This is the next level of Americans clapping in the movie theater
This is the next level of Americans clapping in the movie theater
Americans are the only ones that clap in movie theaters?
What is that supposed to mean?
The Americans worshiping BBC meme is real holy crap
>clapping in movie theaters
what the fuck, do you americans clap in cinema ?
i bet he's used to being on his knees next to his wife looking up at black men.
Now I've got that song stuck in my head.
Yes it's our culture.
>join american outlaws group because I like soccer
>they make all 50 people in the bar stand for the us national anthem
I quit that group because the time slots were shit as a west coast fag. All the games were at 4 PM on weekdays
Americans are so fucking retarded its not even funny. Worst part they do it on their own free will
>wearing shoes inside
>wearing shoes inside ON CARPET
would feel cringe but this isnt the most stupid thing american people do
germany is just annother american state why do you insult yourself
Know the best part?
This is the year Democrats suck everyone's dick...EVERYONE'S!!.
Hillary will suck off Syria, Suck Assad, and suck the bald head right off a Russian Dick making it spit everywhere.
Then Mueller will also being sucking President and Vice President dick by Summer.
Then Nancy Pelosi (biggest cock sucker of all) gets to declare national cock sucker day right before the big blue jizz swallowing in November.
Hey, don't forget the Russian cocks...we suck um!
We will suck him incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;) either way the proof will be all over our tits.
Are you guys with me?
Head Cock Sucker Nancy Pelosi. .
Like holy FUCKING SHIT get BJ for such an old hag!
We're literally literally going to be dragging far right men into cock sucking camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big cocks total ball drainage. We'll LITERALLY be sucking the fuck out of all the cock in the land!! Skinhead cocks are welcome too!!
Congrats Right Wingers!!
We beat your meat right before you thrust your cock right down our throat thinking we won the entire world..
Now, you get to find out what a big pack of cock suckers we really are. And how delicious your meat will taste when we suck with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.
>eurofags going "lel you amerimutts ACHSUHLY clap in theaters??????"
Fuck off you niggers no one fucking does that.
At least they have free will
ooops meant for
>rich white people kneeling because DAS RITE
>rich white people kneeling because DAS RITE and then telling someone to take a picture of it so they can post it on social media and show everyone how virtuous and woke they are
Do they realize how fucking disgusting they are?
Usually the only Americans I've seen wear shoes inside are dog owners. Fuck people who own pets and still have carpets on their floors, what the fuck are they thinking?
thats the point they willingly conform to be genetic dead ends selling out their own kin and future
I go to the movies regularly and have seen maybe twice people clapping for like a couple seconds before embarrassingly stopping when they realized everyone was looking at them weird.
How would you refute this other stereotype: "lel you amerimutts ACHSHULY wear shoes inside??????"
I wouldn't know. I haven't been to a movie theater since 2012 and every time I have gone to one I made sure to go alone on a weekday and only when the movie is soon to not be in theaters anymore so almost nobody is there but me.
In Argentina people do it when they really really liked the movie. Everyone clapped when I went to watch Dragon Ball Super: Battle of Gods.
I think it used to be more common some time ago tho, as I recall that when I was a kid people clapped at any movie.
I've literally never heard anyone clap at the movie theater and I've been to a lot of movies
Yea I’ve seen it happen a couple times before, it’s cringe.
We do it in airplanes which is even more embarrasing.
Oh come on you stupid fuck. I'm tired of europeans doing as if americans were in a worse cultural situation than them.
There is a lot more resistance against jewish shit in America than there is in Western Europe.
I feel lots of empathy for people in places like Germany and Sweden, but when they come to this board to try and lie themselves into believing that their countries aren't in a nightmarish state it's just pathetic.
>an entire theater liking Dragon Ball Super so much they clapped
Argentina needs to be fucking nuked holy shit
we too :DDD
Why was I born in a time when half of my race are insane, self-hating, cucks?
Tons of shitlibs on Twitter are calling Trump an evil Nazi for wanting to protect white farmers in South Africa.
It's almost as if retarded leftists won't realize their mistakes until a horde of nigs busts-down their door to gangrape and lynch them.
it was a fun time user, no need to be so bitter :^)
Well Latin Americans are notorious for liking Chinese cartoons more then anyone I can think of so it makes sense, either way that’s fucking cringe.
>going through the entire process of
>putting a NFL game on your tv
>taking a knee in front of the tv
>getting someone to take a picture of you kneeling in front of the tv
>time it so you are kneeling as the national anthem plays
>just to virtue signal to your 5 faggot friends on twitter
I hope history books in the future will be redpilled, so this kind of shit is properly documented.
people do love anime here
true story
Why do Mexicans like DBZ so much?
I see it everywhere. Mexicans wearing DBZ shirts in Wal-Mart, etc.
Dragon Ball Super has got to be the single worst animated thing I've ever seen. It's so bad that I have a hard time believing a single person actually unironically likes it. DBS is like if mumble rap could somehow be animated.
What about Indians?
It's an "it's so bad it's good" kind of thing. But then it gets that so far that it becomes unironically good.
It's a really funny show, and it doesn't take itself seriously like the old DBZ did.
Yeah and it's not just DBZ, anime in general is well liked among all of latin america.
I have no idea why tho, it strongly resonates with brown teens for some reason.
just pause the tv and then take a picture
Report those that should get banned; we are the keepers of our own community.
YOU too have to do something against these constant shills.
This will have to continue until (((1 Post by this ID))) thread are auto-shoah'd if need be.
See a "lma nigger fuck whitey" thread?
>Sage and Report.
See a "what does Jow Forums think of this" thread?
>Sage and Report.
See a "Jow Forums BTFO" thread?
>Sage and Report.
See a "how will x ever recover" thread?
>Sage and Report.
See a good thread that could lead us as a community somewhere?
Post it and boost it.
You get the picture.
My ex husband clapped after movies. Mostly star wars movies.
Only faggots would consider this level of virtue signalling.
pretty soon people are going to start sharting in their homes
He's just like my wife's son.
Americans, Russians, and Chinese are the only people that matter in real life.
Everyone else is an unimportant NPC.
>plane landed
>some lone guy in the back starts clapping and cheering
>realizes nobody else is doing it
>awkwardly stops
keks were had
>wearing shoes in the house
Just a step away from being a street shitter.
>Why do Mexicans like DBZ so much?
The hour long fighting/posturing of DBZ plays to their overly macho nature
open hostility toward whites
What is it with media fucking pushing that niggers are super cool? It makes idiot white people who have no idea who they are to think they should take a stand w/ them.
>nigger kneels on national TV to protest cops using legal force to defend themselves from wrongdoers
>tax-paying know-nothing sheltered white people do the same thinking they're making a stand
This is why we need a white identity in America, so being an inclusive white person doesn't mean embarassing yourself.
never take your shoes off inside, faggot.
i thought your people knew that...
>pic related
race tratoir faggots. wat else is new?
Thats right. It wasnt about the players kneeling it was just a nice meme to trick wh*teoid men into kneeling before kara boga while their women get BBC
I don't go to movies regularly. The only movie I ever saw people actually clap for was Fellowship of the Ring.
If you watch any predominatly non white sports i.e. football or basketball - professional or otherwise - you should be shot
You have be doing utilizing your large screen tv from walmart for vidya or kino. Come @ Me.
It's just that America and India are the only countries where there's a chance that cast- or crew-members of a great film could actually be present ...