Veganism: a red pill

What are some good carnist arguments against veganism?

I'm slowly start to see that there is no legit reason to consume meat and contribute with the holocaust of our fellow brother animals

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There are no good carnist arguments,
there are omnivore arguments.
Omnivores built civilization,
predators and herbivores are all BTFO under the spear.

Enjoy your teeth falling out.

>holocaust of our fellow brother animals

that has nothing to do with eating meat, its because of jews and normies

supermarket culture, people want that shelf filled everyday, thats the problem, its anti natural

thats why you have massive cagefarms and slaughter houses

without the meat industry, people could still locally grown meat from small producers, it just means its more expensive and less available all the time

so what? thats nature, expecting a great meal everyday is unnatural, meat is a special treat

Clothing and diet are the first two things anyone joining a cult has to adapt.

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>What are some good carnist arguments against veganism?
The weak should fear the strong.

I don't get why vegans always say that human beings are animals too.

If we are animals, then why do we have an obligation to treat other animals kindly? Animals are always killing each other and fighting.

Where does this duty come from to treat animals kindly if we are nothing more than animals ourselves?

If you are able to be vegan there is no argument against it, if you are not able to be vegan there is no argument for it. It is a personal decision that many people make, however it is not for everyone and would in fact be detrimental to society if everyone went vegan.

It is white privilege at it's finest, so I indulge.

most animals eat meat.

Fuck off cunt
Probablemente pagas mas de 300 pesos por una ensalada de 300gr en la zona rosa maldito vegano

>insultar sin dar argumentos
todavia tienes mucho que aprender mijo

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>Veganism is White privilege at it's finest
>Having so much privilege you feed perfectly edible and healthy food to other animals so that you can fatten them up and eat them instead because you like the taste
pick one

Absolute bullshit, try going to East Africa or most of East and South Asia and telling them that veganism is a privilege.
You'll get beat up on the spot because the only reason most people in those regions eat plant-based diets is because meat is a fucking luxury which is either scarce there or costs an entire month of salary for 3 days of food.
Veganism is involuntary in most places.
I remember some vegan dumbfaggot going to an Eastern African village to seek self-validation who rained praises and sparkles upon the people as they were eating nothing but plants for 2 fucking weeks, until a trader passed by with fish and meat and the whole village went like a hyena on it.
Meat is instead a privilege, both down there and out there.

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Mosquitoes, Lice and Tapeworms are animals, too.

Only prey eats only plants
Carnivores / Omnivores are always smarter than their prey

Nuestra especie lleva comiendo mas de 1000 años carne sin mencionar la cultura Azteca, Olmeca y Maya consumiendo insectos y dejaras todo eso solo porque es lo mas "trending" del momento, olvídalo seguramente si pagas los $300 por una ensalada

animals eat eachother

I’m glad you have come to this realization. But you will need vitamin b12 which is only found in the guts of animals, so you will need to eat unwashed produce or take supplements

the argument is that i can eat what i want as long as it isn't human.

Dont you have cartels to hide from? Why do you care about animals? You will probably be slaughtered like one anyway.

>Having so much privilege you feed perfectly edible and healthy food to other animals so that you can fatten them up and eat them instead because you like the taste
>being able to still do this, and still choose veganism despite calorie dense and protein dense meat being available

Animals are going to be slaughtered regardless of if I opt out of the demand chain.

Sounds like you proved my point. Thanks.

The best argument is the design of human teeth. Do vegans really think that incisors and canines evolved to grind grains, mash vegetables or nibble at berries?

If meat isn't eaten the number of animals in existence will drop dramatically. If done correctly/humanely raising an animal to eat it is a symbiotic relationship in which life is offered for life.

>Animals are going to be slaughtered regardless of if I opt out of the demand chain.
Appeal to futility fallacy. People are going to rape, kill, and steal regardless if I opt out of doing the same so I might as well rape, kill, and steal as well.

>>being able to still do this, and still choose veganism despite calorie dense and protein dense meat being available
What? Is this not further proving my point that veganism is not privileged since you are wasting food on animals just so that there is a supply of meat?

>Protein dense meat
Plants contain protein. Males generally need like 55 grams of protein a day and women need about 45g. You can easily hit those values every day.

Hippos have the largest canine teeth and are herbivores

Correct no legit reason to eat animal products or byproducts.

Humans > all other animals. The best contribution a cow can commit to the world is served with some potatoes and beer.

Created in the image of God. OP calls me an animal. Nice try

Well said brother.

83% of vegans are women and It makes perfect sense

79% but still

Also might is right, your morality is a spook

Chickens, cows, pigs pretty much all farm animals were domesticated and selectively bred over centuries. It's there role to be our food

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Veganism is a mistake

>Jow Forums rejects the wisdom of their queen

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If I eat anything other than meat I get horrible indigestion

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bullshit, maybe I'm just weird, but if I eat something that isn't meat, I get sick

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>I'm slowly start to see that there is no legit reason to consume meat and contribute with the holocaust of our fellow brother animals
Imagine being this commietarded.

>"Remember, you're an animal too."
>Animals eat meat
>"Yeah, but we're better than that!"

>What are some good carnist arguments against veganism?

Cattle, chickens, and many other farm animals would go extinct if there was no demand for their products. They have evolved too far from their natural origins to survive without constant human care.

Veganism does not protect these animals, it prevents them from ever being born in the first place.

Plants are alive too you stupid fuck.

Do you drink milk?

They don't scream as much, though

The only true redpill for diet is fasting. If you have plenty of bodyfat you don't starve, except for electrolytes after a couple days.

For starters, don't eat or drink anything sans water for 48h.

Sounds like your gut flora is out of whack. Start drinking some fermented beverages like kombucha or eating fermented food like real pickles etc. Alternatively you could buy something like Good Belly probiotic juice. A healthy gut can easily break down phytate and ease digestion in general. Animal products are generally the cause of digestion strain.

Vegans become retards as a result of B12 deficiency

rational animals != animals

That is tard thinking fit only for a Jew or a woman. Animals have no intrinsic human worth because they are incapable of reason and will. As stewards though, we should respect them, and not exploit them in the horrific industrial ways they are so often today. So long as the animal is able to live its life out in a happily animal manner, then it's perfectly okay to bite them down to oblivion.

Actually I've heard fasting occasionally is good for you. Gives your body a chance to flush everything out

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Hunting is the way of human the first human anscestors.
Id never defend factory farms.

not very often

actually I do drink kombucha, it was rough at first but it doesn't bother me much anymore, still no dice on anything other than meat and occasional dairy

a well placed headshot also makes an animal not scream. They will fly around as their dead body is having muscle spasm but that's it. Just a little dance show before they go out.

t. local stray cat/dog killer in neighbourhood

>you too are an animal

Like my cat who plays with its food before killing it.

D-did she really say all that? She was too pure for this world. Her ass was tight too. She will be missed

>I fast for greater mental and physical capacity - Plato

Also, growing and slaughtering 500 pigs and only 150-200 of them get actively used is a waste. Consumerism is the ultimate jewish scam and 99.99% of people have fallen for it.

I don't speak your crazy moon language!

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Because nobody wants to look like (You)

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that's awful, I mean I hunt a lot but cats and dogs? there's something wrong with you

Vegans are a retarded cult. End story. Vegetarians have some valid points, but 99% of it revolves around feelings.

They got one thing right: factory farming is bad.

Be a conscious carnivore, support local farms and avoid anything mass packaged, don't eat at taco bell, mcdonalds, etc

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They're for fighting. Deer have way bigger antlers than dogs; doesn't change either species' eating habits.

Some people want to save the $200 or $300 bill for having a pet put down by chemical. I do the same job for free and its the human way to kill an animal. Not confuse it with a fucking needle in a scary environment.

I let them eat food and people who asks me to do the job will make everything comfortable for them. I often go home to people's garden to shoot.

Its not only stray, but also sick and other injured animals who is too expensive to take to vet.

At least i let them go peacefully.

So I think my position is, which is naturally the best position, no industrial meats. But other kinds of meat are kosher, so to speak (no Jew).

is it considered an animal product when you swallow your boyfriends semen?

It asserts your strength. That's why you also should kill lesser beings like jews and niggers whenever you see them.

An animal would not hesitate to eat me.

vegans are a political tool for the mass to accept first just as the population once accepted refined sugar and non fermented wheat.

case in point> beans were not consumed, once upon a time, unless it was fermented.

When people accepted nom fermented legumes, we got a homo crisis.
Japan accepted non fermented s@y and look at their fertility rates.

I am a pussy as I am what I eat. I refuse to become a s@y b@y.

>Lion eats antelope
>Crocodile eats hippo
>Eagle eats rabbit

Dumbass argument. Yes, I am aware that we are animals. I eat whatever the fuck I want, but I do not try to guilt-trip others into what they should consume.

Yes, I translated her texts.

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oh gotcha, I thought you just found random cats and dogs and shot them

Yes. Cells begin to regenerate very rapidly and hgh levels, afaik, increase 300% after 48h
and 1500% after 10 days.

We need meat. Just not as much as we eat today. My grandparents ate it not more than once a week and the meat was a lot healthier. What we eat today is trash.

Cults deprive their initiates of protein in order to break down their mental resistance.

Humans are the ultimate (as of yet) expression of DNA as it formed on Earth. If there is any purpose at all for DNA and the self-replicating molecules it creates, it is for the propagation and advancement of these molecules.

Just as many plants exist to serve as a food source for other species, so do some animals serve as food sources for other animals. If eating these animals is most optimal for the advancement of humans for us to leave this planet, bring order to the universe, and perhaps survive the death of the universe, then it is the best thing we can do to eat it.

Jesus Christ she even called out the JQ.. Why do all the good ones die

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No problem. I could have phrased myself better in first post. I love animals just as much as i love to eat them. Just like god intended to.

Theres no reason not to put a bullet in your own head right now. Remember that you are an animal. You strive for life in the only way possible: others must die.
To grow agricultural crops you need to kill to maintain the land. You kill to pave roads. You kill to build homes.

If you don't want to do that anymore, you can kill yourself.

humans aren't animals
Unlike animals we are spiritual beings (in a biological body yes, but not animals) but a vegan-atheist-commie wouldn't understand that

I know today's meat is trash. Thats why I only eat from a local butchers store or from relatives in a rural area that have a farm.

Anyway, judging by how edgy (((meat obsessed eaters))) are in this thread Jow Forums is either filled with literal subhuman trash or retarded kids.

I would eat humans if I had to.
Fuck, I'd eat humans if that's legal. Same protein, easily digestible, clean meat, sedentary lifestyle of most people.

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Shut up faggot

I garenfuckingtee you have never been on a farm in your life. You don't know the first thing about agriculture or what it takes to feed people. Please stop eating and die from starvation

Life feeds off life no matter how you look at it. Who are you to tell me that the love a of animals are more important than the lives of plants? The vegan worldview is one of feel goodery and faux-moral superiority. Take a step back and look at it. Is your life really any more precious than a tree or a fruit bush? They contribute more positive effects to the planet than you do. If you aren't saying all life is precious or none is you don't get to hold me to your imaginary distinction between what life is too valuable to eat or not.

Humans are held to a higher standard because were moral agents that can choose to act outside of our nature. Animals cannot be expected to meet this task and are excused from that standard.
And THAT is why they are different and it's ok to eat them.

I want fried chicken

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Lives of animals*

Yes, I am an animal, and like most animals, I kill and eat other animals

Friendly reminder that carnist alt-righter leaders have been logically DESTROYED and verbally RAPED by BASED Ask Yourself with REASON AND EVIDENCE.

Yeah. Pretending to be manly omnivores despite never killing a damn animal.

The mistake they made was engaging in the debate.
It has nit been demonstrated to me that eating meat, especially on a moral level, is an activity i need to defend. Vegans have no affirmative assertions. Just endless
>well explain this
>how do you defend that
>how can you say this
Killing and eating animals isnt wrong in the same sense that smashing a rock isnt wrong.

I especially enjoy the one pouring animall piss into his ear.
>vegans are healthy
who are you trying to fool.

Ancient civilizations had little access to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Lots that we see in a grocery store now came from the new world. Additionally most of the fruits and vegetables we see today have been long since cross pollinated for plenty of reasons. Ancient people depended on a lot of meat, fish, seafood and grains. Supplemented with small amounts of fruit and vegetables. Probably some peas and lentils would be common. This comment refers to mostly the cradle of civilization. Vegetarianism and veganism are modern ideas. If you wanna eat like ancient people try salted meat and bread.

>What are some good carnist arguments against veganism?
1. It sucks.
2. No vegan diet without supplements is ever going to provide sufficient Vitamin D, DHA/EPA, or Vitamin B12. Unless you're eating sea vegetables, dirt-covered mushrooms and in the sun all day, you'll eventually be deficient without supplementation or having to eat processed fortified shit to get what you need.
3. The food does NOT taste as good as stuff with animal ingredients. I was a vegan for 15 years, believe me, I know this pain.
4. It's inconvenient unless you live in major cities or heavily liberal areas for dining out, unless you absolutely fucking love a plain salad with vinegar and oil every time.
5. The diet isn't inherently healthier than any other diet, no matter what junk science articles vegans push, nobody has ever proven it to be better for you UNLESS you're actually a morbidly obese fuck with clogged arteries. Normal people get little to no benefit from veganism so long as they eat decent food their entire lives.
6. It doesn't make you disease proof. I've known a half dozen vegans who died early from my time in the community (most from heart attacks, believe it or not, and a few from cancer), I know 3 vegan breast cancer victims who got it in their 30s or 40s, and lost a good vegan friend to pancreatic cancer a half decade ago. All the shit you die from normally, well, it'll kill you if you're vegan, too!
7. It just makes your life fucking awkward unless you're always only with other vegans. Literally, it sucks being that retard who has to ask 50 questions before you order food, or, that asshole who complains about seeing "too many carcasses go past my table" when you want to virtue signal, it's all so tiresome.

I can do more if you like, but these are honestly the things as a former vegan that I can rattle off quickly.

>But human food is not meat. As at creation no meat eating tools were given to humans. God has made man the noblest of creatures, not a bloodthirsty predator. -`Abdu'l Bahá

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Convince all of your dumb fuck friends and family to stop eating meat. Natural selection.