Alright paycucks cough it up

alright paycucks cough it up

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FTN = Fuck The Niggers?

plz be nice to my pay frens also plz gib

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>He pays for shitty podcasts from TRS
I simply don't understand this. There is so much better Alt-Right content everywhere else you look. Content that is far more informative and intellectual. The only thing TRS has going for them is that they're good with song parodies.


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FTN is the best podcast on the alt right.

That would be Stormfront Action Radio, Stormfront Radio, and the Dr. David Duke show. 3 hours of pro-white shows, daily!

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FTN is boring as shit.

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Dukes show is great, but FTN has mass appeal.

and for this comment i will post the show

sounds like a you problem

s&m is better

>WN 1.0 podcasts
There's a reason they are free bucko

based and redpilled, I'll be a paycuck when I can afford to eat something more than rice

>There's a reason they are free bucko
because a portion of their audience doesn't have internet access. Who would want to call into a paywall show?


Cmon goys, cough it up.


maybe all the pay friends are at work. commence Sheila posting to draw them out

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you are most gracious paylord

hey a meme flag that isn’t a faggot for once. Actually surprised