IT'S HAPPENING: South Africa's Balls Drop

The general gist of this is that the ANC government publicly acknowledged the actions taken over the prior several weeks. (This is concerning the land "repossessions".) Amidst everyone calling our president a "literal Nazi", South Africa threatened him.

The hype builds further.

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This fat fuck ate so many fried chicken wings that his stomach doesn't allow him to bow anyway and even if he did bow he would backstab you like the dumb niggee he is.

They are scared that outside nations are going to suck away the people who know how to farm. I want south african farmers here, if they feel so inclined to come. New ideas and new people.

erik prince could secure south africa in two weeks

Come home, white men.

Let the niggers starve in their own shit and piss.

Eric Prince couldn’t secure anything past the green zone in Iraq.

Julius is unrealistic. His words are nothing more than fever dreams.

Imagine if Hitler said that.

“Leaven Germany alone American schvine, zis is ein domesticish issue”

and when we cut aid and put sanctions all these lib fags will cry about muh economic warfare like in venezeuala. as if we are morally obligated to prop up these shitholes that hate us.

Well now he just guaranteed US involvement.
You don’t fuck with the Trump and get away with it. What other leader has insulted trump and gotten away with it? Oooohhoho no non no no this gone b gud

They literally have a dozen failed states before them that all went down in a similar fashion. Oh, but THIS TIME will be different. They say doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Really, it is the definition of a nigger.

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We'd march right in.


Fuck I didn't want a full on war with south Africa to absolute btfo the whole country..... but this nig is gon b bendin dat nee son

>domestic issues

but I thought nothing was happening over there

What an utterly negro-boomer thing to say. Bomb the fuck out of them yanks, and import the white safas to help your demographic outlook.

Do some research.

SA is about to learn the hard way that nobody does business with a thief.

Wonder if they'll be kneeling when they get hit with economic sanctions like the Turks. About fucking time our foreign policy recognized economic incentives include sticks, not just carrots.

If I was a smart African el presidente I'd let it known I'd welcome the whites in and encourage them to settle in my country and bring their skills with them.

If I was a smart South African white I'd take up the deal, go there, get money then fucking book it out of Africa.

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Trump is just using the persecution of whites as a casus beli to wage war in South Africa to secure its mineral deposits to prevent the Chinese from procuring them

You can look forward to a long series of proxy wars in the coming decades between the Chinese and the united States over minerals and resources, it is amazing that it hasn't started already. Africa may very well be ground zero for the third world war

Get the whites out and then let them starve and murder each other with dignity like the proud kings they are.

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If you as a nation is not afraid of America, you are retarded.

POTUS is starting to talk about it so medias can't stay silent about it. The fire rises.

What an absolute shit hole

Not with US military rules of engagement
Would be different if Trump gives him complete freedom

They're not afraid of that at all. Theyre trying to kill everyone who can farm atm. What theyre afraid of is those people escaping

My bretheren

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Is america going to colonize south africa in my lifetime?

Silly uppity nigger. Everyone kneels to Americans.

It's all ok though. Once they persecute and murder the white farmers, and start to starve to death, white western nations will bail them out.
And if you dare pipe up with facts about how this is all their fault, you'll be branded as a hateful racist.

I'll never, ever understand how niggers came to be such sacred cows in the west. There are tons of ((reasons))....however, anyone who fucking pays attention should see the trend and the truth.

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Ding ding ding also checked.

If Trump is as smart as his supporters claim, then he's got the golden opportunity to force them down a road where they can't win- openly defending these actions

so a nigger pushing white genocide tells the US President to 'fuck off'?

not surprised in the least

The Pentagon is way ahead of you

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>Biting the hand that literally feeds you

At some point you just deserve to starve.

5 months later....



No the German Diaspora will. Take the Siener Van Rensburg pill.

Finally a fucking war I can get behind.

kek is with us

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When whites steal land its all good.
When land is stolen from whites


Oh, I thought they were being smart and trying to retain farmers. Look at me, expecting these people to learn from history!

AFRICOM is just small spec ops stuff. Large scale conventional warfare is what is coming. The Chinese thought they would be able to just scoop up Africa with nobody paying attention but the western powers will go full blown neo imperialist to prevent it.

This, lets see if Trump calls out the low IQ nigger or goes quiet and continues being Israel's goytoy

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You can’t steal land from useless chimps
It’s not theirs as they are not human

US and Allies invasion coming to a South African shores near you... Stay tuned boys and girls.

trump should tell them dumb niggers dont come running to us when youre fucking starving for food the store is closed you fucking stupid niggers.

Whites didn't steal they built contries from nothing.

The only native inhabitants of South Africa were almost exterminated by other African tribes and are still discriminated against by other Africans to this day.
Most of South Africa was uninhabited until whites came and built it up then migrants from the North came down for gibs.

> South Africans
>Saving whites

>If I was a smart African el presidente I'd let it known I'd welcome the whites in and encourage them to settle in my country and bring their skills with them.

Zambia have already done that with the rhodesians, it's working well for them

Trump has no ability to do anything about this

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Didn't you know that they get their food from the market and NOT from some racist white farmers!

He is just talking about it to try to rally his far right base before elections. He will do nothing.

USA should cleanse Africa, make it ours.
No longer will the white race only be 7% of the world's population.
Show them what a real evil white man does.
A real white racist would not be so kind d as to feed the stupid sub human sub IQ niggers. We'd just cleanse Africa of them and be done with it. Africa has minerals and oil and good farmland.
But being nice white people who's biggest weakness is empathy and compassion we fed them.
We'll just stand back and watch their culture lead to their starvation again. Just like Zimbabwe.

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Sorry, I mean
>America and allies
>Saving whites

I've read. In my opinion while i get it's hard giving up what you worked on the white farmers need to just GTFO instead of fighting to keep their lands risking their lives. Other countries will gladly use their expertise and South Africa deserves to rot.

The secretary of state is closely following this on Donald's orders. She might be talking to AFRICOM by now.

Think he was being snide

Learn to farm nigger.

Let's see what they say when they ll be Zimbawe 2.0

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Niggers talking shit is always funny

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the Bantu, who make up the vast majority of blacks in SA, were not native to SA
they Khoisan and another tribe related to Khoisan were there and they had amicable relations with the white settlers
The Bantu moved into SA when they found out what the whites were doing and were jealous of the Khoisan and proceeded to start murdering the khoisan so they coukd have the elevated status, but the settlers knew what they were doing and starting warring with them, then apartheid to keep the nurdering fucks in check
don't speak about shit you have absolutely no knowledge of

Do the whole continent Donny.

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> The President of the US has no ability to do anything about this
> What are sanctions
> What is denying aid money

how are the parts that were barely touched from all that?

Odd, I wonder if they had the same opinion during apartheid?

They're scared we're going to prevent them from creating a haitian-tier utopia

goddamn we have so many farms here which will just go away because the farmers are all like fucking 80 years old and they have no successors...we could have a huge program to give South African whites a chance here,,,but instead we get chimp niggers and Osama bin Ladens
fuck this clown world

Ethiopia is apparently BASED

Africa is controlled by China Now
I expect China to step and and back Africa

Nuke that cunt. Teach all kaffifs a lesson they won't forget.
fact is boers as soft cocks who got dominated by the poms coz they are stupid.
if they had half a cock they would have blown up pellindaba and the one outside cape town.

The US does give substantial aid to South Africa, but most of it is for AIDS and TB programmes so it would be politically hard to withdraw

>Black Ethnostate across Africa.

Let's get those meme cannons fired up with Blaxit bullets. I think it's a perfect time for this.

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eh, someone will pay us enough to fuck em up soon, only a matter of time, i personally want to fuck some country up so please.

those idiots are going to starve again

i hope the farmers start shooting anything that approaches

Kek at the worthless leftie vermin. I know that 'building' is some kind of trigger word for your ilk, so ask in your revolutionary community circle for some plugin to filter white supremacist phrases like build, work, effort, opportunity, laws, family or values.

Change the money to vaccines. You know they're not using it for AIDS and TB.

Most of it is probably being stolen

"will be a generation that doesn't kneel to the Americans." Really fucking wish anybody here still had the balls to make him eat those words.

Know what, I just thought of a plan to solve the Cape Town water crisis! Drop a MOAB on it.

>I'll never, ever understand how niggers came to be such sacred cows in the west.
They're a wedge for the kikes. They are needed when you're a neo-bolshevik jewish marxist, but your "worker's movement" contains nobody that actually works.

Zambia, and I think Kenya in the Nairobi region are the only two that have displayed this kind of common sense. The "white people are actually useful, better not kick them out" approach is what the UAE and the oil kikes have taken, minus the white genocide phase. If I was an ex-Rhodesian, I'd be very reluctant to give any more of my working years to a nigger state though. If it happened once, it can happen again.

>Zimbawe 2.0
Or Liberia 4.0, or Haiti 7.0....

It's all so tiresome.

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Their Gubernment only welcomes ass Blck kissing and anti-wyte sentiment. Nice to know.

>USA fuck off
>USA fucks off and sanctions to pretect assets
>economy and infrastructure collapse
>Reeeeeee why did USA do this

socialist playbook.


> Purchase a shieet ton of black market weapons that are plentiful and all over Africa, the place is a giant shithole and wipe out the racist nogs that are coming for your land, the moderate nogs, and the government. Salt the Earth.

> Flee to the United States as a political refugee that is seeking asylum

Whites in South Africa have two options if I was single and I was in their shoes then war it would be... if I was married with kids, then I would flee to safety.

In a previous thread on topic, an user posted maps of China mining interests/contracts, vast majority of which were in the white farmlands. If backed by a bunch of gooks with money, i don't think this will go the same way as zimbabwe. It may go a hell of a lot worse for all involved.

he wasn't paid to secure the green zone, he was paid to destabilize and arm the terrorist groups that Israel approves of guys are open to open borders from South Africa? To save your white countyr bumpkin farmers?

You know there is no way the USA will pass a law that says only white south africans can come to the USA right?

So its either open borders for all south africans
or watch your pathetic powerless brothers and sister DIE

your move

>Don't invite people on your shows to argue there is a white genocide in South Africa
who is he tweeting to? who is making this argument? where they already planning on having them on the show? fuck this libshit heeb

Jesus, these people must have had these tweets ready to go. They must lurk here.

This is so good for Trump

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>Omg save the white farmers send them to the USA we need them

implying that all of your food doesnt come from massive corporations like Bayer-Monsanto

Hi fellow Malteser.
This is spectacular for Trump.

i remember the
the theory was the Chinese are behind the farm captures so they have access to the mineral rich lands, fucking chinks

nigger is so retarded
he would flee simply by breathing a ghost story upon him

that entire parliment needs to be jailed

Whoever arms and supplies the whites in South Africa first will own the winning horse in the coming proxy wars in the continent.

I just wanna see what happens when they realize they can't grow food now to feed the country.