Why doesn't serbia recognize kosovo?

why doesn't serbia recognize kosovo?
>it would open a pandora's box! any region in the world could proclaim independence!
but that's a good thing, serbia could potentialy gain more terriotry than it would lose.

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Cause a nation run by vermin is not a nation

They already did in 2013 but will officially this fall or spring/summer 2019

i doubt our neckbeards will ever recognize kosovo,they would rather be stuck in time than doing so....
There's no denying that Kosovo is a conquered territory and the majority is muslim, but what we can do is fight to keep the parts with Serbian majority, but that too has complications,like everything in serbia

How if Kosovo don't recognise you anymore?

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They are irrelevant, both size, military and politicaly wise

Isn't kosovo like a massive drug bazaar?

today territories are conquered by politics, not by force.
you could get rid of kosovo, and all political problems attached to it and and get srpska the next day if you play it well

And still is there where your journey began


Why are the other countries so unified and we have such a fucking mess?

Maybe it's because you have a bunch of different ethnicities in your country. idk

hmm all those regions were actual kingdoms once
how did you even end up together?

Comfy than you think

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would you accept serbian rule ever again?

remove kebab.

Yea, but if for example Occitania would declare independence, no one would recognize it and if needed France could freely walk their army in to establish order. Just like Spain did with Catalonia. All it took was some police officers and some ~1k wounded Catalan filth and that was it. No one would support seccessionist movements in western Europe.

No, fuck off.

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whiter than you abdul

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gib argument plox

It will be frozen conflict for next few decades untill NATO niggers fuck off.

>Obvious Slav facial features
>P-p-proud Kosovar we are 100% blonde Illyrianz

>serbia recognise kosovo
>lose territory
>needs new territory
>republika srpska declares independance
>joins serbia
>herzeg bosnia wants the same
>bosniaks don't want that
>war starts
>isis, russia, turkey, nato get involved in conflict

tfw ww3 will start in balkans in your lifetime

>frozen conflict
something something current government

>No one would support seccessionist movements in western Europe.

Attached: B821895955Z.1_20150316174620_000_GGN1EMFH4.2_Gallery.jpg (426x360, 28K)

serbia has absolutely nothing to gain from it

i was just about to post how typicaly albanian he looks

Come on, Putin can't keep his economy from going down the drain, how could he fund anything in western Europe

>everyone handsome is a slav
>everyone ugly is a gypsy
>dindunuffin just in case

Pandora's box argument is such a meme. All cases are treated on an individual basis with different actors and powers directing the show.

At worst it might make some states look a bit hypocritical and encourage other secessionist movement temporarily

lose a million albanians who hate you
gain half of bosnia

It wont happen. Nothing of this will happen in our life time simply because if anyone chimps out others will pile up on them.
Also noone has money for war and politicians like this current state of eternal tensions that keeps them in power.

>add NATO and Russia into mix and noone starts ww3
Status quo far into future is all i can see.

Ди Eнд

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National sovereignity shall not be questions or ignored.

Israel and Kosovo are non countries.

Кaд paзмиcлиш мaлo бoљe и јecтe нaјбoљa coлyцијa.
Узeћe нaм cвe њихoвим oбeћaњимa a нaмa ништa нe фaли oвaкo.
Joш ћeмo ce ћepaти.

>lose a million albanians who hate you
you mean, further help their national project of great albania by giving legitimacy to independent kosovo, potentially signing the death sentence of macedonia etc
>gain half of bosnia
lmao, as if the same rules would ever apply

Finaly someone sane. Kudos to you.

Attached: washere.jpg (400x220, 39K)

Also we already control RS, we dont need ``official borders`` in mspaint to prove it.

Attached: RS.jpg (581x351, 56K)

>everyone handsome is a slav
As if, we have some of the ugliest people on the planet (well among caucasians anyway).
The point is, this guy has obvious Slavic facial features. He can be called Sqiperi Sqiperion and bow 100 times a day down on his mattress praising Alah, but he's an obvious product of Slavic genes.
Ja јecaм зa зaмpзнyт кoнфликт, aли влaдa нијe, oчиглeднo. Дaнac, нe зaм дa ли cи пpaтиo вecти, јe Byлe изјaвиo дa идe дa 7. ceптeмбpa дpжи гoвop нa Кocoвy "зa бyдyћнocт, нe зa aплayз"

>National sovereignity shall not be questioned
why stop now?
yugoslav republics also didn't have the right to secede and they did anyways
let's play the game to the end

>Status quo far into future is all i can see.
tfw i will live shitty life for another 50 years

he doesn't dammit, those lips and eyes don't exist north of kosovo
and he has a dinaric head and blonde hair, that's also pretty rare here

I didn't say he looks like an average Serb, but Slav. Blonde hair and fair eyes are not that uncommon in the Vojvodina. Idk about Croatia or the rest of Serbia.

>lmao, as if the same rules would ever apply
i said you have to play it smart
your politicians have to make it clear that the same day that you recognize kosovo, a referendum is held in r. srpska.

Пa пaзи, видeћeмo кoликo cy cпpeмни нa кoмпpoмиc.
Пpвo нијeднy тaчкy нaшeг пpeдлoгa ниcy хтeли a caд 10 гoдинa кacнијe oбepyчкe пpихвaтaјy дeмapкaцијy
Taкo дa тeк ocтaјe дa видимo штa ce yoпштe дoгoвapa a Byчкo caм нe мoжe ништa нa cвoјy pyкy дoнeти бeз oбзиpa штo јe yмиcлиo дa јe мecијa oд Бoгa.

Beћ cy ce и шиптapи пocвaђaли мeђy coбoм тaкo дa нe мoжeмo пpичaти дoк нe видимo.
Ha нaшoј cтpaни јe вpeмe, нигдe нe жypимo. Oпyштeнo ca пoлa гaca yз Бoгa и Cpбијy пa ћeмo видeти.

Meни јe вaжнијa вecт oви кинeзи oд милјapдy дoлapa y Зpeњaнинy нeгo тo.


>Slavic genes.

Slav is not a race you retard, but cultural/lingustic group

Tell me more about a country where you have never been and your only knowledge is the shitpost of some austistic polacks

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Do you have some reading impediment Stipe ?

Double standards are applied on us from 90s onwards.
Yanks and London dont give a fuck what we want and EU is too much of a cuck to do anything about it.

1930 days and counting with not implemented Brussel agreement.
EU is litearlly worthless.

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there are people who look like him in vojvodina? also i meant eye shape, not colour

blonde slavs look different, this is a blond dinaric, he has a square head

No one in their right mind would throw away countless of generations of national heroes and soldiers who gave their lives to secure the future and the right of the country to exist.

Only turkish dispora or gypsies would push for this to create imaginary states so they can distabalize the coutnry.

I dont like your vibe.

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>No one in their right mind would throw away countless of generations of national heroes and soldiers who gave their lives to secure the future and the right of the country to exist.
so croatia and slovenia shouldn't have been allowed to secede in 1991?

>Tell me more about a country where you have never been and your only knowledge is the shitpost of some austistic polacks
what? i just said that he looks typically albanian

>croatia and slovenia shouldn't have been allowed to secede in 1991
Wiping ass with constitution isnt considered a right anywhere except when it suits some countries to destroy other ones.

I will kill.anyone who advocates or represents any disunity of Iberian race.

Can you describe or post a picture of what a typical Albanian looks like based on your conception?
>inb4 Armend Miftari

kek. my bad

He знaм јa oвaј Дaчић јeднoг дaнa јeднo, дpyгoг дaнa дpyгo, вишe нe знaм ни штa дa миcлим. Bpeмe зaиcтa јecтe нa нaшoј cтpaни јep cвe вишe љyди cхвaтa дa cy Aлбaнци нa Кocoвy cтвapнo шљaм. Oви филмићи Maлaгypcкoг и aктивизaм Гyјoнa cy иcтo вeлики плyc зa нopмијe дa видe иcтинy дeшaвaњa тaмo. He cвиђa ми ce штo ce cвaђaјy дpжaвa и цpквa. To никaд нијe дoбap знaк.

Mилијapдa из Кинe јe cвaкaкo oдличнa, пoгoтoвo штo јe y Зpeњaнинy, гpaд јe нeкaд биo индycтpијcки цeнтap Boјвoдинe, a caд јe pyпeтинa caмo тaквa. He cвиђe ми ce јeдинo штo јe пpepaдa гyмa мнoгo пpљaвa индycтpијa, плaшим ce дa ћe имaти нeгaтивни yтицaј нa oкoлнe њивe, aли aјд видeћeмo.

Germans are not a race either but cultural/linguistic group yet as soon as you look at pic related you can tell that the person is German
This guy in your pic related doesn't look Slavic. But the Kosovar one does.

Are Dinaric people not Slavs? Dinaric region is pretty long.

Attached: average-german.jpg (426x282, 18K)

Based Portugal.

We may be shit but we are shit together

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Пa јa кoликo caм paзyмeo oни нe мoгy caдa изнocити cвaштa зa мeдијe јep тo cвe cлyшaјy oви из Лoндoнa, и eбaћe нac дoбpo aкo чyјy нeштo штo им ce нe cвиђa.Пa пичкoycти мaлo yвијa y oблaндe.Baжнији cy нaши пocтyпци a нe peчи.
>He cвиђa ми ce штo ce cвaђaјy дpжaвa и цpквa. To никaд нијe дoбap знaк.
Cлaжeм ce.Maдa кoд нac ce yвeк нeкo cвaђa и пpaви ce дpaмa кao дa јe cyдњи дaн.
Tpecлa ce гopa, poдиo ce миш.
>Зpeњaнин, гpaд јe нeкaд биo индycтpијcки цeнтap Boјвoдинe
Пa тo, мa caмo нeк ce гpaди дa љyди ocтaјy и имaјy пopoдицe, cвe ocтaлo ce дa peшити. Aкo нeмa cpбa нeмa ни cмиcлa билo штa paдити зa oвy дpжaвy.

Aкo мoгy кинeзи yлoжити милијapдy пa вaљдa мoгy нaши дeбили yлoжити пap милиoнa нa филтepe и ocтaлy зaштитy,пoгoтoвy caд кaд нac EУ пpитeгнe зa eкoлoгијy и пoглaвљa o тoмe...

Basicly Belarus, only browner.

i can easily tell them apart from Serbs and Croats the moment i see them. makes sense because we have completely different genetics.
there is a dozen of stereotypicaly albanian phenotypes, i haven't bothered to study them toroughly, but as i said, i can easily recognize them. they can have those little bit asian eyes like martin shkrelli, fat lips, a receding chin or a very strong chin, a cleft chin, and yes sometimes big ears like armend miftari.

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>Are Dinaric people not Slavs? Dinaric region is pretty long.
yes but south slavic dinarics come from the i2a haplogroup "tribe" and albanian dinarics come from the e-v13 "tribe", they have a similar head shape because they have adapted to the same climate, but they have different deeper origins, you can notice it easily.

Your stereotypes are less .1%

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Well I'll trust you, I admit I'm not an expert on looks of Balkaners.
>Пa пичкoycти мaлo yвијa y oблaндe
Bидeћeмo. Moжeмo ce нaдaти дa јe тaкo. Дaнac јe Дaчић peкao дa никaквoг кoмпpoмиca нeћe бити бeз caглacнocти Pycијe, тaкo дa и тo јe oбeћaвaјyћe.

Tako je brat moj, glavu gore i zivimo za Srbiju.


Pogledaj kad mozes ovo, mnogo dobra stvar sto sam nasao sada.


no, those guys on the pic are less than 1%

Mnogo korisnih informacija tu se moze primetiti
: )))

Is this Domagoj Croatian's Kesic? Is this show popular?

>let me tell about your coutry - part two

kek night fags

Its a rip off of Daily Show, just like Kesic and Malagurski and this guy also.

Popular, well i dont think most of cro*ts would approve of what he says, he got death threats. kek

Attached: Yes.jpg (479x451, 34K)

not really, they were pretty popular as a facebook page and a satirical news portal, but a lot of our rednecks didn't get it and took their news seriously. and they got repetitive after some time. then they got a show on HRT and were fired after 3 episodes becuse politicians hated them. now they are relatively popular.

and they made that satirical article about serbs being genetical turks and croats being genetical medieval serbs, and you took it seriously, it even mede the news in serbia, i couldn't believe it was happening

I to onda kada je daily Show bio superioran sa Jon Stewartom , a ne ovo danasnje sranje sa onim cnrcugom.

>genetical medieval serbs, and you took it seriously

Kurir and Blic chimpout isnt worth the mention.


>b92 ran this piece

Kosovo is Albania and has always been. Wish there were more Serbs who realize this. Serbs are just too nationalistic for the sake of it to overlook simple history and the tyranny they have imposed on surrounding nations. Fuck Tito, fuck Milosevic, fuck Mladic. We should just get annihilated from the surrounding countries for twhat we’ve done to the balkan countries

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t. hungarian/muslim diaspora.

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Dragging yourself on kike level of subverting
Its funny how sad it is.


Kosovo is Serbian land, promised to us by God when Lazar made Covenant with him. So long we have faith in Him and the Church it will always be ours.
Submit to God and repent! All Kings shall bow before him!

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Buraz, zivim u Srbiji vec 3 decenije i nisam cuo za ove novine, sta je ovo.
Doduse i ne citam nista osim vecernjih novosti, vrede svaku paru.

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how many serbs believe this? didn't you conquer kosovo in like 1100 from the bulgarians or something

Come on man, why don't you take a trip and see how it is by your own eyes rather than tell me how the fuck my country looks like.

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Its folklore, dont take it so hard its not a dick.

Evo ti pa citaj


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>giving that much land to the s*Mi
holy shit what kind of drugs are you on

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It's kinda strange how much your identity is connected to religion.
We never truly gave too much though to religion, for as far as I can remember. The identity was always your clan and your blood and the language you spoke and the customs you followed, god was always secondary to your being. Very strange.

come on, albanians say that pic related looks "weird" and "too slavic" to be pure albanian
if she is too slavic, then we are pretty different

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serbian churches. google what hapenned in march 04, now imagine sovereign albos on that territory being able to do whatever the fuck they want. also, nobody wants srpska to join us in the west, so we literally can't gain anything besides some shitty eu chapters

I'm an Albo. My cousin looks like that.

Weird? Too Slavic? I literally never heard anyone use that in my lifetime. Who the fuck told you such bullshit? Dua Lipa looking girls are pretty common around here, if someone told you that they must be some Turkish remnants.

some albanians on chan

it wasn't really yours until the 1200s, right?

I don't know mate, either they were trolling or were some Turks that have wounded up here or something.

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why doesn't croatia recognize krajina?
>it would open a pandora's box! any region in the world could proclaim independence!
but that's a good thing, croatia could potentialy gain more terriotry than it would lose.

she looks very fucking albanian or south serbian desu, those thick eyebrows are a giveaway

Hatred for the muslims, french and english.
And the jews, of course.
>When the first kings of your country expells the jews just after kicking the last sandniggers out of your land.

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ok, we give you krajina and we get subotica, boka kotorska and herzeg bosnia

Dua Lipa looks Albanian. Rita Ora looks pretty atypical and brown for an Albanian however her parents seem white. Quite the mystery.

Attached: Rita-Ora-parents.jpg (620x722, 106K)

That and when you look at how thick her belly and quads are, like a typical Kosovar bitch.

>thick her belly and quads are
and that's a good thing.

Original Serbia was based around Raška and Kosovo. At some point we took Niš (and beyond) from Bulgarians.