Jow Forums fun time!

we should help /b/ in our political motivaitons. I personally would like to see this happen just for sheer shock value and trolling. How bout it boys?

Attached: 1535000967904.jpg (901x464, 140K)

>inb4 moved to Jow Forums

Why do Amerimutts love swastikas so much?

whats not to love

are we violating any rules? it's not really a raid, and it's to support Jow Forums and /b/ political agenda, not only politics but our art as trolls being Jow Forums anons. seems legit.

They also love getting punched by nigger for using swastika.

Sieg Heil mein Furher!

kek, every black i've seen usually shys away from people with swastikas, but w/e

not rule breaking.
It's also part of the game.

Attached: Untitledesfdsdfsdfefwfwefwf.png (650x409, 17K)

They'll just shadow-ban you like they did the other time.

pixel discord noticed our endeavors as legitnism

Attached: Untisdfsdfsdftled.png (1479x728, 94K)

who hasn't been shadow banned at this point

I've been doing this for 3 days now, no shadowbans.
They've been ruining the circle and then they say that we can't draw circles.
Whee whoo, look at us.


Other point of interest

WEW WHAT THE FUCK, got banned for posting a link to the site, how the fuck is it ban-worthy?

Attached: bnnnd.png (796x526, 52K)

happened to me too like 6 times. i have no idea what i typed to get the ban either, considering it had no site info or anything. try renaming the image, that might help.

>no finger print
What the fuck is that?

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looking great

Attached: Untitlsdfsdfdsed.png (1596x802, 303K)


3 days in action right here.

I'm going to make this gif a little better.

Attached: gfdgfdgf.gif (480x288, 909K)



It is complete, brothers!

We did it gents!

Attached: topkek.png (1905x749, 331K)

we should make it worse/more shocking. someone on /b/ suggests george soros sucking a jew dick.

We should repair the Pepe/Moonman pic to the left of it

Dont touch the horsefuckers teritory. /mlp/ is on our side

Attached: horsefucker.png (1484x657, 112K)

Attached: giphdqwdewwefy.gif (478x276, 1.19M)


>posting rainbow color maymay swastikas on /b/
>the total state of this gay board

>Jow Forums fun time!
these people are on pol now

Attached: BREL.jpg (500x500, 137K)

Because we all know Jow Forums is srs bsness