What are the chances of boots on the ground in South Africa?
Would you do your part to help the Boers?
What are the chances of boots on the ground in South Africa?
You'd probably have to leave the black soldiers at home too if that happened.
Not my circus, not my monkeys
Anything for the chance to kill multiple niggers...
Did we intervene in Rhodesia? No. We ain’t doing anything here either.
Israel would likely have to deploy first, but with foreign aid acting in the front lines while JDF just directs intelligence.
There's a low chance an all-out war will occur, but if there is I'll head down there for sure.
Aside from being born in zimbabwe and having a moral obligation to return for a fight, as a software engineer by profession the PMCs that will ultimate get engaged will definitely need people with my skillset in-country.
what side would the IDF be on?
>Did we intervene in Rhodesia? No.
But we should have, as well as helping the portuguese.
Southern africa actually had resources that are strategic, Aiding Rhodesia and Portugal rather than South Vietnam would have been politically and economically more profitable for the US.
i want to fight for the boer.
The same one they were on historically. (the right one)
Probably 0% because trumps a kike
It would have to be non-black mercs in that situation if anything.
Those niggers need more freedom!!!
negroid GIs would do as ordered or be shot in the back of the head
I've got my own war to fight, as you all know by now.
your vile country is the one that spearheaded the effort to put sanctions on SA to end apartheid
this blood is quite literally on your cuck hands
Exactly, in other words, I'm in the heart of Lucifer's personal chamber.
I don't really want our BLACKED military there "helping" the Saffers tbqh, but it might work alright with Trump at the helm. I'd prefer to offer only arms and logistical support, maybe at most an air campaign to even the #'s a bit.
More like Lucifer's anus after eating nothing but Taco Bell for a week straight, but I get your point.
0%; No. Whites in SA voted to end Apartheid. Now they must suffer the consequences.
its looking pretty likely
This what that democracy shit will get you.
Nope. America is no longer a white country. What's going on in South Africa is a race war against whites. There are tens of millions of minorities in the US that hate white people and leech off them for a living. Openly taking the white side would make the parasitic minority in the US chimp out completely. Think about it, what would happen if whitey all of a sudden started just shooting darkies who want to take their stuff? And it was legitimate US government policy? The minorities would see the writing on the wall.
Plus I dont think black and latino soldiers would fight against nonwhite racial activists. Especially black soldiers would be disloyal.
Jews in the establishment would try to ste the US on fire.
The entire US political arrangement is parasitic minorities leeching on White Americans and preying on them because they lack racial consciousneess and are incapable of fighting back as a group. Trump legitimizin explicit white self defence is the end of progressive and minority America. It would propably start civil war in the US after some time
>Plus I dont think black and latino soldiers would fight against nonwhite racial activists. Especially black soldiers would be disloyal.
then they would be court martialed, they have no choice
it would be great if they voluntarily made the US Military all white though
If things got bad enough at the least peace keepers would be called in to divide the sides up creating de facto you know what.
Then fight back, Amerikaner
a basic air campaign would crush the military. one US aircraft carrier can wipe all goverment power here.
Yeah but these cases would bring civil instability in the US. Think about it: Black soldiers getting court martialed by Trump for not defending "white supremacists" against "African anti colonial activists". The niggers would riot all over the country, all of black politics is anti-white racism anyway, so it is the case for latinos, Jews and pretty much all democrats. The court martialed soldiers would be "heroes on the right side of history like dr King" for them.
Of course the collapse of anti-racist egalitarian "muh constitution" arrangement and a return of militiant white identity would be good for US whites long term. But there would be massive instability if the US army started supporting some white ethnic self defence units against "anti-racist progressive anti colonialists"
The entire US politics is now everyone leeching off taxpaying whites. Billions of dollars. Entire political and academic careers build on the dominant narrative of anti whiteness. They would see the paradigm shift and would understand it may be the beginning of their end. They would do everything to set the US on fire to defeat "white supremacy aka whites having anything of their own including property". The military establishment knows that. I doubt they would suport whites in SA, they might end up having to suport whites in the US
Technically we did, but not with the good guys.
If the US sends troops to South Africa I'm enlisting that day.
Actually fighting for something meaningful.
>Actually fighting for something meaningful.
Don't you like fighting for the only democracy in the Middle East?
Never let evil take root
Kill commies
Make the New Lincoln Brigades and make sure men, money and arms get there
12% of the population rioting and burning down their own cities would be nothing, they would all be put down hard
The beaners would send their boys to get experience and weapons training then they’d come home to teach the rest of the cartel how to ethnically cleanse California of nogs.
I'm not saying niggers would topple the federal government. I'm saying the political decisionmakers calculate the costs and benefits of their decisions.
Blacks and lations rioting, Jews going into "anudda shoah" mode, mass court martials of minorities in the army to fall in line, minorities in law enforcement also propably disloyal, these are all costs.
I think the generals would think the benefits of intervening in SA would cost them more than they were worth.