You know the Question

What is the Answer?

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Say Thank You.

Permanent expulsion to their ethnostate.

Dont live in the US.


not enough. Only complete eradication can free the world of their disease. It only takes 1 weak generation of men to doubt their intent and we end up in the same spot all over again. Like a weed you can't just trim where it sprouts from the ground, the whole plant including the root needs to be removed.

Where? Israel?

Ge no ci de.
And deletion of their shit satanist religion and bombing that goddamn Satan's wailing wall.

jews answer questions with more questions

They go back and respond w nukes
Wat do?

You underestimate what I will advocate for once they are all in one place.

>implying it wouldn't be a headquarter

The Irish are better Jews than the Jews. Our Egyptians are the British. Our promised land is larger and greener than yours as well as much better positioned and our diaspora has infiltrated to a much more extensive and also accepted extent.

We can do this without violence. We just need to encourage them to assimilate anddiscard their Jewish identity. They already intermarry at a high rate: we need to push that in the media and encourage their women to have sex with white men, and we need to push the image of the effeminate Jewish man to remove any sense of his masculinity. Convince the women that intermarriage with white men is a sign of success in an open society, while embracing a tribal identity is a remnant of humanity's darker past; convince the men that they cannot be masculine and Jewish at the same time, so it's best to drop the Jewish identity and find masculinity through assimilation.


I underestimated you user. Sorry.

the final solution

Idiot. Jewish identity passes down through the mother, not the father.

Marx already answered that.

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And his answer was...?

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Jewish women often abandon their Jewish identity when they marry outside Judaism. They stop going to temple, they don't teach their children about Judaism; some even outright convert to Christianity.


*rubs hands*

Was he wrong?

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It doesn't matter. Other Jews will still recognize the children as Jews.

The answer is not a fedora-tipping call to abolish all religion.

women are more devious than you can ever comprehend

There's no answer, but there is a solution

*Rubs hands harder*

What kind of solution?

An alliance?

Attached: ohyeah.png (234x204, 134K)

id: Jwys
id: kkK

I'm so confused

what is the jewish question?
I dislike kikes and all but I've never heard somebody phrase that in the form of an question

nuclear holocaust

the entire talmud is pointless debate after pointless debate all scheming towards lying to the goy to exploit him

talmudic judiasm is literally a religion on how to be a lazy scheming faggot

the sun

Gas the bikes. Race car now

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It has its own Wikipedia entry.

Skiing alliance?
I met some Israelis while skiing in Austria. We played poker.

so it's just
"what do we do about these fucking jews?
in that case I vote gas

kek has a special kind of humor it seems
talmud is a false flag to hide what really goes on
never done that before, but i will

execute the top elite kikes ruining our world and then establish and enforce strict moral laws so the bottom greedy kikes can't abuse it to get to the top again.

Kikes that follow strict moral laws are OK in my book

>What is the Answer?

Attached: jewsaredyingout.jpg (800x869, 183K)

>What is the Answer?
Free train tickets to pic related

Attached: gas.jpg (600x395, 101K)

And cut off all of their trade until they return all the nuclear material they stole from us.

Let see who can deceive the deceiver.

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it rhymes with spinal


That's reasonable. The first Inquisition failed, time to up the game.

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deport them all to israel
no gibs or military help
let them fight it out with the muslims


In the vulgate of the land, "ya'll need Jesus"

More to the point, Jesus the Son of God, not Jesus the dirty dippy hippy

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It's not devious or deceptive, it's adaptive. Women's adaptivity, malleability, their instinct to submit and assimilate to the prevailing social order, especially that of their mate, is a feature of their most basic function and ensures reproductive success. If it were abnormal, inherently negative, and maladaptive it wouldn't be the historical constant that it is, and that men have always recognized as reality and simply accounted for.

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>Jews responsible for rekting all other ethnostates deserve their own
kill yourself zionist trash