What is happening in South Africa is a Jow Forums meme

Why did you lie to me? I almost believed it

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>SA whites land stolen
its almost like Jow Forums is always right



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memes are real my friend

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So the South African gover-regime cannot be questioned because nazi stuff? Ok shlomo sure thing.

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Simply put indeed! See you in the street!

these kikes and their arrogance are going to remove the taboo from the 14 words and make people wake up, good job, kikestein


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Dear God the memes are real again please flood the earth again.

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what's wrong with whites existing a having a future?


>Joe Bernstein

You're an absolute fucking idiot

holy shit


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Jow Forums meme accuses Jow Forums meme of being a Jow Forums meme.

every single time
so many jews hate whites it is insane

>Jow Forums is right
It's the unifying field theory that ties all time lines together.

>Why did you lie to me? I almost believed it

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How can anyone be against the fourteen words, unless you're actually feeling genocidal towards whites?

The amount of fucking articles downplaying the real issues that South Africa has is insane. These fucking retards will just gloss over the racial problems by saying "uhhh, nope thas jus huwite supremshist to care about dat"

>strawmanning this obviously
oOo thats what he really said. gotcha!

Its like someone wants land in SA and niggers are gonna sell it for few trinkets after they kill whitey.

Wew, did Bernstein just say that those farm murders are a meme? "Unreal"

Are they even human?


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>white children


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The chaos magic has gone too far...

(((Bernstein))) pic related

Also why do kikes and kike enablers have problems with the 14 words, like what's their public stance?
>we want our people to continue to exist and to not be genocided off the planet
>uhhh that's racist whitey

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>joe bernstein

isnt he the fellow that sam hyde took the piss out of during a phone interview

Stop allowing people to claim that this is about race. It's not. South Africa is a friendly trading partner of the USA, with the trade relationship having a value of $15,000,000,000 (15 billion dollars) and with South Africa being an exporter of corn, fruits, sugar, wool and platinum.

Of course the US government is going to be interested in reports of the country destabilising itself, they have to plan for the future and if possible prevent a country which exports a large amount of food from fucking up the production of said food.

wtf is this shit

Thanks for reporting what you guys see on Twitter. So glad I don’t have to research that sewer anymore

I don't understand it either. I can understand rejecting the 88 (I do) but the 14 is simply "We must ensure we as racial/ethnic groups don't die out.

Imagine if it was some Aboriginal native tribe saying it: the Left would be all for it.

Isn't this the spook that said Sam Hyde was hiding swastikas in MDE?

There's quite the influx of shills and normies today.
I enjoy it when they realise that we are pulling the strings. Wa Ah hahaha!

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holy shit

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Hey Joe. Take your shitty posts back to the (((newspaper)))



Nelson Mandela is into some kinky shit

I honestly can't imagine how the 14 words can be a bad thing without tying it to violent fantasies



Why is it so terrible to make sure children have a future?

And in what universe could the 14 words not be used by a Jew to defend Israel with US tax dollars?

Deploy the Marines.

That is Nelson Mandela, thank God. I was worried it was Morgan Freeman. Checked.

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>a hobbyhorse of racial nationalists everywhere
He seems to be excluding the Bantu nationalists in control of the South African government...

Jews use the 14 words for themselves.

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Youd have to beleive that the only way white people can exist is by killing nonwhite people.

A Jew is nervous about white racial solidarity. What's new?

They say it's because it was coined by a Nazi/kkk/white supremacist, it's inherently evil. Bad branding basically. It's bullshit obviously they just hate us.

I don't normally give this topic any sort of attention and it's understandable that the blacks would want some of their land back but the fact that the media is smearing it and saying it's not a problem and that trump's tweet is a lie is fucken wrong

Help me boys downvote this CNN garbage and comment too


Try to avoid calling them fake News use actual talking points

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Politics isn't just about money you retard.

>Racial nationalist
Gee, wonder what his stance is on israel.

Daily reminder anti-white identity politics is AGAINST socialism.

Hello Shareblue. Thank you for noticing me.

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>it's understandable that the blacks would want some of their land back
The majority of blacks in South Africa are Bantu and the Bantu are recent invaders who killed off most of the other tribes in the area.
They have no ancestral claim to anything in South Africa. They're just fucking terrorists.

>everyone else is allowed to secure the existance of their race and a future for their children
>except whites

This all gets so tiring.

>president of south africa sing shoot the boer and saying "slit the throat of whiteness"

Wait a sec... am I still on planet Earth?

witz steyn
Hahaha kike af

what's wrong with the 14 words?

Trump timed this perfectly.

We have won.

No fucking way.


part of a documentary about the real truth in South Africa


It doesn't take a genius to figure out once blacks got power they would take revenge on the white minority. Its human nature.

>Its human nature.
No, it's their nature. They, like Jews, invent reasons to hurt and hate other people.


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Are palestinians killing isreali citizens today? Not according to a study from last year.

reported for hatespeech and racism


Do memes really form reality?

Stop bringing more cancerous newfags to Jow Forums, retards.
These are the type of pussies who bitch about "muh Jow Forums" non-stop on other boards but he also discovered Jow Forums through Jow Forums.

I should've known...

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I don’t know why these kikes believe they’ve conditioned the white majority into accepting their fate as second class self-hating citizens. They’re understand at the end.... of a noose

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>How can anyone be against the fourteen words, unless you're actually feeling genocidal towards whites?
One can't.

Being against the fourteen words is just another form of "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

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>Why did you lie to me?
It's your fault for coming here.

>it's understandable that the blacks would want some of their land back
It would be if the blacks that control South Africa and make up most of its black population were there first but they weren't. They're largely bantus who came to SETH EFFRICA after the Boers settled there. If it was the Khoisan tribes then maybe you'd have a case but AFAIK the Bantu niggers treat them as shitty as they treat the whites.

Thank you for pronouncing it properly.

Jow Forums is always right.