Are MGTOW Incels?

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No, volcels

Incels are desperate for female attention, MGTOWs avoid it like the plague



Some are incels and some aren't. Either way it doesn't matter since they're not going after women.

Basically its better than being a desperate pussy begging simp.


work it out

MGTOW aren't incels, they are literally "promiscuity is justified because women are just as shitty too"
It's fighting fire with gasoline

no, but most are incels in denial

Not really. Women want to 'turn' MGTOWs. It's a challenge for them. They don't give a fuck about Incels outside if wishing they'd die.

I honestly thing MGTOW is actually a strategy for sub-Chads to get laid more easily. An intellectualized version of playing hard to get.

Original MGTOWs are divorcees, so by definition, no.

Voluntarily celebate


Exactly, I find most mgtow come from shitty relationships, theyve had their fill of women and want nothing to do with it anymore

what the fuck is this?

MGTOW has agency, incel is just victimhood

Next retarded question plebbit

>7/10 to 8/10 facial aesthetics
>Under 6'1"
>'average' sized penis

the definition is not wanting mariage/long term relationship
bigger percent of young westerners are mgtow than no

wew kinda true. Playing princess.


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