The genocide and land grabs of the Afrikaners is a racist conspiracy theory goyim

>Trump is referring to a virulent, racist conspiracy theory that has been a pet cause of hardcore white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the alt-right for several years

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Other urls found in this thread:

The government literally said they were going to take land without compensation from white people. How are these Jews allowed to say such blatant lies?

Donald Trump is a Nazi and you incels should kill yourselves.

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Nobody wants to talk about this, but who else hates when you sit down for a pee and it just streams right into your ball sac then runs down to the bottom and drips off? I'm sick of having to wipe my balls like a girl every time I go pee. Have you guys found a solution for this yet?

It's a conspiracy theory? Why did you lie to ne Jow Forums?

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We need to start offing journalists

>Vox has no comment section

So I just gave them a hit for nothing, use pastebin you stupid nigger.

Ever since I started posting "Fuck Drumfp" my dick has gotten big enough to not piss on my own balls, my erections also last longer and my credit score went up.

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>no evidence

What about the literal president asking for the literal appropriation of white-specific farmlands or him implying killing white farmers is going to happen?

You've been reported to the Canadian Union of National Tolerants for thoughts of preserving your race and/or country.

The end is so telling:
>whether or not it's actually true is irrelevant

I am the president of that union.

Its not a theory the SA government has already announced they will take the land without compensation. There is good news all of those displaced Whites will be offered Amnesty in the US. That is nearly a 1M of legal immigrants now all loyal to Trump and the Republican party.....

>White Genocide in SA is a racist conspiracy theory you racist bigot xenophobe transphone neo-Nazi!
>Black SA President openly sings a song advocating for White Genocide


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Thanks for sending in my job application

He literally sings about it and advocates for killing Whites

Attached: CHADROO.png (504x804, 456K)

Second amendment
You can say whatever the fuck you want
except if you are sponsored in any capacity by the federal government or a private entity that has your balls in it pockets through a contract you signed

how is the law of the land a crazy conspiracy theory?

someone tweet this video at the mentally ill cunt @jenn_ruth

I want to see what kind of cognitive dissonance she will resort to
I'm guessing
>He doesn't mean it you racist, it's their culture and tradition to protest apartheid

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he obviously meant to do it in dota

Anything that goes against the liberal narrative is a conspiracy, including reality itself.

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This is "It's OK to be white" all over again. Let them continue digging their own hole.

you want CIA, fren

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just retweet or link them on twitter the link to that statement of the the SA dictator and ask them how is he wrong?



>conspiracy theory
How? There is evidence.

*in Minecraft



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>no funny tabs

>raising awareness about south africa is now white supremacy

Attached: liberals and south africa.jpg (480x566, 55K)
Thats actually a raindance

lost at the DUI graph
its a good pic but that shit just destroys the message

but nazis dont kill themselves, they kill you

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But that's not genocide.

This. Hope to god this happens.

those people should be deported into the midst of some genocidal black militia

>30+ posts
>no one has posted the text or screencaps

Get your shit together, Jow Forums.

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so we can send back all spics now or what

>white genocide isn't real
>but when it happens, whites deserve it

Makes you wonder what else the jews call a conspiracy theory.

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We're not US or UK, we can start and think whatever the fuck we want. Our best preservation tool was to pass a hate speech law that amounts to a 400$ fine instead of prison

it is dispossession of a people with the intent of destroying them and/or their culture in part or total. This si the definition of genocide. Why do think the same have a claim to reparations?

Fuck off rabbi.

>comma explained
Writing under any headline that does this should get you on a list.

How/why does that stat trigger you? American blacks are less likely to have cars, and American Hispanics have a culture of drinking heabily at every possible get together down to childrens birthday parties.

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>white people living on remote farms have the same murder rate at the hands of blacks as blacks living in tightly packed ghettos


Modern Leftism is literally a mind virus.

>t. former leftist that got better

Yeah, their publicly stated policy is a 'conspiracy theory'. And to think these media maggots don't understand why people hate them so much.

I would for an airplane ticket for this cunts to Johannesburg, lets so how much they deserve being killed.

It's name is the femin virus.

Like fucking clockwork.

Thing is, while the fringes are actually guilty of exaggerating and sensationalizing (I’m looking at you Jan Lamprecht and Steve Hofemeyr), the reality of ANC policy and what the stated aims of groups like the BLF are are worrying enough by themselves.

Any one of us here can (((Google))) the South African Institute of Race Relations and other well-reputed relatively independent sources of information and see what is actually going on which is bad enough.

To suggest that simply because full on racial genocide isn’t happening right now that somehow noticing thousands of farmers being murdered often using incredibly brutal methods and that ANC land policy of expropriating land for pennies on the dollar and hoping that this doesn’t have a domino effect on land prices, banks that lend to rural enterprises etc. bodes ill for the future somehow “makes you a Nazi” surely seems deranged even to the average normie. This doesn’t seem like a good tactic for the media and the left to take. Switch tactics guys.



Even going as far as to use the "white supremacists" card. It didn't work for CNN it won't work now.

This will all cumulate to a white ethnostate in South Afrika with tens of millions of armed supporters ready to reconquer the new colonies

after reading that article again, which is literally
>lol whites getting killed
>racist bigot

that the only solution for libshits is helicopter rides

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Your PM doesn't even let you faggots put out your own forest fires. Tuck your dick between your legs and slink off.

once the videos start coming out things will be different. the fire rises.

You mean the first amendment..

that is after you add the rest of the white population to water down the homicide rate of white farmers, it is much higher than that for boers

Not all whites are farmers, and neither is farming some core part of white culture. Was it also genocide when the French Republic seized lands from the church and the aristocrats?

The joke flew over your head and crashed into a trade center.

>pfffffflllllffffffll ff-f-f-f-llllll-ffffffff pfflfff

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>This Goy spoke of this very subject!!!!

This Fucker is on point!!!
Why doesnt he have more exposure?
>mix sam hydes comedy with GloomTubes happenings, multiplied by Molymemes philosophy/mind and Mel Gibsons love for JewCrushing and God....
Now all that crossed with posidan style news and music.

>strategically names the jew
>targets Satanist elites
>hates zionists
>lots of deep redpills that jog your mind
>every episode of his live streams have DINDU news or other rapefugee anti white news to wake up the normies
>good music
>posidan shouts him out
>names the A.I. nigger tech

Live 1/2

Live 2/2

>CHN for the win

Thehundredth monkey effectis a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea...
>But did you know its BASED

Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities...
>give up on 60+ year olds , maybe 50

The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked

>reason for slide theads!
They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND
>dumbing down society is reverse 100th monkey effect

Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece


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Dead journalists when.

Yup. All that's happening now is that brainless fucked that couldn't point to South Africa on a map are going to now be aware of it, and pretty quickly see past the bullshit.
Sure, there's plenty that'll gladly eat it up, but effectively in this case, ignorance is a point for their side. So every person that discovers what's happening and is upset is one they lost.

Wonder how they'll explain away South Africa's status as a failed state in 20 years. Apartheid was bad guys, even if niggers crashed the country with no survivors and proved those evil racists 100% right, now get back to racemixing and taking hormone pills.

That was the endgame of Apartheid. They wanted a two state solution, but they had to get the blacks to a point of economic stability in order for it to work or they'd need to build a wall around their whole country to keep immigrants out. They never got there because of global sanctions and trade embargos. Whites aren't allowed their own spaces.

BTW, if you want good information about what is happening over there, the normie South African media is actually not bad, while the far right will argue it’s sanitized, Naspers’ news24, etc. all cover views and news that often go unnoticed overseas.

Someone should put quotes made by black South African politicians on pictures of Hitler (replacing "white" with "jews") and spam them on shitter.

Sorry mang, my dick hangs way too low for that to happen.

The day is finally coming, isn't it?

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"We are not calling for the slaughter of white people...for now."

The more the merrier kek

Should include population graph of black/hispanic/white as well to highlight the issue.

"Boer" is literally Dutch/Afrikaans for farmer. The forceful land appropriation is entirely racially motivated. Members of this ethnic group will be either displaced from their homes or murdered by government policy because of their ethnicity.

kek at ending the article with

> Whether or not it’s actually true is irrelevant.

Vox is amazing

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Its in moment like these that I fail to differ fingolians from gooks

I’m going to guess Jenny never learned about the Haitian revolution in school.

>his doesn’t seem like a good tactic for the media and the left to take.

they long have abandoned "good tactics".
With the trump election they have become totally unhinged, showing their true ugly face. This is actually a good thing as it puts off any sane people that are not brainwashed liberals.

It’s not like the president sang songs about killing boers, OH Wait! He did

Bless our emperor for picking the best time to start this fire.

What if Trump retweeted that video, holy shit.

Toothpaste education

MSNBC says it's a racist conspiracy theory at 0:45. These kikes are pissing me off.

Article says Lauren Southern is still making her documentary... its been our for like 2 months. Are they afraid of Farmlands? Should we be pushing Tradthot's movie on the normies?

Well yeah. If you don't accept the axioms that white people can have their property confiscated and be forced out of their homes or killed if the rest of the continent is home to a larger racial group, and that white countries are obligated to let brown people into their countries and get jobs and citizenship, you are the most reprehensible scum alive.

>nazis don't kill themselves
>picture of Hitler


SA’s president not ours.


So if Spain Genocided africans the africans would deserve it?

lol liberal deletes a post on an anonymous message board. The absolute state of these cucks.
President Zumba singing kill the boer
Everyone should email them this video and pictures of slaughtered white farmers.

Yes. She's a disgusting racemixing whore, but at least she did one good thing which is that documentary

I meant zuma, damn auto correct

It's a good thing that Zuma isn't the president anymore, isn't it? No need to worry about genocide anymore, right?

That’s right goyim, no worries

This makes my blood boil.

Implying the food shortages caused by investors leaving, not that the land expropriations were fundamentally fucking stupid from the start. If only, if only those investors hadn't fled, then blacks would be able to work the land just as efficiently as whites had before!

God why do we keep oppressing the poor blacks so?

>Government supports terrorist death squads and randomly steals vast swaths of property

we still have Apartheid, it's called Israel.

and yes, they have a wall around the country.

white privilege is a conspiracy theory