A question for MGTOWS

As the need for rising white birthrates becomes ever more urgent the MGTOW movement becomes more and more of a problem.

Rather than insult or belittle you as so many critics do I would simply like to ask you what it would take for a man that has gone his own way to settle down, marry and have children.

What policies and social changes can we push for that will make life better for men?

(Full disclaimer, I am speaking as a Conservative, traditionalist woman)

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>what it would take for a man that has gone his own way to settle down, marry and have children
We will form a ring in the sand and we will each get a knife and duel to the death. If you kill me before I kill you I promise you I will marry and have children.

MGTOW are literally all incels. Women don't want to breed with them.

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Just make artificial womb if you are so worried. You won't, because you're a fucking roastie looking to score a ticket for state rape of a man.

Such "movements" are single generation at death stages of civilization. Leftist whites will perish because their society they create will be Afro-Islamic and won't tolerate them. The same goes of MGTOW, Cool Wine Aunts, Swedes, LGBTQXYZ or self sterilisation. A meme that does not in some way enhance the survival of the genes that produce it is not useful, and is in and of itself a sign of weak genes.

All whites need to do is actually play the game. To achieve this all a group needs is sufficient funding and willpower.

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remove women's rights. It is not worth it to risk losing everything in the sake of procreating and an absent father guarantees that you grandchildren will be niggers or else

>Conservative, traditionalist woman
women and politics, a classic duo

thank you for asking this question

show us your tits

MGTOW in a nutshell:
>We're all single by choice!
Yeah - every women on the planet chose not to date and marry you.

What specific rights through? I know an end to no fault divorce and reform of family courts will help but what else are you refering to?

Its the difference between incel and mgtow

There are no policies. This is about boys growing up and acting like men.

A man confronts a woman with conviction in himself. If she is not impressed by the man, he improves his character or status. If she is drawn, but her ideologies are destructive, then he is steadfast and dominates her with his will.

MGTOW is boys a response. Self-improvement and steadfastness make for hard work and it is easier to play videogames. You should not look to anyone who seriously espouses MGTOW as their guiding philosophy with pity, because it is up to them to take responsibility.

all of them. you belong in the house as a housewife and as nothing more. that is your role and it is vital. women are property.

>Just make artificial womb if you are so worried.

Children need both parents in their lives and a safe stable family environment. Artificial wombs won't change that.

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MGTOW are a self-selected group that will die out, along with self-mutilating mentally ill banshess that willingly destroy their reproductive organs.
Most, if not all MGTOW I know wouldn't get out from that mindset even if monogamy and decent behaviour was socially couraged.
They are lazy, socially awkward, and often alcoholics.
Enforcing and/or couraging them wouldn't make them less inept.

I like your answer.

Yep. And because of that they want to go on killing sprees on happy couples and schools.

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Honestly? Women would have to start aggressively rejecting feminism in mass. None of this tepid "Well, the radicals don't represent feminism" shit.

I would need to see Karen Straughan style takedowns of feminist talking points, happening daily in mainstream media, academia, popular culture and society at large for a period of at least 5 years before I even considered trust women again.

Anything short of that and y'all can die alone with your cats and rot in your shitty 1 BR apartments until the landlord finds you for all I care.

I'd be perfectly happy to not have the right to vote but things like not being able to own property or have your own bank account seem like a blueprint for disaster.

You would also have to name the Jew. They're the ones that put all this in motion. Promise to raise your daughters to be debt free, tattoo free virgins until marriage.

I'm not your property loser. I don't care about the men with mommy issues. My rights are going nowhere. I can do whatever I want and if you laid a finger on me I could get my family to beat you up.

What's in it for me to give up my rights? Logically why should I support this?

underrated and based

Tradcucks shut the fuck up. I dont want a woman in any kitchen. If I wanted I would be MRA or something.

MGTOW is literally popularised, funded and talked about by the same person that funds the media to popularise, talk about and demonize 'incels'. People have to be RETARDED not to realise its a psyop by (((them))) to get the white birth rate down

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ill self-improve, play videogames and be mgtow at the same time (fuck your responsibility). Your subversion attempts are laughable.

>nigger tier mind

It takes much more then just sticking your dick in a pussey to sustain a civilization.

Why do you need property if you have a husband who can buy or inherit property of his own?
Feminism is cancer.
not an argument

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Owning your own bank account is not a right, either.

That was retarded. Try the memeflag thing next time.

>to sustain a civilization
fuck that

thats not what i was suggesting was it though? I agree with what you are saying

What was retarded? Why do you speak cryptically and expect everyone to understand you?

So yes, your rights. Give them up. All of them, especially voting rights. Can't do that? Fuck off then.
And show tits and then gtfo.

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Artificial wombs will solve the reproduction problem.

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>Honestly? Women would have to start aggressively rejecting feminism in mass. None of this tepid "Well, the radicals don't represent feminism" shit.
Nice pipe dream m8

End no fault divorce. Outlaw post conception birth control. Outlaw abortion. Punish adultery. Enact tax policies that encourage family formation. Discourage women working. Remove women suffrage. Remove suffrage from everyone not a married male landowner with children.

Because your husband can be bad at money? Because he can leave you abuse you or die? How can you be so obtuse and naive? Do you understand that giving a person total control over you makes you less likely to escape abuse?

>What policies and social changes can we push for that will make life better for men?
Expel the anti-White Jews, and everything will fall into place. Everything. Almost overnight.

What if my husband dies? Does his property just go to the nearest male relative?

It will make it worse for half the population. You have nothing to lose from the arrangement so of course you support it.

This attitude is why this society will collapse to the point that you're just another rapesack in some negro warlord's harem. That's the future you have chosen.

Having the ability to open one if you meet the banks conditions is though.

Your basedness is checked.

you need to improve your "im acting retarded" trolling.

women would rather fuck monkeys like travis than white men


>need to rise birthrates

Change the law so that the sons go to the father. The woman doesn‘t need to pay alimony, that job as a makeup reviewer on JewTube won‘t make enough money for it anyway. Just make it so that if the separation happens and there‘s no weird shit like actual violence at home going on, the man doesn‘t lose access to his son and heir forever.

Nope. I'm looking outside now. The collapse you're thinking of is imaginary. The future I choose is having freedom and following what I want to do in life. I can't wait to get to laugh at you morons with Mommy issues. Awwww mommy treated you bad so you want to take my rights away? Fat fucking chance.

Tradcucks speaking for mgtows only makes me go mgtow even more if that is possible.

Then I'd never have kids. If you can be left with no money or career prospects or children if your husband decides to leave you you're better off not having kids at all.

It's not about "controlling" you it's about providing for you so you can fulfill your role as a mother. Women should not be concerned with money or land or property and are not designed to do so. This is the science of the sexes. Males and females have roles in this world necessary to the functioning of human life. We are not separate from animals nor are we immune to mistakes that disallow us to thrive and continue to reproduce
yes, this is why he sets out a will if he doesn't have any sons. very simple
sure but my point is you shouldn't have to worry about things like that.
im not trolling so fuck off retard.

women have more freedom as housewives. they are free from being pressured into highly stressful work environments they are not biologically designed to thrive in

>Nope. I'm looking outside now. The collapse you're thinking of is imaginary. The future I choose is having freedom and following what I want to do in life. I can't wait to get to laugh at you morons with Mommy issues. Awwww mommy treated you bad so you want to take my rights away? Fat fucking chance.
All great. But you can't do that with anti-White Jews running our countries. Expel the Jews, and everything goes back to the way it should be.

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Women not having rights would improve their state as well as the state of society immeasurably. It worked fine this way for FUCKING MILLENNIA. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DOING THIS.

And reading red pilled literature makes me more feminist. The more I swallow the red pill the more I prize my own rights.

>All great. But you can't do that with anti-White Jews running our countries. Expel the Jews, and everything goes back to the way it should be.
All great. But you can't do that with anti-White Jews running our countries. Expel the Jews, and everything goes back to the way it should be.

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>what are artificial wombs

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>im not trolling so fuck off retard
then you are simply retarded

>highly stressful work environments they are not biologically designed to thrive in
Only people who have serf ancestors from (((medieval christianity))) are biologically designed to thrive in these enviroments. And they should be genocided lol.

>what it would take for a man that has gone his own way to settle down, marry and have children.
End women's rights.
The white birthrate is a non-issue. The white births will be higher if you would just kill the non-white babies.

I can't afford a family. I can barely afford taking care of myself. I also cannot afford college. I don't work minimum wage either, but even at $20 an hour everything is so fucking expensive. So I have given up on ever having a family.

>implying children being raised by modern women is any better

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women have been infected with a mind virus called (((feminism))) which purveys ever pore of society and every facet of social media . they are told they need to work like men to be of value. not all women are like this. younger generations are more prone to it as the indoctrination has gotten severe.

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You can keep your the daughters, they need a female role model. But a son needs a father, not an alcoholic failure of a woman leeching off a successful man. If you want money, work for it like a man does. If you don‘t want to work for the money, you should keep the man happy and not divorce him.

It‘s very simple. Most marriages are ended by the wife, so you take away the money incentive and maybe they will think twice about it when they don‘t plan to be a productive member of society.


>I want to get fucked by a different guy every weekend, there's nothing you can do to stop me. When I'm old and used up I want a beta provider though, tell me how to snag one
The absolute state of roasties.

If women were kept under control, the vast majority of mgtow guys would keep one around.

>mixing up bullshit with some token good stuff
Classic subverter. Doesnt work on me tho.

At least someone is proposing actual specific changes. Thank you user.

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And what I'm saying, I.e. to publicly hand their rights back to men, is the final solution for feminism. So, any woman ready to help kill feminism for good?
Hah didn't think so.

cool? I dont give a fuck about what you do.

Well aren't you so high and mighty behind your keyboard aggregating for the genocide of a people based on their class. what a fucking chump you are. you've done nothing but insult me. shows a lot of your character and wit.

you'll have the freedom to die like the others, then your toll will be paid in full

>show tits
>then gtfo
not really, we have plans for her beyond tits

I'm in my late 40s, I'm pretty wealthy. Nice place in the country. I think kids are great. I'd work my balls off to support a family. I don't drink, smoke or take drugs.
Fairly libertarian, I don't really hate anyone.

I suppose i fit the definition of MGTOW, even though some of them seem pretty bitter, but I suppose I understand where they're coming from.

Divorce laws are completely fucked. Why would I risk half of everything on a 50/50 chance of getting divorced? Change it so it is not financially beneficial for the wife (in most cases) to get divorced, and I would consider it.

Do you realize that things can affect you even if you don't directly deal with them? The financial incompetence of a father or husband can affect the wife and kids. Do you also realize some husbands are very stingy and would have their wives with almost no hobbies or anything good? Money doesn't exist in the animal kingdom and there are some good female accountants. Your talk of evolution and science doesn't match my real life experiences.

>Children need both parents in their lives and a safe stable family environment.
>divorces you

Casual sex is better than getting married, modern women aren't marriage material.

>modern women aren't marriage material.
Nailed it!

By all means. Keep your rights. Keep your career. Keep your cats. Keep your shitty, lonely girl blog. Keep your perpetual insistence that you are more than your reproductive capacity.

I thought you wanted a way forward, which was what I was offering. But if you're happy where you are, stay there.

When you kill yourself at 50, alone with your cats, nobody will care. Especially not the cats.

Removing women from the workforce would increase men's wages to the point where a working class man could support a family, once again.

>Your talk of evolution and science doesn't match my real life experiences.
yeah tough shit huh?

>What's in it for me to give up my rights? Logically why should I support this?
Your happiness. Women are the most miserable they've ever been in human history right now because they have to make their own decisions which they are incapable of doing.

>based on their class
No, based on their genetic legacy. If someone is working class but feels like killing himself for working like a serf then it means he has different genetics than someone who is happy to toil on modern fields day in and day out like his serf ancestors. And you being triggered means I hit the mark.

>. Why would I risk half of everything on a 50/50 chance of getting divorced?
It's less of a risk these days and more of a guarantee. This thot doesn't understand why we're dropping out of society. She won't ever do anything about the problem though. The simple solution is here.

It worked for men not for women. Just like slavery benefitted the slave master not the slave. Doctors used to deal with patients without washing their hands or sterilizing their instruments. Should we bring that back for the sake of tradition?

forget about the word legacy my bad. Based on their genetics.

To be fair, most guys who claim to be "MGTOW" aren't actually celibate by their own choice. They are fat, neckbearded, fedora wearing incels who don't deserve to mate anyway.

>etnostate and traditionalism like equals lmao

Just random words

men can only take their rights back by force

women must be controlled and dominated

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>Divorce laws are completely fucked. Why would I risk half of everything on a 50/50 chance of getting divorced? Change it so it is not financially beneficial for the wife (in most cases) to get divorced, and I would consider it.
No sane man with money and property would ever get married in the Western feminized world. The divorce industries in these countries exist to extract as much wealth from men as possible. If you get married, she owns you. At least in a legal sense. Women don't marry you for your money, they divorce you for it.

The solution is to give me money. Then I will breed heavily.

I care about my own security. Not everything is done for the fulfillment meme. Abstract happiness studies of other people don't change my mind because I know the less control I have over my life the more neurotic and panicked I am. It's like telling a person who doesn't like chocolate they need to eat more of It to be happy because statistics say so.

>the vast majority of mgtow guys would keep one around
The same guys who were MRAs before they decided to larp as MGTOWs? If your plan had worked they wouldnt be MRAs anymore a long time ago lol.

I hate disingenuous cunts like the ones in this thread. Enjoy your latent STDs and lost fertility

Seems to me that an aweful lot of women are making bad decisions when it comes to selecting partners.

I‘m divorced, I have a son and two daughters and I‘ve got custody for all of them. I love my daughters and would kill for them, but if I had to chose I would always pick my son over them. He bears the name of my forefathers, my whole line is dependant on his success and I would never allow a weak willed woman to form him into the man he needs to become. If you want to save the Western family, you need to guarantee the men they will be able to mentor their sons.

What's the point in becoming attractive to women if you've rejected women? You might as well try to shame lesbians for being fat, ugly, and obnoxious.

>random analogy
This is why you don't argue with holes, gents.

what the fuck are you even talking about? i'm talking about women not being designed to work like men do. work can mean a variety of things from physical labor to highly critical thinking