Meanwhile, on 1939 Jow Forums.....
Anyone know how I can avoid national service? I don't want to fight for the Jew
Meanwhile, on 1939 Jow Forums.....
Anyone know how I can avoid national service? I don't want to fight for the Jew
you'd have to remove both Hitler, Churchill and also the monarchy
I didn't vote for Churchill anyway
This guy might finally find the solution.
Fug :D
I don't know, seems like he's bitten off more than he can chew
NSDAP are /ourguys/ he even called out the jews.
The jewish media is in damage-controll mode.
Theres always Argentina afterwards.
Things are great here without you cunts here by the way Bong. We're going to be be fully cleared in the North within 5 years too.
Euros killing each other yet again. Don't come crying to us when you get your asses kicked again, we're not fighting your war.
Off we go marching to Poland, mein Bruder!
Doubt it. And are you going to stay neutral in this war? We might need your airspace if that's OK
I respect you yanks for staying out of this one, it's a stupid war that should never have been started
We had no choice, we tried everything to avoid it.
Why aren't you all invading Africa and Asia together? Maybe we could get in on it with you?
Sure. Met Eireann will shut off all weather forecasting too. But Im sure we can throw ye a few.
What the actual fuck was Chamberlain thinking declaring war? I bet he's going to be replaced by that fat kike Churchill
Is America even strong enough to take on Germany?
Nothing will happen, they will make peace by next week, make Poland give Danzig to Germany and get done with.
>mfw no another Great War in our lifetime
where we dropping boys
>peace in our time
What a dumbass. Why the fuck did he offer that war guarantee to Poland? Has Britain ever had soldiers on the ground in eastern Europe? You Brits rule the waves, but you're useless on the ground.
I wouldn't be surprised if ((there's foul)) play behind the scenes here.
Besides, doesn't Dantzig have the right to self-determination?
Doubtful, full mobilisation is out of the question, given the state their economy is in right now, besides why are we even discussing this ? They have a strict isolationist policy, they only joined The Great War because Wilhelm refused to stop unrestricted U-Boat warfare, which was sinking their own ships
Sorry, wrong flag.
Come to think of I do remember that it was pretty much only the Jews here that wanted a war
H-hes fast !
I have a strange feeling that the eternal Brit will fuck Poland over...
Damnit America where are at the mercy of the nazi's. They stole my bike and bombed my house. Please save us, we'll make you the world hegemony for the years to come!
Also, i want my fucking bike back
What? Have we ever let anyone down before?
Us, literally mere months ago, though that doesn't matter anymore, Hitler at least respects us unless that retard Beneš
I really fucking hope a peacemonger like Mosley becomes PM so we don't have to save your asses again.
*unlike that retard Beneš
Hopefully, because if Churchill gets in then Mosley will surely be put in prison
God damn the british are a bunch of cowards. Why do leafs have to do all of the work.
Yeah right. Taking political prisoners in 20th century Britain? That would be a violation of basic human rights and I don't think even Churchill is that crazy.
Czechoslovakia was a mistake and I think we can all agree that it's a good thing it's gone
Move to the Free State. We're pretending the war isn't even happening. Its just referred to as the Emergency, LALALALALALALALAALA NOTHING BAD IS GOING ON LALALALALALALALA
Good feeling
The Kraut does it AGAIN!
Time to haul ass to Britain so I can fly in a shitty plane later...
But what about the soviets? How Will Stalin react?
The (((thanks))) we get for helping meme retards.
>We should've stayed out of it, kept colonies and sheit
At least its better than cleaning shitty toilets like modern Poles in Britain these days.