Trump's brain on (((fox news)))
The part of the South African government that is all about this bullshit "rejected" it.
The people subjected to it did not.
That report even says farmers are no more likely to be killed in SA than anybody else, you have to be worse than retarded to believe this. I think even the guys doing the actual *murders* don't dispute this.
The BBC is propaganda at this point, I hope it gets chopped into ounce sized bits and served to Rupert Murdoch on little plates.
Trump: "I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”
So Trump basically said those farmer murder rumors must investigate and make sure they are not true.
I don't think that would hurt no one.
> China rejects UN resolution about Muslim concentration camp cities
Wtf they’re obviously lying to protect their regime!
> trump says he’s going to check out the whole killing farmers thing because the government literally changed the constitution publically to start taking land owned by white people
WTF he’s obviously lying to protect his regime!
It hurts the feelings that blacks would not be given the benefit of a doubt in all things
Good. Once the whites are obliterated countless niggers will starve to death. Can't wait : )
>the black government genociding it's white citizens denies that genocide is occuring
imajun muh shawk
Like sweden rejected his tweet about no go zones?
oh look, the US president being a retard, again