I fucking LOVE the real Europe and I am not ashamed to admit it

I fucking LOVE the real Europe and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Attached: eu-map.jpg (1374x1245, 632K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why hate Switzerland and Austria though?

Uhhh... thanks I guess? But we no longer have the luxury to divide ourselves.

Annnnd Italy is out

L-love you too, Hans?

Reich mal das Template rüber jung

Aren't Austria & Switzerland basically Mountain- Germans?


Attached: Poland_is_stron-.jpg (816x1056, 821K)

mountain jews


Attached: 1529598580295.jpg (906x600, 76K)

Fuck off d&c shill.

Attached: 1n713z34.jpg (1374x1245, 321K)

this this this, we need to band together all infighting is caused by jews to weaken our influence

explain to me like I'm 5 how to get this map and edit it

Vicious Germans

Attached: opinioneurope.png (1372x1244, 71K)

here is mine

Attached: 1535054904490.jpg (1374x1245, 231K)

such a sweet lefty femicuck
did you already cage yourself before watching your girlfriend getting fucked by Abdul?

-open image in browser (click on it)
-right click on image, "save to" wherever you can find it
-right click on saved file, "edit"
-use color picker and bucket tool in MS Paint

Thank you

So far no Kraut has hated the UK, is Jow Forums turning a corner?

absolute faggot kys

Attached: 1503407374938.gif (850x720, 3.87M)

Based except for Albania lel


t. andalusian nigger

You need the template, somebody might post it. If not, you can just save one of these and change the colors.

If you are in MS Paint, GIMP or similar, you can use the color picker tool to pick which ever color you want to paste. Then use the paint bucket tool to fill an area (country) to the preferred color. Wait 3 minutes for the paint to dry up. TÜV sicher.

Go Home Hans.

Its not working properly.

Attached: 1535056034882.jpg (1374x1245, 382K)

the have a sense of humour

Use Paint 3D

yeah it's because of all the jpg artefacts fucking it up, Find a .png version of the map

dafaq m8

Use mine
as a template, it's png

here is mine

Attached: landart.jpg (2187x2988, 1.7M)

>hating Germans
what century are you from?

Based kraut, fuck eastern subhumans who doesn't belong to true europe

here's another template

Attached: 1511894572968.png (1374x1245, 68K)

daily reminder
the romanian who saved the 20 british from a stabbing attack had to leave back to romania due to islamophobia and that was a small taste
what western cucks think of eastern europe is irrelevant

Attached: Untitled2.jpg (1374x1245, 319K)

Rich coming from a brexiteer

I'm from Northern France, of course I hate Germans.

Bon nuit, Jamal Houssain

stop burning coal REEEEEEEEEEEE

>all infighting is caused by jews
really now?
so the common brit did not hating on poles czech hugarian romanian bulgarian people and so on

I see. Sorry.

I think we all know the solution to the Anglo problem

Attached: 1532894396799.jpg (125x125, 2K)

it's usually mostly bongs (and poles) hating on krauts


Attached: only.png (1374x1245, 61K)


We are not real Europe though

sorry i'm unaware of any hungarian words due to to your everlasting irrelevance, so I can't answer as you do

Mountain Serb detected

spotted the nigger

the romanian who defended 20 british from the stabbing attack had to flee back to romania
no one would take his bigot money for rent
i wont even mention the polish who beat an acid attacker and the response to them and for what?
fuck the anglo let them lay in their own grave

got links to those?

The Anglos are predisposed genetically to be evil. I think the sooner we learn that, the better for us. Just think
>The Reformation
>Siding with America in WW2, a non-European power against Europeans

The anglo is always going to screw Europe. The Island and its inhabitans are the source of all the trouble in Europe since ancient times.

Attached: bulgaria_x_macedonia_wallpaper_by_minatorn.jpg (900x675, 67K)

Attached: eutemplatD.jpg (1374x1245, 296K)

Attached: eurofeels.png (1374x1245, 72K)

Lmao, why you dislike the Walloons?

Not working that great but it's managable

Attached: Europapa.png (229x221, 20K)

Thanks Hans.
Now please stop destroying and drowing us.
I used to like Germany too...

he has been avoiding media ever since he arrived back
and the polish one can not remember

Amsterdam not included.
Weak effort.

Liar. He moved back because he "has nightmares" and the gov wouldn't pay for a fucking therapist. Also wanted to be put into witness protection programme! Get's better, now suing the British tax payer for it!!
Fuck Romanians, you gave us traffickers, petty criminals, murderers and fucked our own out of jobs...The rare example of a good Romanian turns out to be a gib loving cunt too.

Go to bed boomer Hans

Your country filled with Gypsies and Moslems originates a lot of shit.

Like yourself and your typical cuck map.

t. Steppe Slav at heart.

wanting to be put in witness protection after being witness to a terrorist attack
and wanting a therapist is considered gibs
being retarded?

I don't dislike your people, rather the EU gubmint which is stationed there

you do know that just because we live on the same shitty continent that we arent the same so fuck off back to your cuckshed subhuman indonigger

And this is why when I see a Polish male in person, I tell him:

"Te Russky, kak dela?"

>you gave us traffickers, petty criminals, murderers and fucked our own out of jobs
oh i forgot
we gave you shit you were warned about these people and in return we were called racist nazis

You're being stupid now John Smith.
That Romanian was okay.

Plenty put themselves at risk because it's the right thing to do. They don't expect special treatment. (He was awarded anyway)
The terrorists were killed, accomplices jailed. Fuck off.
I can fill this with links of your criminals if you want.

Eh, user thanks, but you forgot Baviera and Sorabija ; )

Its a fake German.

nobody understands your ants map m8

Cmon now, we all know Germany controls the EU. The only reason it's in Belgium is because of its location.

>Plenty put themselves at risk because it's the right thing to do
well not those british "men" apparently
they seemed to be happy to run away with their beers in hand

The other one had Germany, Austria and half of the balkan as one

>Rich coming from a brexiteer
Ah yeah, the EU really is awesome!

>controlling EU
We're not even a sovereign state, how do we control the EU

Based Pierre

Attached: template.jpg (1374x1245, 318K)

to add to this it was clearly the wrong thing to do and should have left him to enrich those people of london after all it was their choice

We do

Attached: 1506219505332.png (629x170, 16K)

Fuck you for hating Finland kankerHans. was ist los mit ihn?

I just want a Celto-Germanic Union without Germany and Austria.

How the fuck are you in?

FUCK Albania and Kosovo.

He really should have. Londoners are the worst. More fool him.

I dont love you kut kikker.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at 2.07.45 PM.png (1370x1246, 318K)

Please, don't use that flag anymore.

Attached: 1535056194551.png (1372x1244, 70K)

why finns faggot?

imagine being this much of an identityless mutt

>britain was at fault for the reformation
And that, my friend, is how you betray yourself as a LARPing Yankee

You realise Scotland is pro-EU, the birthplace of freemasonry, the homeland of Tony Blair, and the region of the UK with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, drug abuse, alcoholism and obesity, right?

Attached: scottish nationalists.png (591x435, 42K)

Meanwhile Americans laugh at you guys because really it doesn't fucking matter (except russia pretty trashy in pol terms)

good thing that you have your beautiful 10 million great country Istvan

Attached: 1344191262_jobbik_tuntetes_devecserben.jpg (560x373, 49K)

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