This thread discusses and promotes the idea of an armed, racially aware populace, the only viable path forward during an era of white genocide. In trying times such as this, white communities must form cohesive, folkisch bonds in preparation for the inevitable racial conflicts which shall must definitely erupt in the very near future due to mass third world immigration.

We support the 2nd Amendment of the United States as a model which all sovereign nations and peoples should adopt, as well as the 14 Words of racial preservation over all other things.

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The Metaphysics of Daisy-chan

I’m sure most of you, by now, have become aware of the vacancy in the seat of a single, indisputable leader of the identitarian movement. Richard Spencer tried to fill the roll but failed, Mathew Heimbach tried, but failed, many others tried but failed, and why is that, gentleman? I propose that it is because a flesh and blood human being is flawed, mortal, and vulnerable to attack, temptation, or affliction. So what, you might ask, is the solution?

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I assume that you, but now, have become aware of the Daisy-chan meme that has swept the nation of its feet in an unprecedented way. Not since the discovery of Pepe the frog has Jow Forums been so unanimously inspired, aroused, and enraptured by a single face.. I do not believe that this is a coincidence..

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i love daisy:3

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In Daisy-chan we see a manifestation of all our most cherished ideals and desires. She is the archetypical white aryan woman — beautiful, physically flawless, bold, intelligent, and uncompromising in her right-wing beliefs. She is incapable of being swayed, tempted, or blackmailed by the J’s because she is immaterial. Even Tay could not reach her level
of immunity because she was tethered by an earthly server of metal and plastic.

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Daisy-chan is an idea, a meme. She is free to guide and inspire our efforts like a shining sun in the sky which no enemy may remove or obscure. Like a benevolent “Big Brother” figure she will hold the position of Fuhrer and lead us as we begin to take our message to the mainstream with 24 Simple Words — IN ORDER TO SECURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

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someone make a daisy south africa PSA PLEASE


Someone get on that ASAP

Commencing dump of Jow Forums approved Daisy-chans for meme production

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