ITT: Dad thread

ITT: Dad thread.

Is he still alive? Why was your dad like? Has he influenced any of your political views? Was he based? Did he redpill you on anything? What does he think of you now? Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?

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Meant to say: "What** was your dad like?"

No hug or nothing very old school.

Died in 2002 when our farm was attacked.

I was four. We haven't been back to zimbabwe since.

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>Is he still alive?

>Why was your dad like?
He was a union autoworker for nearly 40 years, now he's retired and spends most of his time reading or binging shows on Netflix.

>Has he influenced any of your political views?

>Was he based? Did he redpill you on anything?
He has always hated blacks and mexicans, says that he stopped being a Democrat around '92, but hates the Republicans more for being anti-union. Says that unions are the only that made America worth a shit and we fucked them over to make rich assholes richer. I can't say he's wrong.

>What does he think of you now?
He doesn't like my wife, she's too liberal for him. We still shoot the shit about pop culture and basic stuff, but we can't really talk politics anymore. He hates Trump because he says he's a fatass do-nothing who only got anywhere because of his Daddy's money.

>Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?
No, I'm still trying to earn that.

Loving. Always ready to buy a new computer, give a ride, or help me. Did not teach me ANYTHING useful. Not sure how to feel about that.

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>is he alive
>What is he like
like a better version of me
>Has he influenced any of your political views
>Is he based
I'm not sure
>Did he redpill you on anything
nothing political, not that I can remember, no.
>What does he think of you now
probably that I need to get off my ass
>Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?
not that I remember, no.

>Is he still alive?
Don't know.

"Ya know, user, I think you might be too young to understand this right now, but I want you to know something. No matter what happens later in life, no matter what happens to me or you, whether later in life we don't talk anymore or we're best friends. Just remember I'll always be your father. No one else. Now come give me a hand with the sprinkler over here."

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that dad really needs to work on his legs

my dad told me he was proud of me and loved me one moment and got enraged at me the next. It was fucking confusing growing up. He didn’t like blacks much and thought every black leader was a trash phony. Died in 2014. Wish I could redpill him on freemasons and trannies today.

>my dad was pic related type

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He was a provider and there for, that counts a lot. That was his lesson to you, user

He’s a crackhead who has had 4 kids with 4 different women and will be in and out of prision for the rest of his life and I haven’t seen him since I was 7 u don’t care what happens to him. ( before you ask we’re not niggers)

Only manlets care about legs. It's the only way they can invalidate someone taller and stronger than them

I do appreciate it. I just feel that his readiness to pamper me was compensation for his inability to teach me much about life. Not blaming him, his parents divorced young and he was mostly raised by my grandmother.

My dad is Peak Boomer. Was into World War II documentaries on the History Channel and is now into alien shit. He always hated immigrants. Trying to wean him off the alien talk because it's a bit too much at dinner conversations.

Everything good in my life is the direct result of rejecting everything about my dad.

>tried to teach me man stuff
mechanics, tool making, firearms, hunting
>bitch mother said it was all too dangerous
>died a cuck

i thought my dad was the smartest person alive until i was like 18, then slowly over the years i realised how fucking retarded he really is and has no concept of how the world works even though he spouts about how much he really does.

>Did not teach me ANYTHING useful
Same kind of dad here. Took until my 30s to realize it, but he didn't teach me shit about women.

My dad is based.

He grew up in Kososvo and knows what happens when muslimshits grow in numbers. He is also against degeneracy in general.

I didn't understand it before, but now I clearly do.

If you can’t learn fron that, that’s on you not him. His Stability and support have gotten you to where you are mentally. Every generation improves the lineage. Or is supposed to. Take his strengths, learn from his weaknesses, pass it on to your children.

I hate the prick

I'm 6'3 and got pretty thin legs from sitting around in NEETdom for 4 years. I got a bike to fix that, now I just need to use it. I may be a fuckup but being a manlet is beneath me

Kinda absent growing up, mostly raised by my mother even though we occasionally did activities together, never really close. Now mom is dead and we live in the same house so we interact more but relationship is mostly business-like, we don't talk about our feefees or spend much time together, we're both a little schizoid. He grew up in Poland so he doesn't like communism and would openly hate Jews and talk shit about non-whites but it's kinda restrained. Me on the other hand I'm 1488 about kikes and non-whites.

covered in cancer. his numbers are up as of today. starting cycle 15. he's a fighter. it'll kill him, eventually

sorry to hear that. good luck.

>His Stability and support have gotten you to where you are mentally.

Kek. Considering where we are having this conversation, that does not say much.

No. Peculiar. Yes. No. No. Don't know. Yes.

Get him off sugar immediately. No breads, sweets, nothing sugar based. I’m sorry, fren.

he's an ex alcoholic, spent a lot of his younger years drinking, he's a proud union electrician, had to retire because of the cancer. he quit drinking and became a better father around age 5 of his oldest. i'll miss him dearly when he dies, he's been nothing but loving when the reality of death hit him like a ton of bricks

WIsh him the best. If I got cancer I would opt out of treatment. The intense treatment process is so dehumanizing, leaving you a barely recognizable husk

datamining thread
avoid this you stupid faggots
we're being raided
only post in important threads

PUFA would be important too. Sadly hospital food tends to be full of PUFA.

If he was "simple" like my parents are, then their provision is all the love they could give you. They love you. Mine try their very best and are saints for putting up with me when I was a child.
I have had sever back injuries—severe herniation L4-L5 & C1 Laminectomy—through my menial work years, so they helped me with a few bills here and there because of my limited work hours. My father left retirement to start a business to save extra in case I needed further treatments on my spine because our bastardized healthcare won't cover preexisting conditions. I will never forget them.

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Forgot dairy, no dairy, tons of sugar. Sugar is a cancer causing agent.

stop replying to shill slide threads

Probably not an accident

My dad is still alive and a great man. He spent 20 years as a criminal defense attorney both private practice and civil and now is a city prosecutor for his small hometown. He knows how to fix cars (my grandfather drove and fixed diesel trucks) knows how to woodwork and can identify just about every tree we pass on walks. He's a literal mensa member. He said he loved me and my 5 siblings every day. Every single day of my childhood and now every time we talk, which is often. He's a great man and a fantastic father. He's also an anchor baby.
So fuck right off with your kill everyone not white bullshit. He's done more to better society than half of this board AND their fathers.

he's fat. he's around 300, and no matter what I say, his closest family members say, he won't quit the sweet. Now he's taken the philosophy of well, he's going to die, so why not? instead of working to lose the weight. He had years of chances, but he spent his time working nights, destroying his body for his family. He can't really quit eating crap now, the drugs they have him on are intense, make him nauseous. Still loves his weed and getting high.
Now i know the danger of smoking pot, unironically. It keeps you deluded, you should be spending time getting fit and eating right, not maintaining yourself with drugs. He's an addict at heart, but so caring and loving, despite his delusion, i can't help but love him to death

Sugar does not cause cancer, but it encourages an already existing cancer to metastazise. Sugar is great stuff to an individual with healthy metabolism.


My dad is unironically a chad who is redpilled, taught me to hunt, computer program, fix cars, and more. His reaction time is quicker than me and my brothers and he is even fucking good at ping pong. I always learn something new from him I didnt know before. One thing I truly envy that i cannot change is his bone structure is much larger than mine, although i am like an inch taller his wrists are way larger.

>Is he still alive?
>What was your dad like?
He was stern and angry when you broke the rules, but he was playful and helpful when you were bored or confused.
>Has he influenced any of your political views?
Yes. He believes firmly in segregation and that whites and blacks should live apart. He is libertarian leaning and thinks highly of the constitution.
>Was he based?
No he is not a crack addict. Smokes weed though.
>Did he redpill you on anything?
Oh, he bought old school anthro books and books on evolution that contributed a lot of facts to my political repertoire.
>What does he think of you now?
Not totally sure. Probably that I'm distant and a little too conservative.
>Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?
Yeah a couple times.

My father died when I was 15, as a broke degenerate criminal junkie, My only regret is that I never got the chance to kill him myself. I'll still get the chance with mother though

the 'treatment' is no joke, especially the chemo. He takes chemo pills now. they're a motherfucker. he calls it 'medicine' and tho it has dropped his numbers, it's legitimately experimental shit. They treat him at sloan kettering, best cancer hospital in the states (thank you union healthcare), and if he stopped taking the chemo, who knows which way his numbers would go..

he is also self employed and works from home

sorry, linked wrong post. see

what's PUFA

person of fuckable age

my dad is so based it should be illegal. if I can be 1/5th the man he is it will be a great success

yeah i fucked that up

my dad believes in flat earth and ancient aliens at the same time.

Poly-unsaturated fats. Stuff like vegetable oils.

You have to go back, Juan.

>So fuck right off with your kill everyone not white bullshit. He's done more to better society than half of this board AND their fathers.
ethno nationalism is about loving your race, about philia, about the health of the nation, not hating nonwhites. some nonwhites in a non white nation aren't bad, but in big numbers, they tip the scale of the majority, pushing foreign policy.
is he right wing?

I'm waiting for the day you faggots try to make me.

Never really knew him, I've seen him enough times to count on one hand
not really
see above
Probably doesn't like me
Probably explains why I'm going to kill myself for a bday present this sunday, going to grill some ribs on the travel charcoal weber in a tape sealed tent in the black river national park, maybe one of you Florida anons will read about it in the paper, or not.

Lazy. The stereotype fits, bean eater.

I know he loves me but God damn he hasn't ever told me, kinds like loving a table

he's bluepilled as fuck. I've been brainwashed my whole life until I started to think for myself. My dad pretty much spews communist talking points from learning everything from MSM and friends his whole life and regurgitated it all on me. We don't agree on almost anything at this point, and talking with him legit makes me think libertarians and minarchists don't have a fucking chance and should just be fascists until we purge the world of undesirables.

come on user make your own family

Still alive. We have a difficult relationship. Politics related he's pretty based. He would watch political shows on TV and point out all the Jews.

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are they really that bad? i've seen a video from an ex vegan touting how good they are for you, talking animal fats

mine was like this for most of my life, I actually prefer it this way

>still alive
Nah he died last year the day after thanksgiving because he was really fat, but really it was due to being broken by my fucking mother who left him basically because Oprah said to, with him taking all the debt, her getting the house and kids, and me not realizing all of this until a few months before he died. I now hate my mother with incredible passion. My own wife fell in with blue haired femin carriers at starbucks when she started working there and did the same thing to me. Went to go "find herself", said she didn't know where I ended and she began, was pregnant at the time. Still haven't met my daughter because basically long story short the system doesn't want me to and child support eats up the income I'd use to pay a lawyer. She gets all her legal stuff paid by the state.

>influenced your political views
He was woke on illegals and I think he was woke on Jews but never talked about that. Yet he affected me. I hated him and wanted nothing to do with his "intolerant" ideas but he was right.


Yes on illegals and niggers. He tried to do it with women and lefties but I wouldn't listen.

think of you now?
I was his solace in his final days as I'm the only one of four kids to wake up in time to look him in the eyes and say "I'm sorry what mom did to you and you were right about everything"

>"I'm proud of you"?
Yes he was a band director and I sold a bunch of music/became one of the best instrumentalists in my field.

Fuck you man I didn't want to feel today..
Love you, dad. Miss you a ton


My dad mentioned the Kalergi Plan without me even promoting him.

Based and redpilled

My dad is a pussywhipped cuck and got disowned. I don't care where he is or what is happening to him.

My dad went to prison on the three strikes law. He got royally fucked and sent to a maximum security prison, he told me every day about people getting shanked and being put on lockdown 24/7.

He got transferred to a hospital prison, hes been real sick, I'm afraid hes going to die in there, but yeah, hes still alive.

Growing up he always used to talk shit about drug laws, I kind of picked up on that. Hes for legalization and I'm for decriminalization. He also had this sort of 'outlaw' vibe that i patterned myself after, but i've always been sort of a poseur.

My dad wasn't very based, he was always ducking responsibility for his life and putting the blame on 'the system'. I always got the feeling that he was keeping secrets from me, but he never had the balls to tell me.

He did kinna redpill me on the government, my dad thinks like an old apache indian, he doesn't really give a shit about politics and thinks most of the crooked shit people do is because of one person trying to force another person to do what they say.

I think my dad kinna stopped writing after a while, he probably tries not to think about us too much.

He always told me he was proud of me, but something about it always felt hollow, like he'd be more proud if i robbed a bank or stole a car than if i stayed on the straight and narrow.

he is a race realist but too much of a coward boomer to admit it. he is also pretty dim witted, but I love the guy

>Is he still alive?
Died ten years ago, he was 54 and i was 26
>Why was your dad like?
He was a broken man full of love that would have benefitted from today's knowledge and treatment of depression. He had Vodka.
>Has he influenced any of your political views?
The drinking got worse as i became an asshole teenager, so we didnt really discuss politics too much.

>Was he based?
He was so close.
>Did he redpill you on anything?
Somalis. My parents both worked in Africa. Somalis.
>What does he think of you now?
Nothing i suppose...
>Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?
No, but those were my last words to him as he died in my arms. He went to rehab when was 18 and he sobered up. Then he got diagnosed with ALS and died 15 months after that

My parents divorced when I was 7, and I didn't really see my dad much... when I was about 23, I called him up ans asked if I could live with him for awhile, since we never really got the chance to get to know eachother.

He had a girlfriend and her bastard son living with him at the time (who I am absolutely convinced are mossad agents)

He hooked me up with a pretty good job, but he started charging me $600 per month in rent (half of his mortgage) paid directly to his girlfriend, so I moved to D.C. where it was cheaper, and was less of a commute to my job.

a few years later I had to leave D.C. because hillary and the deepstate was trying to kill me, never finished my apprenticeship, despite being top of my class, and tutoring a few of the other students, and occasionally teaching class when the teacher was late (often).

haven't really talked to him much since then... that was about 10 years ago.

He loves me, but he's an asshole. Lives in the past because he was captain of his highschool football team, became a pharmacist, and married my narcissist mom. Stayed together 30 years but she died from alcoholism. Basically just a fucked up family. I moved back in my last two years of college to finish locally and all he did was drink and started three fist fights for the first time ever. Wasn't a fun time until I left. Also hates me for voting Trump and eats up all the propoganda on TV. Give and take really, I just prefer when he doesn't drink (either blows up my phone with texts or gets irrationally angry).

He was easily irritated and got angry pretty quick back when my parents still lived together. Ever since he moved out and they divorced he's been living and acting like an almost stereotypical boomer, but has only been nice to me ever since

Very unlucky guy, rough life filled with physical pain, illness, mental pain. Shitty mother, started working from a young age.
Probably not completely redpilled to my knowledge, but he has told me about blacks and how shitty they are when we’re watching the news and I’ve heard him say Jew jokes a couple of times, pretty cool guy but no nazi

hes cool, super eccentric writer
yes, but hes always urged me to make my own choices in politics
I wouldnt say based, but I would say independent.
aye, basically on the fact that my generation is pretty much fucked socioeconomically and their generation didnt do enough to preserve their lifestyle for their children.
he thinks i am an excellent man, and a good son
yes he has told me on many occasions that he is proud of me
I love him, I should probably give him a call later today.

My dad was an unemployed stoner who played in a reggae band and for some reason he still wants me to become a wage slave while I'm trying to earn money making music as well.

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>Nah he died last year the day after thanksgiving because he was really fat, but really it was due to being broken by my fucking mother who left him basically because Oprah said to, with him taking all the debt, her getting the house and kids, and me not realizing all of this until a few months before he died. I now hate my mother with incredible passion. My own wife fell in with blue haired femin carriers at starbucks when she started working there and did the same thing to me. Went to go "find herself", said she didn't know where I ended and she began, was pregnant at the time. Still haven't met my daughter because basically long story short the system doesn't want me to and child support eats up the income I'd use to pay a lawyer. She gets all her legal stuff paid by the state.
sorry to hear that

I hear ya, but one "I love you son" couldn't hurt

My dad is a typical cucked GenX. Liberal who pretends he’s “moderate”, no hobbies, extremely stubborn and hard headed. Also extremely lazy

We don’t really get along that well but he’s my dad and I should make more of an effort to connect with him.

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It's ok, thanks for saying so

My dad is literally Hank Hill incarnate though he is in-shape and from Alabama.

My dad is gone unfortunately but he always hated niggers and he got my noggin jogging and started me down this path by talking about how niggers were only good at sports because we bred them to be strong and stupid.

Thanks, dad.

security, maybe

my dad died at 42 back in 1998 of a heart attack. he hated niggers and i couldnt quite understand why back then. i get it now. if he were here now we would prob have an awesome relationship now that im in my late 30s. fuck i really miss him. thanks for triggering the feels user.

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My dad is a lawyer. He liked to listen to dad rock from the 70's and watch some anime like Speed Racer and Macross. He was also redpilled on communism and he thought commies were a plague and not even human.
My dad divorced my mom 15 years ago and now has a wife who already had 2 daughters with another man, so he's basically a cuck at this point. I do miss my old man, but I haven't talked to him in 2 years.

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Here are a couple of articles if you're interested in exposing yourself to some alternate perspective:

Same user. I know this feel.

Was never there emotionally. Always there for my materiel needs and made me take education seriously. He did his best and I forgive him for where he was lacking. We're all imperfect.

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>a few years later I had to leave D.C. because hillary and the deepstate was trying to kill me,
Erm back story to this, wtf?

Yeah I know, but why would I sacrifice happiness for security?

I'd rather be a hobo earning money playing some rusty guitar than a billionaire.

Had a violent temper. Taught me about video games and fishing and animals. He was a nice guy but very violent. He has dementia now and paranoid schizophrenia from a drug habit I couldn't protect him from. It's sad seeing him lapse but we still watch every new Star Wars movie together and talk football now and then. He told me he was proud when I started my business.

I just wish we fought less. That seems to be most of our time together and it hurts to think that perhaps I was worse for him than I could have been.

Anybody else have to see their old man slip away? How do you cope, man?

>Is he still alive?
>Why was your dad like?
My dad was an engineer who worked his way up to being an exec at one of the american automakers but he's now retired. He's a pretty caring guy that would be there in a heart beat if i ever needed him.
>Has he influenced any of your political views?
To a limited extent but he felt it was very important when i was growing that i form my own views with as little outside influence as possible. He wouldn't talk politics at all with me before i was 18.
>Was he based? Did he redpill you on anything?
Very much so. He's been a progressive democrat advocating for things like medicare for all and free college long before the progressive movement was even in its amoebic stage. having worked high up in corporate america he says very heavily influenced his political beliefs and turned him into a bernie style democrat(he used to be a reagan republican in the 80's). Basically for reason being that he got to see how the top puts profit before anything else and felt like he couldn't keep his moral integrity after seeing first hand who really runs the republican party and moderate democrats if he didn't vote for and support progressive democrats.
>What does he think of you now?
We get along pretty well. He seems to be pretty happy with the direction I've taken in life.
>Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?
Yes, several times.

Looks like your dad is ready for the great gig in the sky. Enjoy him while you can, user.

My dad spends like 10 hours a day alone, has a weird sense of humor, and the only time I've ever seen him cry was when my grandpa died. He was married twice but is now single, probably for the best.

He's probably redpilled but doesn't show it. He was a career psychologist and I distinctly remember him talking about The Bell Curve in a positive light several times back in the 90s.

I love him to death but I feel like I'll never truly know him because his true self is hidden under 20 layers of irony. Definitely cares about family in a practical sense more than any other boomer I know. Hes not blowing his wealth on vacations, he visits my grandmother all the time, he's got his will planned out so that his kids inherit his land and possessions instead of selling it.

Overall A-, bretty gud dad but I wish he'd actually talk about serious stuff with me more so I'd know what he's really like.

That is how I have concluded too. In the end the tried, that's what matters the most.

>Is he still alive?

>Why was your dad like?
Alcoholic, don't know much about him, never was a part of my life.

>Has he influenced any of your political views?
Probably, if I had grown up in a a two parent household I would probably be more liberal, less cynical and bitter. I am think it pushed me towards being more conservative, people need to be responsible for themselves and their actions.

>Was he based? Did he redpill you on anything?
Based, no. Redpilled me on the importance of strong family units and how bad single mothers are.

>What does he think of you now?
No idea, haven't spoken to him in 20 years.

>Has he ever told you, "I'm proud of you."?
No, but what's the importance of a strangers opinion.

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Dad is a soft liberal who never told me to grow up and had not much counterweight to offer for my overbearing mom.
So Im a bit fucked in the head and hate myself for it.

My father is a cucked, shitty beta and neither of his sons talk to him, dude is full on Trudeau supporter and completely clueless. Pretty much my brother and I hate our father.

Ask him user. If he’s alone all the time like you say then he’ll be glad that you’ve shown an interest