>E se la Procura di Agrigento valuta l’ipotesi di aprire un’inchiesta per sequestro di persona contro ignoti, Salvini non fa una piega. Anzi, con tono di sfida, afferma: “Non sono ignoto. Sono qua. Sono Matteo Salvini. Senatore e ministro dell’Interno con mandato preciso di difendere i confini e occuparsi della sicurezza di questo Paese. Mi volete indagare? Indagatemi. Mi volete processare? Processatemi. Ho spalle larghe. Ma con il mio permesso, a parte i bambini, non sbarca nessuno. Se vuole intervenire il presidente della Repubblica lo faccia. Se vuole intervenire il premier lo faccia. Ma per me l’Italia ha già dato. Se l’Europa non fa il suo dovere, per quanto mi riguarda le navi, come arrivano, possono tornare indietro". Il ministro dell'Interno, in tarda serata, rilancia e chiama il "suo" popolo a sostenerlo: "Se mi arrestano, mi venite a trovare amici?" chiede su Twitter. Con tanto di faccina sorridente.
>[regarding the Diciotti ship case] >As the Agrigento district attorney thinks about opening a case against unknowns for kidnapping, Salvini doesn't even flinch. Actually, with daring tone, he says: "I'm not an unknown. I'm here. I'm Matteo Salvini. Senator and Intern Minister, with the precise mandate to defend our borders and administer the safety of this Country. Do you want to investigate me? Investigate. Do you want to trial me? Trial me. I have large shoulders. But with my consent, except children [ed: not (((minors))), "children".], no one's disembarking. If the President of the Republic wants to step in, let him do so. But if you ask me, Italy has already done its part. If Europe doesn't do its duty, as far as I'm concerned, ships coming in can just as well go back." >The Intern minister, late last night, raised the stakes and called "his" people to support him: "If they arrest me, will you come see me in jail, friends?" he asks on Twitter. With a smiley face.
He's basically telling everyone to get the fuck out of his way, the President to go fuck himself, and low key threatening a popular uprising ("come see me" in jail is clearly code for break him out).
Is this how the war begins? What can we do to help him?
Oliver Parker
>protect borders of your country >go to jail what the fuck kind of reality did I end up in
The (((left))) is trying to frame him not letting (((poor migrants))) off the boat as a kidnapping. The (((president))) says there's a clash of powers within the state because the government is preventing a military ship from using one of our country's ports (as if the military shouldn't follow the executive branch's orders... madness).
Basically, they're trying to go for the >>imbeach route like with Trump.
Also reminder that the left is radicalizing the population even more. We have more than weekly shootings against migrants now. Sometimes with real weapons, sometimes with air guns, sometimes even with blanks just to scare them, but it's the message that counts. We don't want you, fuck off or you're gonna pay the price.
Now even Di Maio has become based:
>"Se domani non esce nulla sulla Diciotti e sulla redistribuzione dei migranti io e il M5s non saremo più disposti a dare 20 miliardi di euro all'Ue". Lo ha detto Luigi Di Maio sottolineando che "in questi mesi abbiamo avuto modo di vedere come funzionava la linea morbida nei confronti dell'Unione europea e come funziona la linea dura".
>If tomorrow they doesn't take action regarding the Diciotti ship and the redistribution of migrants, WE WILL NO LONGER BE PREDISPOSED TO PAY €20 BILLION TO THE EU
If this happens, we're out and the EU crashes. I wouldn't be surprised is Savona, Borghi and Bagnai have already put a euro dropout contingency plan in place.