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Cheney's bitch.

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Normies love Dubya these days. 'I would have a beer with that man'
'He was a nice guy just not a great president xD'


The face of a man who tricked thousand upon thousands of white european soldiers into a war for his zionist overlords

Thanks a million mutts

love how the media and SJWs made a 180 on him because he supports illegal immigration and doesn't like Trump.

went from arab-baby killing, economic ruining Satan to the Democrats favorite white grandpa overnight.

He's practically Jimmy Carter now.

Satanist. Traitor. Antichrist. Shoe dodger.

I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the guy. Guarantee out of everyone he has the funniest one liner in response to his guilty verdict at the treason trials

This is a well thought out OP deserving of many replies. Great job OP, we need more like you!

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it scares me

Bush is the worst president in history and trump doesn't even come close.

more like daddy's cock cozy

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Correct. Trump is just a joke a very harmless one at that. Bush is Philip II-tier evil.



Anyone that would mellow their opinion, or god forbid - rehabilitate his dumbass, deserves their firing squad post revisionism.


No way, really? They make me sick. I'm supposed to be right wing but I'd never cuck so low as to pull a snide two faced trick like that and support Littlehorn even though he is allegedly right wing too.
>go longhorns
Wish this was him

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The PNAC said that in order for their plans to invade the "Axis of Evil" they'd need a new Pearl Harbor-like event to galvanize public support. Egypt, on the "Axis of Evil" ww2 larp shopping list, tried to warn US intelligence of an impending attack by Bin Laden, but it was mysteriously lost! I wonder! 3000 American lives sacrificed for an Israeli shopping list!

t. fat faggot crying about a war he was never in

Americans are unironically responsible for the death of thousands of European.

You are probably African so I guess you don't give a fuck but a decent human being would be ashamed of this.

UNIPARTY communist terrorist supporting globalist traitor. Just like his daddy, only he likes to paint pictures of armed service members he wants to coffin fuck at Yale.

I voted George W. Bush 2 times because of he is 'Merican patriot. Some tinfoils say 9/11 was inside job, they need to eat their medication. I went to military because i am 'Merican patriot. Israel is our greatest ally Fox News said so. I have low IQ but it doesnt matter because i am 'Murican patriot.

FDR is the worst president in history. Not even close. W inherited a country broken that he did not know how to fix. FDR is the one who broke it. Every existential threat to our nation's existence today can be traced back to him. I phone posting and won't bother explaining all the ways this is true. Just check where the liberal academics rank him among presidents (consensus #1 not even close) and that should be enough to give you some idea of how much damage he caused

Yeah, no shit. The fact that he endorsed the papist spy Kavanaugh for SCOTUS makes me think the Deep State won one.

Do you know who his father really is (his earthly father, not the devil) And his grandfather?
Bush snr was the power behind the CIA in the 60's to the 80's. He assassinated JFK. He was behind the Bay Of Pigs farce. He wanted to be president but failed to be elected and so got an actor to play the part, Ronny RayGun, then when the time was right he tried to assassinate him.
His grandfather was a merchant banker who's work was baiting WW2 into reality for the Zion plan.
...It's so long since I've moaned about the hairy Bushes I've forgotten most of their evil résumé.
It's as dark and steeped in Satanism as a dynasty can get. You risk your soul by supporting that turd.

most children who use this site have no idea that the Bush family are part of the Black Nobility, quite embarrassing

So, George Bush *does* care about black people??

So what happened with Bush and his speaking?

This guy gets it.

only when they are slaves

Yup. But my conscience is clean. I did everything I could to vote against him and to convince others to do the same.
Sometimes the low IQs don’t listen to the high IQs and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Yes, 100%
As is Obama 100%

Where Bush used troops to murder middle easterners for Israel, Obama used terrorist revolutionaries. Both used your tax money.

any other President would of cucked out

>umm yeah, but at least he didn't said mean things on twitter

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All things being equal, I bet the terrorists were cheaper.

now watch this drive

And conventional bombs and drone strikes.. He bombed double the countries Bush bombed.

Piss off obamanigger
We praising based Bush in here

Trump says Bush lied about Iraqi WMDs in Republican debate

Hadji tears best tears

> FDR created the military industrial complex.
> President can't spend all day getting briefings from a million different people. > Let's create a CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY that way the president only has to go one place for briefings. Truman finished that part for him.
> George Bush Sr too stupid to join family business.
> CIA was at time considered job for wealthy young men to go to beaches around the world at taxpayers expense
> Sounds like a good job for dumb bush Sr
> Is useful idiot for Allen Dulles who uses Bush as middle man after JFK fired him from CIA
> Eisenhower had recognized the danger of military industrial complex
> So Eisenhower creates military with posture that any use of military will be full scale war hold nothing back so bankers can't get rich off unnecessary wars
> JFK tricked by CIA created by FDRs military industrial complex into deciding Eisenhower was wrong on military strategy.
> Changed military philosophy to allow for limited engagements and not all out war that could involve nukes
> Bush fucks up Kennedy assassination completely. The driver has to stop the car because everyone missed. 13th and 14th shooters hit Kennedy finally once standing still
> Zapruder film is best special effects film created during that time frame.
> Oswald there on mission to protect Kennedy
> Meet up spot after operation failed was movie theater
> Bush plan was to shoot Oswald in theater
> Fucks that up and local cop arrests Oswald
> CIA asks mob for help. Ruby is a pro
> Warren commission created. Warren gets sick. Allen Dulles in charge of investigation even though he was JFKs arch rival
> Will anyone notice?
> Baby boomers too busy being Me Generation created FDRs handouts
> Bush got away with it.
> Knows baby boomers won't notice building 7 not hit by plane bc made retarded by FDR new deal
> Lazy immigrants hear of new deal.
> Pioneers used to come to US
> FDR new deal announces to lazy immigrants that free shit available
> 56%