history they've been sold as goods on western and Asian markets. Raped a thousand times over by different Turkic, Iranic and Mongolic invaders.
The eastern portion of "South Slavs" are Slavs by virtue of being out-fucked. Their languages are pretty skewed with old Bulgarian influence, and feature stuff like the definite article, which is not a common Slav thing.
Good luck on finding out what the true history of Slavs is. First, the Slavs themselves destroyed much original culture and writing during the Christianization effort. Then a lot of Slavic history got burned in the Catholic-v-Protestant feuds. Final nail in the coffin: 19th-century nation-revivers fabricated a lot of bullshit to fill in the lost pieces. We don't even know what's a larp and what's the truth anymore. Only Perun is confirmed beyond doubt.
Slavic historians today continue to fuck the dead-dead corpse of Slavic national history in the hopes of exonerating and redeeming their concrete sub-nation as not-Slavs (like the "germanic" Slovenians, "old Bulgarian" Bulgarians, "imperial multiethnic state" Russians, etc.)