Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Keep "Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos" trending. Roasties, toths and all sorts of degenerate leftwankers are freaking out!

Spread it every where

#Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos

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nobody agree with "Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos"?

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Men don't care really about debt since they have vastly higher earning potential than female counterparts, and the only real female virgins left are the fat, ugly fuck female incels. I personally see the aestetic appeal of a tatoo or two, so your entire premise is bunk.

I do like reading SJWs sperging out about it though.

I completely agree. Alas I'm not on twatter

>not one response or rebuttal seems to understand the meaning of "prefer"

It could work, but we need something shorter and catchier

>Men don't care really about debt
Not true.Was a huge problem in my first relationship.
Especially because she hid it from me at first.
For example, why should I pay for some useless degree that will never result in anything?
Even if we have seperate bank accounts, this is money she could spend for us.

That and usually women like this have no responsibility.
For example already debt and want to go to expensive dinner instead of working it off.
Puts a huge stain on the relationship.

There really isnt a reason at all for women to have debt if you want to stay together and raise a family.

mfw on how triggers SJWs are of this, we should keep hammering this meme and mine the salt.

ive read article
christians are absolutely correct

heretic women deny their teaching, they will become old roasties and even imps in hell will refuse to talk to them.

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maybe, i like the slogan and the roasties are picking up on it!

we need to link it with "no hymen no ring", that pissed them off last time too!

also need to link it with the fact that roasties get unhappy later, while not being able to find a partner for a stable relationship after "clubbing life" and becoming crazy cat-ladies!

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It is a beautiful thing watching so many dumbasses trying to backpedal against the realization that their decisions have consequences.

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enlighten them

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Debt isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but it is indicative of poor decision making skills and impulse control. Both of those should be major red flags if you are looking for a serious relationship.
Tattoos are the same only more so.

Have you read the responses? These "people" are retarded.
>Assumption 1: Women should not learn to think for themselves because this causes them to be independent and not meek and quiet.
Apparently these roasties think that unless you get a gender or ethnic studies degree you can't think.

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Yeah, it's like they don't even consider the idea of taking a worthwhile degree.

Only insecure beta males obsess over female virgins, because they know someone else will likely have fucked the girl better than them. I'll take one with experience who knows how to enjoy herself in bed.

Didn’t this start as “without Instagram accounts”?
Not sure which is worse really. My girlfriend has both, but is actually really good with her money and cooks and cleans. I’m a little conflicted.

Roastie detected

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I do. I have it stated on my tinder profile that if you're a girl covered in tattoos you're mentally ill.

it makes me quite sick to see heretical women who think they're christians try to defend their whoredom

>yfw you see a debt free virgin with no tattos

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Hey, leave Thoth outta this!

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This. I posted a comment that basically rebuked every single thing she said in the video. Fake christian women are the fucking worst.

kek, rostie logic. enjoy being a cat mommy

I'm a man and I absolutely prefer clean skinned debt free virgins to illustrated sluts with a broken financial future.

kek, what a great hash

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My gf has cervical dysplasia - precursor to possible cervical cancer

All she had to do was not get dicked by different guys. This was most likely the result of an HPV strain. Either way, she is a poor choice for a long term companion

>sticking with a roastie

Why bother? There's plenty of other fish in the sea user. Don't lay with a roastie.

>2 Timothy 3:6-7 - silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

You're fucking gross but at least some of your loser friends might think you're cool

all thots say that.
enjoy getting eaten by your cats one day!!

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These women say that they're Christians in the same way that despotic kings of old would say they're Christian - they do whatever they want, fulfill every base and vulgar desire without thought or consequence because "only God can judge me" and "Jesus washes away my sin," and on their deathbed they can be baptized and "saved."

The bitch in that article seems to directly be saying that you can ride the cock carousel for however long you want as long as you're 'saved" by Jesus eventually, which is entirely missing the point.

>even "Christian" roasties are getting mad at this
We live in a society also pls give debt free virgin without tattoos

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they aren't christians at all, and that "conservative millenial" blog is some hellish vomit

holy shit that one youtube lady is having a fucking breakdown, why does it bother them so much?

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I don't know why these retards even think this is debatable. If a guy has a choice between a clean virgin without debt or tattoos, and used up roastie, why in the fuck would he take the roastie?

because it bothers her heretical understanding, it touches upon her disgusting piglike slavery to fleshly lusts and sparks a remorse in her over the ruinous filth that is her life

this #Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos
it the answer to the incel-bullshit they pulling on Jow Forums

spread it every where

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Because they fucked up and there's no way to go back in time. Combine that with a complete inability to take responsibility and learn from mistakes and you get (((feminism)))

Because they know it's true, they are far along the road of life and they know that they are not only soiled goods, but low grade second rate soiled goods.

and (((who))) is behind feminism?

>inb4 endless circle of bullshit the putting up on us

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Choochoo motherfuckers!

Just dumped my debt-full, tatted up, thot gf who had dropped out of uni TWICE and is probably now going to drop out a third time even after I payed for her application simply because I have broken up with her.

God these people are weak and manipulative. STAY AWAY FROM THEM.


Existential dread.

Because according to her she "waited until marriage"

Whenever they have to say that, they are clearly lying. Now her subconscious is triggering her defense mechanism to prove that she is in fact a "good christian woman"
Regardless, she is not following what Christianity tells her to do and she is paying the toll with her ego eating away at itself

>all the stronk womyn denying and seething

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>tfw got all of that

This shill is based and redpilled.

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>when your article is spot on that roasties get mental breakdowns while trying to ''counter-argue''

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why is 4 partners better than 3?

bigot, your just not man enough yet

>pic related

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We also prefer steak to mystery meat.

I'm scared what that means for the future. Men who get it from infected women can spread it on their laters gf.

Pump her a dump her after telling her why her choices have led her to the life she is now stuck with

Promote virginity or die (literally). Evolution is weeding out the sexually promiscuous with vengeance.

Not true senpai. Men may be able to pay off a woman's debt through hundreds of hours of hard work, but what man in his right mind would jump at the opportunity to do so? In many cases the debt is never paid off and the husband is dragged into a form of slavery, never to be free or independent from this looming debt, never financially secure. And for what? Some roastie's Gender Studies degree? A degree of no intellectual or financial worth?

Female virginity

Males should grab their sword and fight the whorde if they still have demons to slay or confidence to build.

if she has a hijab marry her

men over all centuries and cultures wanted virgin wives. get that right. (virgin = good / thot = bad)
debt is a sign of financial incapacity (warning)
tattos are a sign of mental instability (warning)

thats why, even modern Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos


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