Be straight A student

>Be straight A student
>Represent county in cricket and win chess/debating/essay competitions all the time
>Get into a top 5 uni
>Graduate with a First (3.8-4.0 GPA)
>Get into asset management
>£55k a year starting + bonuses + qualifications paid for at 21 years old

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

The only people complaining about capitalism/bankers are poor people who weren't good enough at school.

Attached: the donald.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

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Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats suck everyone's dick...EVERYONE'S!!.




Hillary will suck off Syria, Suck Assad, and suck the bald head right off a Russian Dick making it spit everywhere.

Then Mueller will also being sucking President and Vice President dick by Summer.

Then Nancy Pelosi (biggest cock sucker of all) gets to declare national cock sucker day right before the big blue jizz swallowing in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cocks...we suck um!

We will suck him incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;) either way the proof will be all over our tits.

Are you guys with me?



Head Cock Sucker Nancy Pelosi. .

Like holy FUCKING SHIT get BJ for such an old hag!

We're literally literally going to be dragging far right men into cock sucking camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big cocks total ball drainage. We'll LITERALLY be sucking the fuck out of all the cock in the land!! Skinhead cocks are welcome too!!

Congrats Right Wingers!!

We beat your meat right before you thrust your cock right down our throat thinking we won the entire world..

Now, you get to find out what a big pack of cock suckers we really are. And how delicious your meat will taste when we suck with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

>all this
>still wastes time on Jow Forums

Attached: 1482082036884.gif (500x333, 421K)

No one's complaining about capitalism anymore, it's just capitalism = white people

Open your eyes, everyone is. And the one thing they all have in common is that they're all invariably lazy.

Yeah some people grow up in dysfunctional households retard, where nobody helps them with anything and they are constantly distracted or worried and not thinking about school. Has this ever occurred to you moron?

In Africa maybe, no one in the UK or the USA is truly poor or in poverty.

I work in the field and make more than double what you make. Guess what? CANNOT FUCKING WAIT TO GET OUT.

> long hours and always on the grind
> pretentious, machiavellian, sociopathic coworkers
> retarded, needy, and demanind clients
> slight downturn and people get axed
> most regulated industry in the world
> expected to have multiple degrees (i do) and multiple credentials (series exams, CFA, CFP, CAIA, FRM, etcetcetc) just to stay relevant and employable
> industry undergoing massive consolidation to major institutions
> working for a major firm sucks dick because politics can get so bad you don't want to be caught listening to the wrong music in the parking garage

have fun, man. i would rather move to vermont and make artisan cheese and get paid $35k/year at this point and get my life back.

>pretentious, machiavellian, sociopathic coworkers

How bad is it user? Everyone I've met has been very friendly so far 3 days in.

depends what you're doing, man. my biggest advice to you is the following:

> don't share too much about your personal life and outside activities with anyone. sure, you're all friends now but act like they are recording your conversations. give no one any rope to hang you with later down the road.
> work towards credentials. if they aren't hard as fuck to attain, they aren't worth shit.
> have an exit plan. you never know when the economy is going to go tits up, but when it does people get laid off like nothing you've ever seen. even in a good economy, remember you are 100% replaceable in a moment's notice. remember you could be fired tomorrow.
> avoid any shady dealings at all costs. upper management will throw you to the wolves at any time to save their own neck. don't fall on the sword for anyone.