>A new safe seχ guide for the LGBTQIA community includes the term “front hole” as an alternative to “νagina.”

>The health website Healthline, along with the Gay, Lesbiαn and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and Advocates for Youth, has published the LGBTQIA Safe Seχ Guide, which expands current safe seχ terminology.

>“Traditional safe seχ guides are often structured in a way that presumes everyone’s gender (male/female/nonbinary/trans) is the same as the seχ they were assigned at birth (male/female/interseχ or differences in seχual development),” reads a statement on Healthline. “These guides also often unnecessarily gender body parts as being ‘male parts’ and ‘female parts’ and refer to ‘seχ with women’ or ‘seχ with men,’ excluding those who identify as nonbinary. Many individuals don’t see body parts as having a gender — people have a gender. …

>“For the purposes of this guide, we’ve chosen to include alternative words for readers to use for their geηitals,” the statement continues. “For example, some trans men choose to use the words ‘front hole’ or ‘internal geηital’ instead of ‘νagina.’ Alternatively, some trans women may say ‘strapless’ or ‘girl d***’ for peηis. This usage is meant for one-on-one communication with trusted persons, such as your doctor or partner, not for broad discussion.”

>The term “front hole” was recommended in a November study of 10 transgender men published in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. The study identified cultural and logistical barriers to the reproductive needs of transgender men, who for example get pregnant and give birth, and, as a result, face discrimination.

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American culture at its finest.

Vagina no more.

The gays have won!

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Our culture died after Obama destroyed it. The same is happening all over the West.

Ok, this is epic.

roasties and their front holes btfo

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My front hole is itchy

Why is the X weird?

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it's a glyph that apparently faggots use

also, daily reminder that biological sex is eternal and predates the human species itself

you can't just wish it away with hormone supplements, women's clothes, electrolysis, and castration

Get off this board, your messages lower everyone's IQ.

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Am I the only one who's bothered by this shit?

Even if you were to accept this “enbie” crap, that would mean doing away with man and woman or more so masculine and feminine and not male and female. Man and woman are at least somewhat culturally influenced definitions but male and female are basic taxonomic categories of any sexually dimorphic species. That’s why “feminine penis” is a thing.

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Don't worry about, the "front hole" concept came off this board KEK

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Well that does it, it is called a front hole from now on. Take note Jow Forums

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Is my peepee hole not also a front hole?

>cuts dick off... complains of cultural and logistical barriers to "reproductive needs"
What in the actual fuck

She's definitely right about the dehumanizing part which is why I'm on the front hole bandwagon.

You shouldn't try to biology with Marxist retards. Biology is but yet another set of words written down by culturally privileged white men.

>the front hole monologues

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>Many individuals don’t see body parts as having a gender
This opinion is problematic as it implies it's possible for trans women to have penises which are not feminine.

>Front hole hats

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Fuck you leaf, you're going straight to hell with us.

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What made-up bullshit is QIA?

>WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH the life available to me that is the result of Heterosexual reproduction since forever still can't support my fetish and vain arrogance WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH IT'S NOT FAIR I'M ABOVE NATURE, GOD, AND HISTORY WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Fags and Trannies everywhere

i want to put these freaks in a front hole in the ground six feet deep.

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No it didn't you lying cunt.

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It’s pronounced like “key.” Some say “kai” but it means the same thing.

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Plus, isn't this inherently transphobic?
If male and female don't exist, then aren't you implying a trans person can't accomplish their goal of transitioning, as there's nothing to transition to?

this is incredibly insensitive to people like myself who have severe spina bifida. i am permanently locked in a contorted state, and my life is an absolute hell because of it. my vagina is in the back. it is my back hole. not all holes are in the same spot on everyone you absolute fucking nazis. i almost farted out my coffee when i read this.

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Id take a guess at Queer, Intersex, and Asexual. Asexuality because the lack of sexuality is a sexuality, but the lack of Theism/Religion isn't a Theistic/Religious viewpoint.

Well technically a man's gaping artificial orifice is not a vagina. I agree with this new labeling.

God fucking damnit USA.
Instead of waging a war on drugs against Latinos and niggers, you should wage the war on your tap water system and food industry instead since it seems to be more contaminated with drugs than the entirety of South and Central America combined.

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>Front hole is a term often used
>often used

I'm fucking sure.

Based. Even they realize it's not a real vagina.

Next up: Top hole will mean mouth.

But none of this is meant to be psycho sexual goy. Even though the top hole(s) are actually the ear holes. They don't count because a cut cock doesn't fit inside.

And that fact hurt them so much they outlawed the term vagina.
These people are insane.



Yeah it’s pretty biologically essentialist, which while being a real thing, is contrary to what these people espouse. You can’t expect logic from the insane I suppose.
Why would you go through a horrific “gender reassignment” procedure just to get a non-working never-healing fake vagina only to call it a front hole? All of this sounds like the diary of a sex doll

We finally have the perfect retort to "asshole".

oh my my my, now THIS is an underrated post!! Add me to the screencap please : )

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Those are obviously the alpha lesbos that take testosterone and fuck each other with their giant mutant clits

Vagina isn't even the front hole, it's in the middle.

Magnus Hirschfeld was a Jew.

Do feminists know yet? The LGBTBBQs are trying to censor their vaginas, this seems like it should be a crime of the highest magnitude for them.

So are we to refer them as 'lesbialphans' or just dykes

If that's how they want it, fine. The vagina is now the front hole, and the asshole is now the Healthline.

Wait till you can call someone a bigot and it's acceptable but calling sb a faggot is bad
>oh wait

The last one is so true

Alphadykes of course