Why can't dumb cunts understand this shit??

1. A candidate (Trump) can make an UNLIMITED CONTRIBUTION to his own campaign.

2. A non-candidate (Cohen) has a LIMIT to his contribution to a campaign.

3. Cohen went OVER his non-candidate limit and broke the law by making payments to Stormy.

4. Trump was able to repay Cohen to any UNLIMITED amount, because there is no monetary limit for the candidate.

5. Cohen then stands up and does a cry-baby routine claiming to be bullied into breaking the law HIMSELF, obviously trying to get less punishment and deflect.

6. Cohen is a retarded lawyer and should've known better, but he ultimately made the decision to break the law himself. Try telling a cop " butsomeone else told me to do it" and see how that works for you.

End of story.

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Oh they understand, but they're

1. paid to be here

2. think they're somehow swaying public opinion about Trump by posting bad things on pol.

great post Nigel. Too bad that Americans are collectively down about 30-40 IQ points from when we wrestled freedom from your king.

America will be dead soon.

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>Oh they understand

I honestly don't think they do, they too fucking retarded.

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too bad

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so sad

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Just how many clients does Michael Cohen havve?

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this is great considering, cohens a lawyer

this is why you never trust a Jewish lawyer

When did the Daniels payments happen, 2008? This has no bearing on his campaign at all.

You'd first have to prove that payments to Stormy is an actual campaign donation. Like the Saudis donating million to the Clinton Foundation and that money being used in some ways to help Hillary in her campaign.

Excellent point. You kill the shill.

>When did the Daniels payments happen, 2008?

Stormy is DNC to the bone, ran for office as a Democrat years ago. There had been negotiations about payment for many years, but she went for a big extortion play in the final 2 weeks of the campaign (obviously pushed by her DNC cronies).

If I was Trump I would fucking go after her for fucking extortion and expose her history in the Democrat party.

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>this is why you never trust a Jew

fixed that for ya, buddy

Major lurker here I have a completely morbid fascination watching this ride coming, tide coming out , crashing of waves of the shills . Nothing at all is achieved here. Ever

Except it is a place we are able to think freely

Maybe Trump should have kept it in his pants and not had sex with a porno star

The dude fucked a skank ass whore.
I'm pretty sure he just wants the whole thing to go away.
Moral of this story: Never trust a whore.

Ah Makes sense now

shills don't have to do anything to sway public opinion on Trump. Everyone who's not in the cult can see that he's fucked

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Fuck OFF back to Twitter nigger

Libtards are desperately panting like dogs, hoping to find ANYTHING to "impeach drumpf". No collusion (WHICH IS NOT A CRIME EVEN IF THERE WAS). No laws broken. The only thing that was broken was what little remained of Leftists psychological stability.

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>butsomeone else told me to do it" and see how that works for you.

Yeah, you both go to jail.

>Moral of this story: Never trust a whore.
Nor a jew

Your gay little flow chart proves.....what?

>hillary is guilty of vince foster even though she only told someone to kill him
>trump isnt guilty for cohen crimes because he only told him to do them

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Welcome, faggit.

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Fucking this. I don't know why you're even bothering to make these dipshit threads anymore.

You realize Trump used to be a democrat and support Clinton as well right? Or do nupol faggots like you just have collective amnesia?

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>Yeah, you both go to jail.

t. dumb cunt who doesn't know the law

A fucking LAWYER of all people cannot claim to have been duped into breaking the law by anyone. He's supposed to fucking know the law lmaoooooo

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>someone met a Russian so they are colluding with Russia

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I've been here 12 years kid

shills get their prepared talking points to push. They don't have to understand them logically.

If they weren't dumb cunts, they wouldn't rely on mainstream news outlets for information, now, would they.

>Cohen went OVER his non-candidate limit and broke the law by making payments to Stormy.

Legit question: How is giving a bitch money a crime?

Me and you committed a murder I just confessed to. We're both going to prison now.

Ask foreign Hillary donors.

No dumbass.

If I tell you to drive 140 in a 60 zone, try telling the cops it's my fault. You saw the signs on the road and ignored them YOURSELF.

Cohen IS A FUCKING LAWYER. He knew the law for a non-candidate and he broke it.

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>Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill


it's a nothing burger and she lost hahahaha

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fucking boomers killed whatever lulz were left in this godforsaken site

>Legit question: How is giving a bitch money a crime?

It's not if you claim to be protecting your fanily from extortion, bad news etc. This is what Trump will claim and he'll easily win in court. If he needs to, he can force it to the Supreme Court for an even bigger win.

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t. Shill

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I take it you are referring to Christopher Steele who colluded with numerous Russian intelligence sources on the dime of the Bushclinton party in order to try to influence the poutcome of an election

lol retard, trump has been taking russain + mob money since forever, it's a stipulation of mid-late 90s NYC real estate. are idiots on this sub making the argument that Trump has never done ANYTHING illegal? cause that's obviously a stupid assumption to make. not like it matters though, the residents of kekistan only care about the fact he's an unrepentant white supremacist. So good job I guess on getting the president you want

nice photo of where 90+% of American GDP comes from though.

My best guess as to why it still happens is that some people went all in on supporting Trump through a lot of shit to the point that friends and family were probably like "What the fuck?".

Now that it just keeps getting worse and worse they're sort of losing their shit, acting like no sane human could possibly disagree with them, that Jow Forums always was and always will be pro-Trump, etc.

Based Bongbro, at least someone here understands the law.


I don't think the issue is that he was reimbursed Cohen with from his own corporate pocket, it's that the contribution was intentionally covered up from the FEC.

>are idiots on this sub making the argument

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>lol retard, trump has been taking russain + mob money since forever, it's a stipulation of mid-late 90s NYC real estate.


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while politicians meet with Israeli and other middle eastern agents all the time but that's fine because they are our "allies"
if they really wanted to get stop election meddling they would also be pointing this out, but they won't

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Okay, if you give me $100K and tell me to go kill someone, try telling the cops it isn't your fault because you didn't pull the trigger.

>this sub
>this sub
>this sub

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trump gets tried in congress. good luck with that. if u haven't noticed, nobody seems to give a fuck about the actual law.

>this sub

Again, when there are ACTUAL charges, let us all know.

>It's not if you claim to be protecting your fanily from extortion, bad news etc
Well what if you don't have any of those reasons? How can it be illegal to give another person money "just fucking because... murr'ca"

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By this logic, Hillary Clinton hasn't killed anyone and shouldn't be prosecuted for Seth Rich's murder. Because it wasn't HER that pulled the trigger.

Wait so a jew got out jewed by jew lawyers in Jew York.

excellent post OP.

also, lmfao at how non-existent michael cohen's credibility is. sorry faggots, teflon don wins again.

>it's that the contribution was intentionally covered up from the FEC.

You are half correct. This is what Obama was slammed by the FEC for doing, "failing to report" campaign contributions. It's ALWAYS a fine and is never applied to the candidate individually, only the campaign.

However, Stormy was trying to get money for many years, which means the money issue long pre-dates the election and gives Trump a huge argument that he was simply protecting his family frommonetary extortion on an very old issue.

Edwards easily got off on the same shit and Trump is in a far better position than he was.

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brb actually killing myself. i checked my spacing and everything too fuck.


>met at the inauguration

which is AFTER the election

Yep, pretty much

>t. cityfag

correct user.

stormy daniels's attempt at extortion began in 2007. regardless, trump paid with his own money, not from any "campaign" coffer

Hey, half of those people are jewish
pure cohencidence, I'm sure

correct. and a supreme court which will be decidedly conservative by that time, what with 2 trump scotus picks already. (and likely at least a 3rd before he leaves office)

> shills on the left durrrr
Reminder, we have fucking retards on the right too.

And you know this how?

Our stable genius, ladies and gents.

he is first and foremost a Jew. Don't forget that.

It's Jow Forums, everyone is retarded until proven otherwise.

her alleged "affair" she claims to have had was in 2006-2007. according to my math, that's years before the 2016 election.

They dug pretty hard to find evidence of extortion, there was none. This is hush money, full stop.

Then why are they being paid to do so?

>the paul manafort and michael cohen cases PROVE there was russian collusion!
The Resistance, ladies and gents.

All shills work for free, that's what the cultishness is for.

It proves there are people on Earth who call themselves "Russian". This might indicate that the country of Russia exists. Drumpf is done.

you're free to call it what you like. trump maintains there was no relationship with her. at any rate, paying her and entering a NDA is not illegal.

Is Steele at least a pariah in the UK?

>It's Jow Forums, everyone is retarded until proven otherwise.

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if you have to swim through details to try and make it sound bad you already lost faggot.

Cry wolf more please

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Nope the payment was still illegal. John Edwards got nailed on this exact thing, when he had other people fund his mistress.

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Trump lied about knowing about it though. legally hes probably fine but the married presidential thing paying a whore to keep her mouth shut and then denying he knew of it is going to look really bad.

citation needed that the payment was "illegal"
also, are you referring to cohen's payment, or to the Trump company reimbursing cohen?

citation needed that trump "lied about knowing about it" -- do you mean knowing beforehand that daniels was going to be paid, or knowing about it afterward.

you're free to make unclear allegations, of course.

State more facts
I'm sure the bat shit crazy leftists will listen

face it folks
just get some professional training, stock up on ammo & supplies and just wait it out outside of the cities
at this pace the Left isn't even gonna make it to 2020 before going full commie revolution

A grand jury indicted the Democrat and two-time presidential candidate last year on charges that he illegally received campaign donations from his 2008 finance chairman Fred Baron and wealthy heiress Rachel “Bunny” Mellon. The funds, spent on private jet travel, luxury hotels and housing for Edwards’s mistress, Rielle Hunter, never passed through campaign accounts. However, prosecutors said they amounted to donations to Edwards’s campaign because they were intended to prevent damage to his presidential bid by hiding the extramarital affair from the media.

Some facts for you.

Note the hung jury and acquital and decision not to re-prosecute.

Fuck OFF nogger

michael cohen has taken it upon himself to claim that his expenditures were "campaign contributions" -- which is absurd to any reasonable person.

also, according to court documents, michael cohen was reimbursed by the trump corporation (not any campaign organization) and it was deemed "legal fees" for previous work rendered.

how any of this can be twisted into a matter of "campaign contributions" is pathetic.

>John Edwards got nailed on this exact thing,

And yet he never spent a day in jail lol because it's impossible to prove that these types of payments are not for family reasons.

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He knew about the payment because he helped to organize the payment and then he claimed for months that he didn't know a thing about it. He's on tape discussing how to make the payment with Cohen.


>he knew about the payment because he helped organize the payment
[citation needed]
>he's on tape discussing how to make the payment with Cohen
that tape is trump discussing the National Enquirer situation. not Stormy Daniels. and there's nothing incriminating on that tape. it's not illegal to discuss paying someone to not publish a story.

>He's on tape discussing how to make the payment with Cohen.


That was the payment by "our friend David" Pecker who paid Karen McDougal by giving her a job at the National Enquirer.

You fucking retard.

Lanny Davis is now claiming there are no more tapes, only the Karen tape we've all heard.

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The payment to stormy IS NOT a campaign contribution. Literally if there is ANY other reason to pay off a porn star, like to insulate your family from it, then it isn't a campaign contribution.