ITT: You can only post in this thread if you were old enough

to remember the 2000 election

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Where Florida had more recounts than ever?
sure I remember and still hate the fact that people allowed all this shit to happen as if voting mattered back then

I remember the Nixon v Humphrey debates. God you kids are so young.

>Why not write a musical about the common cat? Or the King of Siam?

>Where Florida had more recounts than ever?

I got your recount right here with all these black people I threw off the voting rolls

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I'm sorry, your post just triggered another recount

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats suck everyone's dick...EVERYONE'S!!.




Hillary will suck off Syria, Suck Assad, and suck the bald head right off a Russian Dick making it spit everywhere.

Then Mueller will also being sucking President and Vice President dick by Summer.

Then Nancy Pelosi (biggest cock sucker of all) gets to declare national cock sucker day right before the big blue jizz swallowing in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cocks...we suck um!

We will suck him incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;) either way the proof will be all over our tits.

Are you guys with me?



Head Cock Sucker Nancy Pelosi. .

Like holy FUCKING SHIT get BJ for such an old hag!

We're literally literally going to be dragging far right men into cock sucking camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big cocks total ball drainage. We'll LITERALLY be sucking the fuck out of all the cock in the land!! Skinhead cocks are welcome too!!

Congrats Right Wingers!!

We beat your meat right before you thrust your cock right down our throat thinking we won the entire world..

Now, you get to find out what a big pack of cock suckers we really are. And how delicious your meat will taste when we suck with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

As much as I despise the democrat party Gore should have won. It would be easier to fix all his global warming shit he woukld have fucked us with than to fix the patriot act, but the deep state was having none of that. Bush was only half as bad of a fuck up as his father and Reagan were

I remember Gore getting Florida called for him. He should have picked Someone other than Lieberman. Also if he had any political skill he wouldn’t have lost his home state of Tennessee.

It was necessary to balance out the niggers who voted more than once

Also felons aren't supposed to be registered to vote in the first place

Then we worried about hanging Chads.
Now we worry about hanging virgins.

I remember being excited when Bush won.

I was that fucking stupid back then

They both would have done 9/11

Bush was twice as bad because 9/11 gave him an excuse to throw out all foreigners and close the borders but instead he used it to increase immigration levels in hopes he could win the beaner vote and then pathetically claimed he did win the beaner vote in 2004 even though he barely won the electoral college and didn't even fucking win states like California with the huge numbers of beaners there- he pretty much exclusively got votes from Texan Hispanics because he was their governor and from Cubans in Florida, while losing all hispanics in new york, illinois and california and pissing off the working class reagan democrats enough that they didn't bother to vote for him in states like pennsylvania and wisconsin.

A truly pathetic joke of a president, a cuckservative primarily concerned with throating brown cock even while getting nearly schlonged in the Midwest because his policies were so shit and he didn't bother to try and revive industry there and basically paved the way for Obama to beat Clinton and McCain and usher in 8 years of quasi-socialist incompetence.

Fuck off bush was based and took on the shitskins better than a democrat would have.

Yeah but Gore would have sucked muslim dick harder than Bush did

>"Islam means peace"- George W. Bush after muslims fucking murdered a bunch of Americans

Cuckservatives are truly worthless I certainly remember the aftermath of the election... and this commercial.

That’s the election when all the grils realized chads were hung.

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mmmm just before 9/11, hard to lose the state your bro is governor of
33 here, it was a shit show

His entire re-election campaign centered around trying to gobble as much hispanic dick as possible. The only "based" thing he did was tell niggers to fuck off, but even then all that did was ensure niggers would turn out and vote for Obama in 2008 like they never did for Sharpton in 2004 just to fuck white people over.



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>All teachers praised Gore
> dad cheered for bush
>-Nader jokes for months
> rage against the machine was relevant
> then 911
Yeah i member

I was a 12 year old in Arkansas who knew about the Clinton body count through hearing first hand accounts and couldn't believe Gore had a shot of 4 more years of that shit. I was happy Bush won. That was until I studied the Bushes more, and learned the Bush family basically made Clinton who he was by running their cocaine operation through him in Arkansas in the 80s. I was a lolbertarian by the 2004 election.

Wow... back when I thought elections were real
Before this magnificent bastard changed the game.

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Hanging Chad...........

I was old enough, I just didn't care enough.

Florida representin'

This was the guy and the election that got me interested in politics.
Fucking Perot was the Trump of his time.

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>was dumb middle schooler
>cheered when bush won b/c it meant mean ol' vidya hatin' leiberman wasn't gonna be vp
>mfw older brother died in afghanistan

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Remember voting for Ronald Reagan.

this is now a boomer hate thread.

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It remains to this day better than Gore. It's sad that this is what our country has been reduced to.

Damn dude what a nonsequitur. Gave me feels

i hate bush, he stole the election by throwing a tantrum, ruined texas with katrina niggers flooding in, gave the country obama, and made techies the middle class instead of the source of ridicule they rightfully are

Last election I ever voted Democrat in. The ridiculous amount of spite the DNC poured out over Al Gore's loss made me realize they honestly intended to destroy the USA, and I've voted GOP ever since just because they can't stop destroying freedom everywhere they can.

> Parents threw me out to "starve in the street like Nazis should" when I told them I was going to vote Bush in 2004
> best thing that ever happened to me, got a job within a day, car in a week, house in a year

Shit show supreme that one was.

Remember? I voted in it. I was naive, young and liberal then so I voted Gore. It took me a few years to figure out that two-party is just a meme and it's all run by a petroglobohomo shadow government.

Ron Paul Revolution. I grew up about the same time just north in Missouri. My brother was quite a bit older and out of the Marines, he spoke about Bill's brother and Mena alot.

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I had it on TV while I was playing runescape. I remember telling the bus driver I didn't want Gore to win because he was pro-abortion. Based little me.

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I am somewhat torn.

On the one hand, Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and fucked up Katrina's aftermath. His overall incompetence lead to Obama being elected and the overall lurch to the left that brought rise to SJWs and progressive cancer.

On the other hand, I think Gore/Kerry would have fucked up other things, such as the makeup of the Supreme Court, renewing the assault weapons ban, have increased regulation that would have stagnated the economy (though I don't know if it would be any worse than the financial crisis in 2008). Hard to say on some issues since some of these scenarios are what ifs.

Actually voted for Bush. When he lost the popular vote though, since that hadn't happened in like 100 years, I thought he'd step aside, make some speech about "the will of the people." Cause I remember how upset my parents were about Perot fucking things up with the spoiler effect and Clinton defeating Bush in 92. So I thought Bush would do the right thing. I lost all respect for him the way he handled things in in November and December 2000. By 2004 I'd moved to the Libertarian party and I've been there ever since.

I was in 3rd grade. My school held an election. I voted Gore. Gore BTFO by like 30%

Candidate Bush was based as fuck, then did the exact opposite of every. Single. Promise.

His can I forget? Chads were hung that night.


> Libertarian Party
Haha you fucking loser

really great retelling of the story

I remember seeing it on teen nick.


im old enough to remember but i was more focused on video games

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Party rock is in the house!

I was in middle school and beginning to realize how fucked the world was at that time. It's so much fucked-er now.

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Both of 'em, traitors. Fucking boomer cucked faggot population. i hope they all get aluminum tubes shoved up their ass till they die. Repukes and dems both.

I remember my parents watching closely but I was too busy being 16 and chasing tight pussy which was legal to me then.


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Let us remember the fallen chads who gave their all............

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