The gatekeeping illusion

There is no after the gate. There is a lost person and with high probability a failure at social life. The sense of being lost and being socially neglected fuelled the initial motivation to seek alternative purpose; a yearning for meaning, which you have projected on a sense of identity that appealed to your emotions; adopting in the process, with little or no rational scrutiny, the cluster of views that define the identity.

Informationally it is an empty shell, fuelled with illusions and pretensions of knowledge, the sense of having this knowledge being part of what gives your life meaning. No longer lost and neglected, but "chosen", "saved" with other redpilled in mutual reinforcement.

But your ingroup meaning structures based on emotional projection do not translate into universality. You have no resonance to offer 99% of whites. You feel you are right. It is your identity. Your sense of purpose. Like any convert you think Your "Truth" has universality, it is clear to You, and "people just need to open their eyes" or "take Jesus into their hearts". Your "past the gate" is your personal emotional structures, reflective of the collective you have identified with. There is no universal there there. People come to your gate, Peterson or not, and are repulsed and recoil in disgust.

Peterson on the other hand has gathered millions of followers and is opening their eyes to the ideological corruption of the humanities and our larger cultural crisis of meaning and purpose. You feel growing frustration that his message is appealing to larger and larger sections of people, the same people you dream of attracting to Your Truth.

But it is not and cannot psychologically be Your Truth you see failing. It would be a direct attack on your meaning structure. Questioning of Your faith. So you project the failure on the "gatekeeper" for preventing people from seeing the value of your Truth. But the value is not there. It is an illusion you project. There is no after the gate.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't care about your opinion, I'll just end your life if you ever get in my way.

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That's because Peterson takes redpills from here and Jow Forums and strips the misogynistic, racist, schizophrenic fat that normies find hard to stomach.
Add on to that that this place is full of bots, shills, and drunken rednecks that would try the patience of the Dalai Llama himself.

The next step from hentai?

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>people form an emotional attachment to their beliefs

That's all you really needed to say.

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Clean your penis
Fuck niggers
Competition against a collective as an individual isn’t a losing proposition
Take drugs
Cool it on the JQ bucko....hell of a question to ask.....hell of a question to ask.....ion to ask.....hell of a question to ask..... question to ask.....hell of a question to ask.....

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Jordan Peterson is the father millennials never had. He's your average merchant trading lies for shekels. He advocates self-improvement as a means of adaptation to a rigged system.

In that case it would have been left unsaid how that attachment creates illusions and pretensions of knowledge and clarity. You feel your truth to be so clear, that you genuinely think people have to be corrupt or deficient not to recognize its value. And the more absolute that projection can grow the less sense of meaning and purpose your life has outside of it. That is why totalitarianism and fanaticism go hand in hand psychologically. The fundamentalist ideologue navigates by a sole light. It concentrates positive and negative emotion on select few objects that are imbued with projection. You don't see this in the SJW movement? How concepts like racism and sexism draw the terrain of their inner map of the world. Obviously you do. It's far easier to see it in others. Now swap alt-right for SJW. The content changes, the jew is now the racist the patriarchal tyrant, but the fundamental group-psychological structures remain similar. After all we are all humans.

These collective meaning structures and maps of identification are the major hindrance to mankind's development. There is no development in the rigid performance of the adopted identity. It's motive force is self-justification not the justification of reason and empiricism and thus it deflects real world information that doesn't fit its pattern. We as a mankind end up chasing ghosts and building castles in the air. Communist utopias and shining cities on the hill.

>You have no resonance to offer 99% of whites. You feel you are right. It is your identity. Your sense of purpose. Like any convert you think Your "Truth" has universality, it is clear to You, and "people just need to open their eyes" or "take Jesus into their hearts". Your "past the gate" is your personal emotional structures, reflective of the collective you have identified with. There is no universal there there. People come to your gate, Peterson or not, and are repulsed and recoil in disgust.

100% correct

> Peterson on the other hand has gathered millions of followers and is opening their eyes to the ideological corruption of the humanities and our larger cultural crisis of meaning and purpose. You feel growing frustration that his message is appealing to larger and larger sections of people, the same people you dream of attracting to Your Truth.

Sadly, despite wanting to agree with you, you lose me here. Peterson's message is 1000x more upright, correct, valuable, etc than Jow Forums, but I think in a year or two we'll see him as a passing fad. The reason isn't anything wrong with what he's saying, the reason is that people are lazy and stupid. People fall for shit like Jow Forums and SJW identity politics becuase they like to be told "no it's not your fault, someone's oppressing you." It plays to laziness, it's like offering a kid candy, yes it's bad but they'll take it. We don't have the level of social capital for someone like Peterson to last long term, most of the youth will probably be split into the right or left identity politics camps because they're fucking dumb.

This is a lot of purple prose, it means nothing and all your introspective meditation counts for nothing when your ethnic group is extinct, "there is no gatekeeping", give me a fucking break, do fuck off.

Good post.

Well instead of chasing the ghosts let's go motherfucking kill them ! You can kill an evil spirit by destroying the circumstances through which he operates. Breaking enough of these circumstances for any 1 evil spirit shall eventually send it to Hell.

You can destroy these circumstances with an exorcism or by killing an enemy combatant who works for (((them))). You're right senpai we dont need identities we just need to put a gun to Satans mouth and pull the damn trigger. That can mean a million things but if there is one thing that is real and worth attacking it would be the evil spirits and the dumbass patsies that were stupid enough to listen to the (((lies)))

You're wrong. There is no alt right.
There's just right. And you're wrong.

And as for the prose -- you forgot to say "phylogenetic".

Post modernists are an ideology that can encompass anyone of any race. Jew is not an ideology unless they choose to follow a religion. I know Jews that are extremely right, extremely left, in the middle, noble, and degenerate. They can be extremely good people and they can be complete fucking assholes. As a whole they don't organize meetings, follow a creed, share a set of beliefs, and have a plan for the future that is at the expense of someone else. In the eyes of a Jew you are born into it as a result of what vagina you came out of. The father doesn't even matter. Should you choose to make it your religion then that is up to you.

Just because your mother is a post modernist doesn't mean you will be one. You choose to become one and when you choose to become a post modernist you do so because you like what they represent. If you don't want to be a post modernist then you can stop at any time.

You cannot freeze meaning in time. You cannot solidify our heritage in stone and hold onto it forever. All our structures decay and are in need of continued renewal. We cannot find our meaning today in building medieval cathedrals. It is an anachronism. We cannot feel the enchantment of our long-past ancestors.

The modern crisis of meaning is our struggle to find it anew amid ever increasing pace of change in which older structures decay faster and faster. In our evolutionary past the pace of societal change our ancestors adjusted to was hardly noticeable in comparison so it is natural for us to struggle. The biological man was not selected for the modern world.

We live in an unrooted world. Christianity in the West is fading away and is leaving in its wake a huge existential void. We have attempted to fill it with hedonism, with secular ideologies, by concentrating on the ordinary life. But a feeling that something higher is missing from our lives persists. This is why many people can find fundamental ideologies so appealing. They can impart a sense of a higher purpose. An illusion of something solid to hold onto, something to fight for, something to be for. And this is how we get SJWs, how we get the alt-right.

yeah if only those South African farmers cleaned their goddamn rooms and washed their penises they wouldn't be get killed and removed from their farms for being white. Coming to the West in give or take 30 years Peterstein cucks.

You develop character by becoming creative. Don't think about yourself all the time, that's decadent and gay. You have to be a good person FOR something--for the people of the future! Your own "character" is a means, not an end!

JBP is shallow and wrong. There is no conflict between action and character; they mutually support each other. And today, action is needed!

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An army of men who clean their rooms is better organized and more disciplined.

Strong individuals make strong units. Would love to see a Jow Forums regiment storming the beaches of Normandy. In army they DEMAND you clean your fucking room. Immature identity politics are no substitute for character development. You first become the best version of yourself, with hard work and dedication, then you can be a real asset also to your group.

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What do you mean by 'becoming creative'?

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>You have to be a good person FOR something
You can't be good FOR something

Spoken like a true good-for-nothing
Economic labor, reproduction, political leadership, art, philosophy, in rank order. Ultimately: contributing to the upward progress of mankind. We must become ever more beautiful, fearsome, happy, masterful.

Laudable goals at least until further defined. Our crisis of meaning is also a crisis of subjectivity. In art and creativity too the solid ground has disappeared from under our feet with modernity. We have a sense of this loss, in our nostalgia for the old masters, but it is difficult to conceptualize. Robert Hughes makes a good attempt at it in The Shock of the New (personally prefer the book, but the documentary series is fine too).

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If you're Jewish, you and other Jews have a shared interest in Hitler 2.0 coming to power.
If you're White, you and other Whites have a shared interest in not being made into a minority in your own homelands.

Peterson either doesn't understand, or worse: he does, and is deliberately trying to prevent White people from recognizing their shared interests. Fuck him.

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For a century now the western art world has seen beauty as decadence. Our civilization in the image of an urinal.

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>If you're Jewish, you and other Jews have a shared interest in Hitler 2.0 coming to power.
*preventing - I meant to say

Image board memetics is a form of postmodern art.

I agree with much of what you say. This type of ideology preys on the insecure and uninformed, on people who have no sense of identity because their life consists mostly of serving their body and their ego like slaves. NatSoc promises them an identity and a purpose,and creates the illusion that there is some enemy outside of themselves which they can project all their frustration and disappointment on.

It also promises them a community when Utopia I finally achieved. Yet, these same people who long for that promised community do nothing to impro e or create their own, and more importantly, the do nothing to improve their own life, always blami g their inability to take action on forces outside of their control, forces they expect others to fight for them, believing all the time that when the battle finally gets to their front door, they'll suddenly muster up the courage to do what they've shown incapable of time and again, and take responsibility for their own life.

It's sad really that a culture which has so many things worth preserving seems only to be va!ued by these types of people. It leads lne to wonder if it's really worth preserving at all.

But as for Peterson, his work is nothing special. It's extremely derivative. Only in a culture as decadent as ours,where the decline is obfuscated behind countless layers of irony could a man like Peterson gain fame for being honest, direct and carrying a message which is so obvious. But he goes too far on the individualism. For it is the atomization of the society which has caused the resurgen e of these identitarian movements.

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Agreed on Peterson for most part. Far from my favourite thinker, but one of the better ones active and visible today and with a valuable core message. And he is reaching millions of people and moving the Overton window on several topics.

I agree with the perception that our era is struggling to produce truly great thinkers. All my favourite thinkers are dead except the great Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor and he's getting on, turns 87 in November.

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I recently had been studying how great geniuses throughout history arise, and almost all of them have a mentor and a community of like minded individuals. With our technology this should be easier today than ever. So it seems it is our culture which is stifling great thinkers. They aren't valued enough, there are too many limitations on speech and too much suspicion of white males. I'm sure there are great thinkers out there, they're just invisible.

If you or is interested, I just posted a video reading something I wrote on trying to navigate through our current political and social climate without falling prey to the polarized right and left, and also without being a so-called "centrist" and just trying to avoid it all. I'd like to stay and chat, but I have to get to an AA meeting and get my little 30 day coin. Here's the video if you'd like my thoughts. I've been documenting my sobriety.

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>There is a lost person and with high probability a failure at social life. The sense of being lost and being socially neglected fuelled the initial motivation to seek alternative purpose; a yearning for meaning, which you have projected on a sense of identity that appealed to your emotions; adopting in the process, with little or no rational scrutiny, the cluster of views that define the identity.
Then it is so... Identity is reality of ones self!

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Yes, I speak on this as well. You have to take an honest look at yourself, face your shadow.

I like what that painting is going for, I think I even like other painters from that movement, but it looks over-precise...brittle...unnatural. It doesn't flow.

Sux cuz the guy spent a lot of time on it. OTOH he's dead so w/e

What a word to leave out

For a second I thought you were on some "Hitler was the rabbis' puppet" Michael Hoffman kick and I was like oookkkaayyyyy man...

anti-semites can't meme

>countless layers of irony

anyone who uses this phrase is a massive douche

If the pages of awful Enlightenment 2.0 redditposting weren’t enough to tip you off


is that a reference to gifted and talented education students?

The tavistock open air prison of gangstalkers that surround and sabotage all intelligent american goyim?

Watched the video. Much that I agree with. The demand for the empty consumption is the other side of the coin. The supply wouldn't exist without it. And that is the core message and what is most valuable in Peterson. I doubt we can regulate fast food out of existence. It is at the bottom of it a personal choice to stop harming yourself with poor life choices. Stop blaming others, face up to your responsibilities, be a man, lift the heaviest stone you can carry, carry it to highest mountain top you can imagine, be the best version of yourself that you can be. That is what's best in Peterson and it applies to much of what is wrong with our culture. We can support and encourage each other collectively, but in the end the change comes from a sum total of individual choices. The Government, the Big Brother, the Party cannot keep the fast food away from your plate. You have to face up to it yourself and say No. That is what clean your room means. And from there onwards in small steps. One step at a time towards a better you. And collectively a better us, a better society, a more competent and aware civilization.

Good luck with staying off heroin. Clearly you can have a lot to contribute to your community when sober.

Just as long as they don't try to take credit for our hard work.....

A 6 minute segment from Shock of the New.

All in all it's an 8 hour documentary. All episodes can be found on YouTube.

Have to say that this platform is designed for building a shallow (group) identity. Threads slide off in 15 minutes. Not much else you can do in that time than social signalling and automated performances of an outer persona. Or shitposting for reactions.

Sad to think that this is for many people their main environment for cultural and political discourse. A bit frightening in fact to wonder that if someone spends here 5 hours a day for ten years straight, how will he end up.

I'm older, 40ish, not sure what the age of most here is. I spend a lot of time here, but I view this as satire. I agree with people here and I disagree. I find that refreshing because the rest of the internet feels manufactured and this, while insanely chaotic, feels genuine because this many people together spouting off is chaotic. It's honest in a sense. Also, this place makes me laugh. The world is full of horrible things and on this platform I'm not pressured into feeling a certain way about something and chastised for not. This place understands that sometimes the best way to deal is to find humor. For that, I think the young ones who made this their home will turn out fine as long as they don't fall into ideologies. The world is a horrible place, but in the horror you can find good people with good intentions. You can also learn about evil so you know how to avoid it.
Good vid. Thanks for sharing. You should do more like that. (Can you boost volume? Had to hold my tablet to my head). Congrats on 30 days.

Peterson's drivel is meaningless if it does not help our race survive.
Nothing is more important than survival.

Civilization is the main thing. Race is a mere component in a far larger whole. We are not our genes. We are expressions of our genes. Results of gene-culture coevolution. Civilizational phenotypes. The "race" we were 10 000 years ago has not survived, it has gone through vast changes in allele selection. And the race we are today won't be alive in 500 years from now.

But there is a civilization to help to survive. Don't fixate on a feral child. Concentrate on the eternal becoming. Towards higher forms hopefully, and not into an existential abyss.

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>Nothing is more important than survival.
Exactly. So if surviving means mixing races then so be it. You won't lose your culture. If it is meaningful you will take it with you.

I just want to buy a house

What do you need to do in order to get one user? Write it out. Then start doing it. It's not going to happen tomorrow, but if you don't start now you'll be no closer tomorrow than you are today.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. I just got home. It's amazing how much encouragement I've found here just being honest and speaking from heart. I expected to be told to stop shilling and get called a faggot. Well, actually, I do still get called a faggot, I just ignore it and focus on the positive. But I agree with everything you said. Peterson has actually really, really helped me.

Thank you too. Believe it or not, your encouragement is enough to help me make more videos. I feel really weird and uncomfortable posting it, be you guys have helped.

And I'm 35 and totally agree with you. It's the honesty and the humor that keeps me here. I love reading people talk about wanting to fuck their mom or weird shit they do. There's so much humanity here. I also contacted e to try and help people. I visit Jow Forums every once in a while to make a thread and let them pick my brain because I used to be trapped where they are.

And all I have is a shitty Walmart tablet, but I'll try to get closer to the mic from now on and speak louder. Thank you again.

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Fuck, I forgot to say, I have no idea why you posted that, but it is ome of my all time favorite pieces. Is it from "Romeo and Juliet"?

>Is it from "Romeo and Juliet"?


Largely agreed on everything except the Peterson part. Being able to break down complex topics and articulate them in a precise yet broad and clear manner is a skill very few people have. It is the driving factor behind his success and would have granted him success in the political sphere in any time frame of recent human history.

Anything outside the realm of God is a bunch of larping controlled opposition and useful idiots, not a single revolution wasn't funded by a some foreign private banking cartel or JP morgans & their close private buddies in wallstreet.

From the start of your channel to your most recent vid you look like a different person. That's progress you can see.

Be thankful that people here call each other fags. It means nothing and it's one of the few places left online where people are free to do so.

You're 100% correct. I was really criticizing his fans for putting him up on a pedestal. He has helped me tremendously. Something I heard him explain about the way the brain rewires itself during addiction is something I consider and am aware of every single day, and I would honestly say it is one of the biggest reasons I am sober today.

Also, his talks on God, truth, myth and archtypes are very good and very well thought out. And though I don't think he's exactly breaking new ground, he is expanding upon the ideas very well. I'd be honored to have him as my doctor.

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What a load of shit. Lol

You're irrational. Those who rely on faith are ALWAYS irrational. This is because you ignore numerous aspects of reality and simply believe whatever you're told about certain things, instead. The problem is faithful people try to act rational or defend their beliefs with reason. That's like a retard trying to act intelligent... It just doesn't work, entertaining as it may be.

You seem to equate belief in a higher power with the need to rely on said higher power. There's always the option of believing in intelligent design without putting a fucking name on it, or blindly accepting what people said about it thousands of years ago, you know.

Don't try to talk about reason as a person of faith, it makes you look like you don't even believe what you believe. You abandoned reason long ago in favor of blind acceptance of dogma, and therefore you can't possibly understand reason at the level you're trying to argue. This is evident by the words you choose in your post: emotion, feel, pretensions of knowledge, etc. It's easy to dissect you because you're so shallow brained we can literally see where you get stuck in circular logic and hit mental brick walls. You dissecting us, however, is pretty much impossible. You don't understand the mechanics of knowledge or truth as it pertains to reality, again, because you abandoned it.

Fuck off idiot. You have a long way to go before you change any hearts or minds around here.

Man, that puts a smile on my face. Thank you. And I really am delighted to be called a nigger and a faggot. I do appreciate this bastion of free thought. I always think about this place at the beginning of AA meetings when they read the traditions and say,"Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities." And that combined with the ephemeral nature of this place means your only judge on your ideas, so your ideas have to hold up. I've learned so much about what it takes to make a good argument. And memes.

Shamelessly Audrey posting. Wish OP's message could reach more anons.

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>Ad hominem
>Word salad

You could have just written "OP is a faggot"

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>faith in white superiority

its everyone else, who has unquestioning faith in the idea of human racial equality, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, in spite of everything we know about genetics and evolution

everyone but us has total and complete faith in the assumption that humans who have been genetically isolated and living in completely varied environments for millions of years still retain the exact same psychology as each other, in spite of all the varying psychological characteristics of any other species you find across all continents of the earth

all white supremacists do is value humans mostly for the virtues that set us apart from animals, intelligence and empathy, and recognize according to objective sets of data and statistics, which group has the most of those qualities

jordan peterson is nothing but an intellectual coward and a fraud suck my dick

you're a moron, go ahead and refute what i said about genetics, its literally you faggot cucks who have faith in your ideology, not us

modern leftism is a religion, or im not a fedora tipping atheist

This is definitely him lol

belief in racial equality, is a religion i should have said

lots of you fucking pieces of trash think you're not leftists just because you dont have leftist economic views, but you're actually worse than a leftist, you're a niggerloving cuckold

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Can you point to anywhere that I said I was an egalitarian or whatever you're arguing? And what did you say about genetics? That by your arbitrary metric, white people are the greatest race on the planet ever? You didn't even make a real argument. What you stated was merely an opinion.

My point was clear. Joining a go nowhere movement based on unearned pride and unrestrained hate is not going to help preserve the white race or Western culture. In fact, you're declaring war against your own white brothers, just like Hitler did. Try and rationalize that. Niggers might should each other in the hood, but at least they don't slaughter one another by the tens of millions over abstract ideas and cult o personality. At least they fight about tangible things.

And one little aside. I've been homeless. The most likely person to help you, hand you money or give you a ride is a black woman, followed by a black man, and then Hispanics, and then Arabs and the least likely are white men, followed close!y behind by white women. Where the empathy?

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I like how he pretends individualism and communism are different.

One of the gayest threads I've ever seen on Jow Forums.


I nominate you for the brainlet award for this thread.

>the quote in OP
this is the cadence of a manic schizophrenic

Thank you, user.
This is a very high quality post. Very good, user. You did will to write this.

There is ONE useful piece of information that peterson neglects:
There is a reason that collectivism is rising. Our biology is not something that he can persuade away via argument. It's not something that can be stopped.

While this is true, there's no denying that there are multiple h healthier ways to channel that energy than what we are seeing now.

>Niggers might should each other in the hood, but at least they don't slaughter one another by the tens of millions over abstract ideas and cult o personality. At least they fight about tangible things.

>niggers killing each other over drugs are more respectable than nazis killing other whites to save the human race

fucking homeless hippie faggot lmao

Again, no argument.

because you didnt have one

>take all the rage you have over being jew'd and nigger'd into extinction and do something else with it you stupid goy

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I made multiple very clear arguments against NatSoc. You have made nothing but ad hominem. You're just trolling at this point. Rage? Pathetic. What are YOU doing about, huh? Nothing. Just attacking others. You've refuted nothing I said.

your argument is "durr nazism might involve fighting ur own people just dont even bother when u could do something else"

you're nothing but a kike trying to demoralize everyone

just look at you

"what are you even doing faggot"

we're creating a counter culture, we've stolen the childrens minds, and an election

suck my dick

No, that's not what I said in my original argument that you quoted. An yoir argument was that whites are superior. If their objectively superior, why do they kill each other? Why are you attacking other whites. Again, you have no argument.

And if you'd watched the video I posted, you would have seen I clearly call out the oligarchs who run this country. Have you stopped buying movies? Watching porn? Playing video games? Eating fast food? Using social media? No.
Have you done anything to improve your community or yourself? No.

Again, nothing but ad hominem attacks. Fuck off dude. You are a really bad representative for your cause. You are just as bad as the Jews you claim to hate. You didn't create shit. Trump earned the victory. See, there's that unearned pride and u restrained hate. Sad.

>what are the core ideas of communism
>what are the core ideas of individualism
You're end up either a slave to the state or a slave to consumerism.
>don't get attached to belief systems
>*worships individualism*

there is no race that does not kill/attack/compete with each other. White on white conflict does not exist in contrast to a race that does not infight.

It's like saying that because x race urinates and therefore cannot be superior. Everyone urinates and your "argument" is retarded.

Jordan Peterson is connected to John Podesta, amongst others...

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>Why are you attacking other whites. Again, you have no argument.

Whites dont kill, until the nonwhites force their hand. Then they decimate them. Unfortunately, they didnt win when they last tried. That doesnt mean you should give up.

No wonder a defeatist faggot like you was homeless

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>pillow cock
we need to go deeper

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>After all we are all humans

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deal with it

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>Christianity is fading
Christianity is being genicide’d but pervert priests and political extortion schemes.

Isn't it interesting how the only two goys in this photo are pitching drug use to white guys 24/7 on their platforms? Joe Rogan (w/ his psychedelics & weed) and J. Peterson (w/ his anti-depressant zombie pills).

Have you figured it out yet, dumb white facebook normie?

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>value humans mostly for the virtues that set us apart from animals, intelligence and empathy, and recognize according to objective sets of data and statistics, which group has the most of those qualities

>calling normal people who love their race "lost"
Fuck you, this was the norm for thousands of years until globo homo came into power.

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