EU gives Hungary one month to start feeding asylum seekers.
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Or else what? Jewish boycott? Fuck off. Also can they survive a month? Lol
>i'm goin Hungary
Well, they can go home if they don't like it here.
Hungarians are just dumb. We outsmarted EU. Instead of taking their muslims we imported few thousends muslims from places like turkmenistan and they are now ones raping our women.
>held in the two detention camps on the border
>which are open towards Serbia
The day of the rope can't come soon enough
Hungarians are too smart and cultured to vote in a clown like Orban, i almost cant believe it.
kek, save your country, Branislaw
Good. Fuck Hungary. Fuck Hungary all the way back to Mongolia.
Trianon beta boys SEETHING rn
Blow up the EU HQ
what if they don't comply? Will they get an angry letter?
t. diaspora gypsy, home country controlled by kikes
... and we'll just ignore it
Just feed them soi and corn products like the cattle that they are.
You will ignore the ruling, but this will further anger France and Germany. I expect the wrath of the West to finally hit upon us
Time for the mongol girls to taste the BBC
and I love your nation for doing so
Please keep on resisiting bros
3 years til next election and AfD is 2nd strongest now, who knows where they will be at the next election
>feeding "refugees"
why is this so funny.
What can Merkel or Macron do? Nothing. They haven't been able to do something about Orbán for the last couple of years.
Thanks/OK, we hope you get rid of Merkel and we can finally make something out of Europe other than a refugee camp.
pic related
>f-feed our BVLLS, Mirzkó
>What can Merkel or Macron do? Nothing.
Sanctions, shutting down foreign investments, attack on currency, stop lending money, shutting EU funds
I guess we'll have to invite Putin again.
They don't want to...
>feed them shit
>film it
>sell it as porn to german lefties
>I guess we'll have to invite Putin again.
More like China if anything
One month is all we need to from a new khanate.
What are they going to do, threaten to kick Hungary out of the EU for the 6th time?
So did Poland pay the money or what happened with that?
EU and their ultimatums
The cia really wants to brown Europe don't they.
Our ace in the hole
You forgot to say "please". This isn't how we play this game EU, we've already talked about this.
No zsíros kenyér for your migrants for another month.
One month is a long time. Not many asylum seekers will make it.
Give them pork soup.
I expected a thread full of pics of Orbán laughing.
>hungry nomads
I got distracted by a Daisy Chan thread.
>held in camps
Are they not free to leave?
In the meanwhile.
They are. They're being "held" in the sense that they're not allowed to freely enter the country.
We should have started hanging these "journalists" a long time ago.
>he belives these lies
orbán literally accepted 1300 migrants secretly and is feeding them
Have the food hot and ready you cuck ass mayo boy.
orbán literally stated it in his broadcast that he accepted 1300 "protected ones" "because they knocked on the gate instead of trying to climb it". stop shilling this retarded gypsy kosherfag
>it's another "EU gives Hungary an ultimatum" episode
What are they gonna do? Even if they hit them hard they will just fight on.
Struggle is Manhood. Go Hungary!
And then he withdrew from the global compact on migration which was the mechanism obligating Hungary to do so, Jobbikfag.
im not a jobbikfag you dumbfuck mutt. I just simply state the truth. also nice retardation that you are implying. fidesz is literally throwing indepted hungarian families onto the streets so that their homes could be sold to foreigners for a quick shekel for them. they are also letting in migrants who can pay aka east asians and richer arabs
Hungary is in the Schengen zone so if the Hungarians make the accomodation where they will be staying shitty enough, they will all fuck off to the west
>EU gives Hungary one month to start feeding asylum seekers.
Btw, those lying cavemen are called invaders not asylum seekers.
oi jack, do you have a loiscence for chatting all that shit?
Okay, wait 29 days and start feeding them again. By then they are dead.
Yeah. Okay buddy.
Either you're exceptionally retarded or trolling, but judging by your flag I'd say it's the former.
Corruption and misallocation of EU money is associated with Fidesz and Orbán, and even some of his voters acknowledge that. He did do a bit for Hungary by lifting us out of the shit that we were in back in 2009-2012, but our healthcare and education is still shit, he still buys votes with the promised of "a shot and a can of beer", and mainly panders to his main voting block of pensioners.
You read these articles on Jow Forums seeing Orbán rejecting migrants and all that shit and you think "wow what a based redpilled guy", but do you really think that's all a leader needs to do?
Go back to T_D, redditfag.
Keep pushing Hungary! Fuck EU
I like this pic, although huns and magyars are not related.
That pesky one month:
aaaand the usual:
which is
I just know an edgy idealist fag when I see one, as I used to be just like you: fucking clueless. The funny thing about idealistic losers is that they abandon every principle they have in pursuit of power. Then when they fail they think a simple name change will suffice to reearn the trust of the cosmopolitan retards they duped into voting for them in spite of their duplicity. IDGAF if Orban is corrupt because all your potentials are corrupt, excluding maybe Toroczkai.