Facts don't care about your feelings, Jow Forums

Facts don't care about your feelings, Jow Forums

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All kikes belong in the oven

friendly reminder that this unprecedented witch hunt against Trump and his people is clear evidence that the powers that be don't give a fuck who you vote for

Will we ever see his tax records and if he really is connected to nambla?

Give me chaos

Oh look a kike nevertrumper being a kike nevertrumper

And this is the kike that was begging Trump to consider him to be on the Supreme Court.

Didn't he testify that Trump had nothing to do with it?

>the powers that be don't give a fuck who you vote for
If the Trump Saga has one takeaway this is it. It doesn't matter if you didn't vote for hillary, it was her fucking turn.

When it's convenient for Shapiro to pounce on Trump, he always chooses to. He's a rat.

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>using your own money to pay off a whore is not a campaign contribution
>there is no limit on how much money you can donate to your own campaign

I fucking hate Shapiro. That annoying little wheezy shit.

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I'm confused by this line of reasoning. Wouldn't it be 1000% times easier to just make it impossible for other candidates to win, than to let elections play out normally and then try to correct them after the fact?

Like your argument is that there's a vast, insurmountable conspiracy but also that they somehow also make astoundingly poor decisions but they also somehow always come out on top. Make up your mind what they actually are.

He never specified Trump though, so this squeeking jew voiced manlet clearly wrote this to spread disinformation.

Trump was the only candidate he worked for and the only person in general who fit the description of what (((Cohen))) says he did.

Look at how poorly they misjudged things in Egypt. They had to roll that one back too. Same with Brexit. They are strong, not wise.


This. And she wasted it against an incompetent orange retard who was so far behind in the polls she didn't even think about him anymore. Fuck this vapid cunt for blowing an election that was basically handed to her. All she had to do was not get investigated for obvious crimes against our Constitution.

I love Mr. Shapiro lol he REKTS Muslims and ISRAEL is so cool SJW OWNED lmao

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Based Ben

Little Been Shapiro has always been Never Trump. You can be subpeonaed but you aren't forced to testify against yourself in this country so what does it matter

Lmao on point description. Save your country tho

this thing is still alive?
burgers, I'm disappoint.

Wow a blue checkmark claiming Trump's finished?




I don't know how. No one watches his garbage. He's one of the few people out there too ugly for radio.

He still never specified Trump on that topic though

They're not supposed to name names in a court where the person they're talking about isn't there and able to defend themselves.

>Facts don't care about your feelings, Jow Forums
The Director of the FBI got in front of the entire country and admitted that Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act. Suck my balls.

>unprecedented witch hunt
literally every president since nixon has had to deal with this shit. The thing is, a talented politician just brushes this shit off like it is fucking nothing, especially when his party controls the whole government.

I think you need to accept that Trump is just not very good at his job.

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>literally every president since nixon has had to deal with this shit
on that level? prove it

because lying under oath is what gets you

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i don’t have nearly enough time to teach a fucking leaf american history

read this

The big 2 in recent years would be Reagan's Iran-Contra investigations and Clinton's 6 years of whitewater related investigations, which led to impeachment over a sex scandal (sound familiar?)

I can hit you with some legal facts.
>1st. circumstantial evidence
The he said she said argument. pointing indirectly toward someone's guilt but not conclusively proving it..
>Under duress
The threat of jail time can put someone under duress and weaken their claims. threats, violence, constraints, or other action brought to bear on someone to do something against their will or better judgment.
>You have a person giving circumstantial evidence under duress which means its nothing.

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Who would guess
((Benyamin Shitpiro)))
Would play both sides against the middle?

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benghazi was something like 3 years

Is the oven your nickname for your asshole?


the wording of "testify" in a plea agreement is disingenuous. Also, the president doesn't have to acknowledge a subpoena.

Giuliani warned about them setting a perjury trap a few weeks and this is what he meant

And to further demonstrate how incompetent Trump is, all those investigations had at least one chamber of Congress controlled by the other party. Somehow Trump has fucked himself while his party controls the whole government

He testified in front of congress that he knew nothing but now says he did. He has no proof despite “taping everything”. He purgered himself.

rudolf “truth is not truth” giuliani

god help him if the democrats win the house

nigger, it didn't matter at the start. if it did, wed have shillary.

Don't skip me senpai!

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>witch hunt
Parroting Trump's delusions I see.

The morons on here of course will attack Shapiro and not any thing he said in the tweet.

I'm not saying that an investigation on a politician is unprecedented, who would say that?
I'm saying that everyone involved in a politicians political campaign being investigated on everything they have ever done including things unrelated to what the investigation is about is unprecedented

no, it is heating appliance used to roast kikes like you

>He never specified Trump though,

>"candidate running for president"

Cohen worked for Sanders now?!

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There you go

>I'm saying that everyone involved in a politicians political campaign being investigated on everything they have ever done including things unrelated to what the investigation is about is unprecedented

Bill Clinton would like a word with you kid. Remember Whitewater? Remember ken starr?

he won't need imaginary help from sky faggots, when the army of the night rises with ropes and fire

Democrats will almost certainly win the house. Republicans will almost certainly win the Senate.

The house can impeach, but the Senate has to convict. So there probably won't be impeachment (at least initially). You'll get investigation after investigation, since the oversight committees are in the House.

He said running for federal office

you mean the investigation that focused on whitewater alone and nothing else?

>literally every president since nixon has had to deal with this shit.
>especially when his party controls the whole government.

Now and try outside of your box for one second dearie. Let's examine these two statements.

>Every president has scandal associated with his tenure
>A president whose party controls the government should be able to brush aside scandal
Yet Trump despite being at the head of a party that should support him finds major political figures in his party supporting the ascendancy of the opposition party to spite him.

Logically does this not support the deep-state narrative?

they got timothy geithner because he misclicked on turbotax or some shit

But clearly there are plenty of people who worked high up on his campaign that aren't under investigation.

IIRC, Cohen's legal problems didn't come from the Mueller investigation


>the republicans
>Trump's party
oh you

it all supports the incompetent fuck who makes a lot of enemies narrative

The root of the investigation was political collusion and conspiracy with a foreign government, so it makes sense. It doesn't help that a lot of Trump's associates are/were shady people.

Clinton had a bunch of his supporters and aides investigated and convicted during whitewater.

Trump is the only person we know of who fits that description. Cohen's lawyer has said publicly he was referring to Trump.

Also you can just look at the charging document.

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AKA, Trump.

I don't know how much clearer it can possibly get.

>Listening to an inconsistent neocon kike
Please fuck off either your e-celebs, especially openly neocon Jewish ones. Ben Shapiro is one of the worst.

Is that really surprising when you consider the campaign that Trump ran? He was warned about Flynn and he didn't care.
Unraveling the thread of corruption often begins at the bottom where concrete crimes are commited and evidence is abundant enough for a conviction.
Flipping, the process that Trump just suggested should be illegal, is necessary to hone in on the real cause of illegal activity. Besides, what's wrong with catching a few crooks? Whatever happened to law and order?

>After Jow Forums
>Becoming a neocon kike

>subpoenas a sitting president
Lol nope

>it all supports the incompetent fuck who makes a lot of enemies narrative

So you admit then, that the government itself considers the people's candidate Donald Trump to be its enemy?
Again, does this not reinforce the Deep-State narrative?

One of the Jewiest Jews that ever Jewed.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ben Shapiro!

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They are trying to do right now with what happened to the Brexit vote. The only difference is that we have freedom of speech and the ability to defend ourselves.

Brits are forced to kneel.

You're delusional if you believe people like myself won't slaughter leftists if anything happens to Trump.

Can you imagine being this fucking delusional?
being this deep in the dumbest cult of all time?

Trump is surrounded by people pleading guilty and unbelievable levels of corruption in his entire cabinet.

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Fuck this shit. I'm with her now.

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lololol I love these chubby basement pussies.

You wont do shit you wanna be tough guy.
Great white supremacy amrcht he other day only drawing 20 people because they were scared of liberal college girls

im LOLing at your life

>Be Trump
>Pardons himself
>Liberal commit mass reeeeee
>Gets re-elected because no one cares about "muh Russians".

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>mueller tries subpoena trump
>trump fires : mueller, rosenstein, sleepy/ revokes the top clearance of every FBI weasel, declassifies every document that congress was asking for, frees Julian assange , pardons everyone caught up in this
>approval goes up ten points

>((((intellectual dark web))))

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takes a true true coward, and an ant-patriot of epic proportion to not give a shit that our biggest completion and enemy attacked our election process to elect someone that Putin wanted in.

It absolutely blows my mind that these koolaid drinking cult worshipers have somehow twisted this obvious shit in their mind

>deep state is going against trump
>here's some proof
Good job?

You cant subpenis a sitting president fucking christ

t. Deep State Bot

Benyjaimin shapiro is a good speaker. highly qualifed to opine
He has a law degree from Harvard University and was on the debate team. what have you done with your sad life?
how dare you insult Benjyamin. He is smarter than this entire site. it is attitudes like this that led to the holocaust

i am not going to dignify you by replying to your individual posts. you know who you are. your antisemetism might be popular here but it has no place in society and never will.
it anti-intellectual.

>Whatever happened to law and order?
It was proven to no longer exist in this country, when they threw the book at Scarsella for what was clearly self-defense, when the murderer of Kathryn Steinle was acquitted, when the Durham vandals had their charges dropped, and when Eric Clanton got off with probation for clubbing seven people over the head with a bike lock.

What credibility exactly does thet the system think it still has in our eyes?

Honestly, how would the whole "deep state" thing work when Trump just plain sucks at life?

This faggot got Punk'd by tranny on live TV, kek.

Yes laugh at me while I make six figures, using my money for weapons and ammunition. Tell me little lamb, what do you think your last thought will be when someone like myself penetrates your torso with a 7.62x51 round?

Because Nixon pussed out and resigned instead of weathering the shitstorm.

His reosgnation proved to the radicals that their tactics work.


People around trump are pleading guilty and going to jail.
additionally multiple people in his cabinet have been exposed with gross documented corruption.

Russia attacked our election. Russia has the opposite interests of the united states.
Now trump hasn't retaliated to the attacks, that's grounds enough for impeachment for not defending the country.
and colluding with the enemy is Traitor 101.

theres no fucking way around this.
you're in. a fucking. cult.
Wake up.


LOLOLOL Literally laughing in my office.
What a pussy

Fuck off cunt. Democrats dont get to decide who is a fucking patriot when you want to destroy every facet of this nation
Fucking die

>Sucks at life
>Lives in a literal tower in NYC
Amazing how he only really started to "suck at life" when he became president when he wasn't supposed to.

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What's it like being the coffee bitch?

>Russia attacked our election.
Russia simply exposed the corruption of the DNC.
Only the DNC should be upset about that.

Who is this milk maid?

Sorry. CNN already debunked that before the 2016 elections. They can't be hacked

And not to mention how hillary Clinton has been handled with kid gloves

And we don't care about you or neocon traitor Ben.
That's what I'm talking about. DEMAND revenge for Vegas, churches, schools and the attack on our capital 6-14-17!