Is there an alt-right to libertarian pipeline

Is there an alt-right to libertarian pipeline.

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of course, when the name of the game is might makes right, you have to pick a side



Yes, keep them focused on degenerate hobbies being Jewed, instead of world geopolitics.

libertarianism is a joke. Its just for people who can't or won't face the political realities of a modern first world country.

Look mom, I posted it again to piss off the Nazis!

>Darold Bowden, 43, of Linden has been arrested in connection with six rapes.

DNA evidence was used to connect Bowden to the rapes, police said.

He's being held under a $18.8 million bond after being charged with:

>Three counts first-degree forcible rape
>Three counts first-degree forcible sex offense
>Four counts second-degree forcible rape
>13 counts second-degree forcible sex offense
>First-degree statutory rape
>Indecent liberties with a child
>Six counts first-degree kidnapping
>Five counts first-degree burglary
>Two counts felony larceny
>Two counts felony possession of stolen goods

"I'm just glad we got the guy finally," said Lt. John Somerindyke with Fayetteville police.
>>>"This is just the beginning."

According to police, Bowden was wanted in connection with at least six rapes that date back to 2006.


>Darold Bowden
literally who
white nationalists have no leaders at this point if you haven't noticed

It's Donald Putin Drumpf bro

no you're here forever

leaf genocide when

What noise does it make Jow Forums?

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This is why

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I'd like an honest answer, but how many white americans in this thread have ever felt discriminated against by another person, let alone a group of people, to their face?

Now how many black americans do you think could say the same? This comic is absurd.

The one you're thinking of.

Love your shit Vince. I listen to it every morning when I get into work.

*Schluuuuurrrrpp pllaaaarrhhhhggfff*

>youz neva been discriminated agains cuz you white

The economics or the social issues?
I can agree with their naivety with social issues, but free market theory is solid.

>guys sits in front of computer reading news articles

jeez its not like we haven't seen this boring shit everyday for the last 6 years

Neat, someone make this a video game.

>free market theory is solid.
Perfect competition doesn't exist. Lol, that was easy!

So many times I'm finna punch the fuck out the next homie who tries to get loud with me about being white

He would be the 4th because the camels back already broke. The 3rd one was knocked out with one punch in front of his roastie Latina girlfrienemy

>Is there an alt-right to libertarian pipeline.
It's the other way around, retard.

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Right after the ethnostate is formed and homogeneity allows a beautiful Japan-like anime manufacturing land to emerge. Only there'll be more pubs, and space exploration.

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Yes, also known as the Jair Messias Bolsonaro pipeline


this is the end of the pipeline

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Yeah, look closely.

Yes it's called "the 300 million brown communist question" and all lobertardians go through including molymeme.

Sat down with LPUK leader and asked him how he would get to power in a rapidly africanizing and Islamist UK.

He had no answer.

There is no liberty among ghouls and as south Africa shows us, even MUH consitution won't protect you. To put it bluntly browns don't vote for Liberty and never will.

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Those things aren't independent of each other though. For example to encourage sexual self restriction you need to censor media, which means entertainment is no longer a free market.

I certainly have, but not on anything important. “Nah dog y’all can’t come up in this joint tonight! This is a bruthus club white boy.” Ok, I was just going to ask directions to the much nicer place down the street. Wasn’t really interested in getting drunk watching primates seize out all over the place to jungle rythms.

Physical removal

Nothing ever has been nor ever needs to be perfect. The only people who think that are the weak.

actually the jews got us real good with that, porn used to not be considered free speak until larry flint won his court case

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I'm a libertarian at heart, but I've come to realize it's an ideology that can only work in an ethnically homogenous country. As long as their are minorities and special interest groups a mostly ancap society will never work. Libertarianism requires high amounts of social trust to function and most minorities find it too easy to blame their problems on white people.

>He doesn't know that perfect competition is the name of a mainstay economic concept in equilibrium theory, so he just interprets what he thinks the phrase sounds like it means.
Oh, how embarrassing for you.


Nah not embarrassed in the least. Most of the state I live in is comprised of elitist cunts.

>So many times I'm finna punch the fuck out the next homie who tries to get loud with me about being white

I don't understand why white bois take so much shit, I think because of this you get bullied by the inmigrants who don't come from effeminate environments like you.

You should put them on their place, but I haven't seen a white boy standing up, just in the movies.

But I know how you feel, is the same here with the centroamericans and caribean inmigrants, they are Mexico's Mexico.

Dude, we get arrested and an extra charge for hate crime tacked on.


maybe post pic-related

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As you will. Keep arguing over which Jew wrote the best obsessive treteise on money.

going back to the matrix (good luck)

Libertarianism is childish in that it assumes everyone actually likes liberalism and will follow the rules.

After several hundred instances of noticing leftist or neocon hypocrisy and pointing it out, thinking in your head "ooo I really got em this time. This argument is airtight and irrefutable!" only for no one to care, you realize its a losing game. It might have been viable before American children and immigrants alike were taught that liberal values themselves are something oppressive that you don't have to believe in if they aren't getting you what you want, but those days are gone.

Here’s the thing.

Natsoc know they’re hypocrites.

Libertarians/ancaps know it’s maybe a bit unrealistic at the current time.

However, both should agree that further freedom is goal for human beings regardless of race or country.

A rising tide can lift all boats.

Get rid of the deep state and people can actually work on it then.

Any natsoc who disagrees is just as bad as a lefty IMO.


Its for people that want their cake but ignore all the realities of what got him that cake in the first place. Libertarianism is great if you consider all of human civilization as just one big shopping mall and no culture

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Unless libertarians come to grips that we are at a minimum of 1000 years away from a borderless libertarian world order. They are just going to be the convention with the naked fat guy and a dude wearing a boot for a hat.

Once shitskins and kikes are dead, the alt-right IS libertarian.

Genozid der Kanaken wann?

The so called "alt-right" is a blanket term used mostly by the media to describe all non-cucked forms of right wing ideology. Just because one uses the term "alt-right" does not mean they're referring to any particular kosher form of white nationalism.

>still debating libertarianism vs alt right
>not taking the National Transhumanism red pill

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Lolberts have mostly just been enablers thus far. They fall hand-in-hand with the pursuit of liberty over objective morality which has been the main usurper of our countries.
Who can still find regular threads full of lolberts who clamor about and exclaim it's the right of our enemies to take advantage of our good will and claim our sovereignty.

I disagree

Look how fast people got fooled in 100-200 years.

We didn’t even have electricity until 1879

I actually really disagree.

Only takes 15-20 so subvert a population, so one generation/childhood.

I think a hate crime could be hitting a woman and their child, or a mob hitting one guy.

But if the fight is 1-1 shouldn't be.

Pulling out the race card for crying opreshun should be banned.

are trying to push that agenda here (if you are brown and a mediocre, is not because of your bad decisions, is because you are brown).

Fuck, almost the entire contry is brown.

Yes, because fascism is socialism with ribbons, when they start confiscating your wealth to finance white parasites you'll turn libertarian pretty quick.

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> turned backs to the only way in
> guarding their land from nothingness
Seems pretty legit, who made this?

Nope. Nazi are socialist and want to limit the ways you can profit.


Considering Christianity/God is the guiding morality in America I would argue that something like the non aggression principle is extremely similar to what the constitution demands.

Secular morality is a real thing you know.

Morality shouldn’t be, and isn’t objective.

All you would have to say if you and I fought like men and you lost is “he called me a wetback” and I’m fucked. You could literally call me a cracker in court and it will be ignored. That is what the white guilt has become.

>confiscating your wealth to finance white parasites
They go in work camps, friend. Maybe they'll even build ROADS.

You try convincing 2 billion chinks that libertarian values are the best and they will surely fall right in line.

You are kidding yourself. The west began their path to enlightenment hundreds of years ago. And we were starting from a point further along than any African.

This too. I'm all for being tolerant in theory, but this attitude enables bad faith actors to corrupt every aspect of society with pretty much no pushback, because asserting your own values is against your own values.

Libertarianism is more of a ideal for a homogeneous nation.

For the most part I prefer libertarianism, but I don't see it as the ideology that can get us out of this current demographic mess. I do see it as an ideal European nation mindset though, besides the open borders and a few other issues.

Maybe you should do your homework on what a Leftist is and what a Libertarian is (classical liberal). They aren't even related. Being Liberal doesnt mean that you abandon all logic and critical thinking, but being a lefist does require this.

Jow Forums has always been a classical liberal board where nobody gives a shit as long as you dont fuck with them. Alt-Right started as a way for push back. Most Alt-Righters identify with classical liberalism than hitler when it gets down to beliefs.

>The party will put itself in work camps

So you want to give those actors more power in a natsoc setting...?

Common, you guys are better then this, you know the fallacies you’re committing, you know the argument already

Objective morality is the key to a functioning society.
When your morality falters, so does the populace and so does the country.

back when this picture was made they promoted the libertarian ideology up higher than previous images hoping to convert them to fascism, or at least raise it up in their minds.

I was in the thread, and criticized the original heavily, being mildly more satisfied with that version.

Fasci shilling on Jow Forums has ended, of course. Now it's an organic movement with real stakeholders (whites hoping to avoid genocide, replacement, or dispossession of the USA).

They don't need more power, when they already have all the power in our current society. National socialists seems to believe if the ultimate purpose of society was to better the nation, it would be more difficult for bad actors to undermine their sovereignty, and keep to undermine the nation.

Let's examine the historical evidence here. I see a number of examples of degenerates being put into work camps by fascists, and 0 examples of ancap societies such as Somalia being successful.

Why would anyone argue against he NAP?

Why would anyone argue that rape, murder, or theft. Are desireable in society?

unlike commie fantasies the market doesnt need to be perfect to work.

Ghouls don't think like whites, user.

What if I care about things like privacy, property rights and small government but still hate niggers and kikes?

Only in white ethnostates. That's what happened in America in the 50's and 60's after all.

Well done, you're literally alt-right.

>I'd like an honest answer, but how many white americans in this thread have ever felt discriminated against by another person, let alone a group of people, to their face?
Several times.

Our current state of affairs argues that actions against white people are justified because they basically violated the NAP beforehand. You can see this laying out before you very eyes in South Africa.

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I love how comics like these always depict niggers and spics as thugs who will die for their liberal plantation owners, while all the white people look like the AVGN for some odd reason.

Yawn, already addressed here:

>Doing X vs being successful
Yeah one to one comparison there, specially when strawmanning ancap when the thread is specifically about libertarianism.
Now compare economic freedom vs state enforced collectivization.
I don't see a libertarian state falling do hard that the belief became fringe tier for 7 decades.

I went down the pipeline in 2013 and it's been a hell of a ride.

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Homesteading vs colonialization is a big arguement.

Even native tribes in North America fought over territory.

That's not a direct comparison. That's comparing your doubt of something that has demonstrably happened vs. your belief in something that has demonstrably produced the opposite effect.

I'm not natsoc. I just think America is beyond saving, and whites have been set up to be the scapegoat when shit hits the fan. No one cares enough to do anything about it, while plenty of people have a vested interest in making it happen. See: the deep state and the media reeing at the top of their lungs anytime Trump wants to do anything. I'm prepared as ill ever be to protect the people I care about, but any type of collective resistance to the progressive endgame will never materialize because right wingers don't know shit about organization.

There is an alt-right to nazbol pipe and Spencer has went through it.

>muh collectivism
Lolberts and their retarded anarchist brothers can come together and agree with people like me that homogeneous society is necessary for long term function, yet they deny themselves the formation of a collective to ensure their individual liberty.
It's the literal definition of self defeating.
It escapes me how they can think this way, caught between imaginary extremes so they sit idle.

>t. never heard of the Sicilian mafia
Libertarianism and White Nationalism aren't mutually exclusive ideologies.
The Sicilian Mafia was created in response to muslim occupation of Italy and only Sicilian men were allowed to be a part of the mafia and the mafia is an anarchic decentralized autonomous organization which operates through business and family relations and is governed by mutually agreed upon rules enforced by the whole of mafia society.
and best of all, it's a successful example of such a society that has even survived Musolini's attempts to shut it down during Italian fascism showing that it's a stable system.
All that's left is to extend the invitation from Sicilians only to all distinctly European races.

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The Mafia is also full of Jews though.

there can be. or other way around.

I was what would be called alt right then libertarian maybe 5 years past 2 3 moved to full blown an cap.

it's probably going to be easier to get left alone by conservetives than commies.

Libertarianism is fucking dumb and makes even less sense in a racially homogenous context.
If you really have solidarity to your people, you should be willing to uplift your countrymen and work together for a greater good. Otherwise you're no better than a simple jew.

Then we start our own mafia without Jews.
No problem.

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Greater good, spoken like a true communist.