Non-whites want us dead

That's why they call us racists for caring about whites in south africa. Speaking out against violence against whites is racist, because they want us all dead. They can't be reasoned with, plain and simple, and debating them is a waste of time.

Attached: Nazi knights.jpg (1999x1387, 681K)

Other urls found in this thread:

show your flag

Niggers deserve Niggerland and Cumskins deserve Cumland.

I don't want you dead. Just stop spreading degeneracy everywhere.

There will be a war. Whites who know whats going on need to unite.

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I'm a jap and I don't want you dead. I want you to chimp out and go full 14/88 because watching you allow yourselves to be overrun and bred out of existence is depressing

I know this is non-white flag but why does this type of thread seems OBVIUS shilling?

and not for a favorable thing for the white race at all.

they look like larpers

i'm half white
if i fuck a white chick its racemixing
if i fuck an asian chick its racemixing
If i fuck another halfwhite chick it's still possibly racemixing
Wtf do i do?

Stop being a degenerate and fuck the one you marry

good. in that case i'll marry a boer girl and kill niggers.


No fucking shit dude.

It's just a matter of time. If Hillary had been elected we would have seen very heated racial tension boil over to violence

That’s the spirit!

We should make an order of the mutts and do something like the freemanson to ensure a future for the mutts.

We are a new race with genetic outbreeding depresion but we are destined to rule this world thanks to the genetic diversity,

Just marry the best woman either way your children will not have your outbreeding depression.

>i'm half white

No such thing. You either are or aren't. And you aren't.

Always marry the race of your mother btw if she loves you ofc.

Mine is white so some white chick will get blacked to the displeasure of this board

>Non-whites want us dead
your vicious abuse of free speech rights risk a serious drawing down of speech rights

serious citizens rely on these rights (and ancestors died for them)

you belong in gulags

the jews want us dead, some of the blacks do also, the rest are largely neutral. They don't really care about us, which is what is normal

Ty based Jap, wish you were here rn, inside of rogers arena at TI8, chink city here!

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>want nazis dead
>redefine nazis to someone who wants self determination for their people
>fast forward to current year, redefine nazi to be someone who dislikes state sanctioned property theft
>redefine nazi to be someone who doesn't like state sanctioned systematic murdering of a race of people (but only if theyre white)

what, you mean like the entire judaic race? ayy el em mayo. they'll end up retarded with hereditary diseases for generations to come.
i'll go with subclass breeding instead.
>a defeatist frognigger spouts random gibberish
keep worshipping jamal, jeanpiérre

I have full confidence that you can deal with that particular problem when you guys have finally had enough shit. Your insect problem hasn't won a war yet, even when they were fighting themselves.


Thank you, post more rare NS?

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France volunteers

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There is no half-white
You're whatever the other half is

hermann göring

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Lmao true

Whites need to stop worrying about hypocrisy. You're not the referee, you're the white team. Play to win.

do it faggot

I'll never understand the jews that try to play this game. Some people who identify as jews definitely do seem to be doing this whole "I'm on your side" shit while stoking violence against whites.
The thing they fail to realize is that there was a famous figure who had the same plan. Charles Manson. The bit Helter Skelter Manson Family plan was to stoke a race war and then to hide underground. And then when they reemerged the aimless blacks would worship them as gods.
It's total and absolute fucking insanity. It's drug-induced retardation.

Yes that is the origin of the kikes, they did exactly what I said and do still.

So the right thing is to die as a genetic diversity for the major races then?

That's how finnfags and hungaryfaggs come from.

Why do you think they call us "white devils"? They think we're evil and want to destroy us.

Well then.

Time to play the game, white man.

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Leavened or not, bread is bread. We'll all end up in the ovens if this shit plays out. "No, you don't understand. I'm an Ashkenazi Jew!" won't get you any clemency when someone's smashing your head into the pavement alongside all the people you hate.

>Non-whites want us dead
no i don't

Well, they are "reenacting" what they think aryan warriors once looked like and those swords and that "chain-mail" are clear indices of a prop-department from a time before people had done the extensive research and infrastructure which has gone into making authentic looking replicas of medeval arms and armour which we have nowadays.

Reminder that before LOTR the fewest movies actually even attempted to make authentic looking chain-mail because that shit is so time-consuming to manufacture, nowadays we simply have indians and bangladeshis mass-producing that shit because there is a more significant LARPer/reenactor demand for it.

Military event for the public/familys. Also you can see many Deutsches Jungvolk in der Hitler Jugend or "DJ" which is like the cub scouts here in the US.

>should i keep posting?

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Jews had one fault and it was the inbreeding that's why they got those hereditary diseases and the psychopathy

then what 1/20th quintille of a percentage is your ancestry supposed to be?
prairy nigger.
i can play that game too.

I suppose so. Finns arent so bad. Hungarians pretty based to.
Guess i'm understanding your point.

Fucking disgusting.

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>south africa is niggerland
Read a history book before you open your fucking mouth again

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It really doesn't make any sense. No nogs can tell the difference between a jew and a white. To them, all jews are white. The semantics of it go over their head, you couldn't explain the difference if you tried.

So why on earth push for this? Why do Jews push for racemixing, for importing millions of foreigners? Jews are leaving the UK now because they're going full muslim, but Jews are the reason the UK went full muslim. It just doesn't make a lick of fucking sense.

Their race is self-destructive and insane.

There was a greentext that stated jews don't think in longterm plans they just make lightning fast decisions that benefit them for the short term while also trying to get rid of whitey since he is the only group that is aware of jewish tricks

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Not the only group


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Only clergy should wear gowns like that. This looks like a well-organized pride parade.

I am non-white. I don't want anyone to die.

I am the sample set that dis-proves your theory. Deal with it.

That .jpg described 99% of the population of white countries.

Wonder who are the real enemy of the white race lmao

This is the sad truth.

im homosexual and i think it would be cool if you fuck me :)

Anyone who disagrees with you is a shitskin or a cuck.

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I had a feeling it would be like this, but I did not know it would be so brazen. I'm actually excited, really. Just got my PAL and I've got a 1700$ an hour tax return. Time to buy some guns. The number of white people who are still in the dark is shrinking each day.

The best part is, 100% of the 30 people that were in the firearms course were white. Even if the shitskins are armed I think only the most radical islamists can actually handle weapons properly.


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