
So what’s Jow Forumss opinion of this guy nowadays?

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God Emperor of all the Universe.

he's ok

He's an arab puppet that is being broadcast as a jewish puppet to fool the idiots

Savior of Humanity.

Absolute fucking baller.

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2 scoops, 2 tits, 2 back to back life sentences

He's the only political in the world that called out the exploitation/theft of white SA farmers.

The only people hating on him today are the same people as always, anti-white cucks and kikes. That's why it's been so bad since he made that tweet.

A spotlight on SA is the last thing the left wants.


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not bad looking for his age

he's doing very good.
taxes not rising, actually going down.
GDP 3%

Love Donald Trump. A great man.

Potentially the emperor of mankind, all he had to due is say the word.

Same as I had in 2001
A filthy jew working with jews

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Still with him. Even though the shills the last few days have been pushing hard to demoralize us.

Pure awesome and win!!! Gives lefties daily freak outs.

he's a gud American president god gless him.

Best president in my lifetime

Anyone who defends or thinks this nigger faggot us good is a jew apologist

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would sub to him 10/10 top husbando

Any 95+ IQ individual can see through this
This one is at least creative

very true, the trash quality of just makes it evident they are either shills or contrarian tryhards

>trying to create a psyop where a 100% German man is somehow Jewish because he isn't a staunch anti semite

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kek has blessed us with our great orange king

We know your lies, rabbi.

To be honest I don't really have so much opinion about this guy. I don't like him so much, but I don't hate him neither. Mostly people hate Trump because it's cool to hate him, it's a trend, they hop in some stupid hate-bandwagon. If you support Trump, then that's OK, don't have problem with that you have right to vote or have your own political views, but honestly I don't care. You may not like him, but you should move on with your life.

It's sort of funny that the best arguments the kikes came up with after years of trying to crack our psyche was calling him a Jew.

Good thing for us they can't think 20 minutes past their own nose.

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no-one with any objectivity could fail to be moved by his fortitude in the face of the relentless hysterical utterly foul barage of co-ordinated vicious personal attacks upon him - still he stands defiant like a great silver-back gorilla surrounded by a slavering pack of mange-rotted hyenas. My god be with you & protect you my liege.

Every shill is terribly disappointed in him.

Let's see if he actually does something about South Africa

back to your containment thread /ptg/

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I’ve been a former Trump supporter for the last 3 years, and I cannot begin to state how disappointed I am.

>I love to get fucked my black bulls until my asshole is gaping and full of jizz

I like the guy more and more. He's a fighter and never gives up on trying to America great.

I used to be a democrat but can't stand how insufferable and cruel they are now.

Voting Republican for the first time in the Mid-Terms.

>I used to be a democrat but can't stand how insufferable and cruel they are now.
>Voting Republican for the first time in the Mid-Terms.
I want to believe you

A Zionist. I knew this before 2016.

wish he'd stop with the israel shit, but otherwise he's pretty good
hoping he helps the boys in south africa so we can get a white ethnostate going

>by being the most pro jew president in the history of the US, marrying his daughter off to a jew, and having dozens of jewish advisors, he is truly ANTI JEWISH!!!
very big brained 4d chess buddy!!!!!

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>hoping he helps the boys in south africa so we can get a white ethnostate going
I fear they're all pozed

Love him. He is the last hope of sanity.

the anti-Trump forces are over playing their hand badly imo - esp the whole increasingly totalitarian looking attempts to censor the internet & the ramped up anti-white rhetoric. These issues were nothing like as in your face even 2 years back when Trump still secured victory. His re-election campaign is already being written & propagated into the sub conscious of all white Americans

The more this stupid fucking "white ethnostate" gets thrown around, the more people stray from the cause. Holy fuck you stupid autistic faggots.

Either a shill or too dumb to see his policies have been opposite of what jews in US support. We're not at the place to oppose them internationally yet.

Amazing watching one man take on the world, and win. Just amazing.

Anyone who believes Lanny Davis about anything needs to be shot.

>t. Pedro

Hopefully he can make policies that put democrats out of business. Democrats tried to bring ww3 and their lemmings supported it. Fuck that shit.

The man who will save Western civilization from the shitskin horde.

Based boomer who sometimes needs course correction but generally has an amazing gut instinct. Not perfect, but he's human. A genuine hero who put his business, reputation, and life on the line because he loves his country.

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all part of the plan
disregard the faggots trying to make fun of 4d chess
it was always real

He’s a racist pig.

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>by being the most pro jew president in the history of the US, marrying his daughter off to a jew, and having dozens of jewish advisors, he is truly ANTI JEWISH!!! because he made some liberal NYC cultural jew cry
ok buddy
>BASTE zionist jews!!! i only hate LIBRUL jews
t. zionist neocon faggot

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As long as he doesn't come for the gunz, or any other property.

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I thought he was working for the Russians?

>>BASTE zionist jews!!! i only hate LIBRUL jews
>t. zionist neocon faggot
Strawman hard af

Love that man, he'll cause mass leftist suicides, and that will make him the savior of humanity.

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>inb4 bombardment of negative sentiments in this thread via kikes and shills

not an argument

We shouldn't forget that, for the first time in history, whole pedophile gangs are being busted, and even priests are getting it en masse.

Lol ok retard

There are a lot of us dude

you nupol zionists give up so easily lmao

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Where's my wall?

>taking shitposting literally
>thinking this makes you somehow a genius

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Being built

Zionist traitor of the Republic.

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I disagree - it as now & will increasingly become an emergent issue that is only just beginning to percolate up into the awareness of the white population - not just the numbers but the increasingly openly expressed hostility of the non-white/sub-white elements

You have no arguments, thats the problem.
Is not an argument, after that you resorted to some rhetorical and semantics bullshit and then you gave up.

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He's the best

Shitlord in chief

Pathologically narcissistic psychopath, compulsive liar.

oh no, people on Jow Forums are going to stray away from a cause, how will we ever recover?

The god emperor should declare martial law and hang all the filthy traitors in the White House lawn

Donald J. Trump is the 45th president of the United States. He does not slither like a snake when he talks but rather brashly states his opinion on things. He often fools his competitors into believing his is stupid whilst cleverly devising new ways to undermine their collective attacks.

He is as American as it gets.

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I respect this Norwegian for seeing through the hate bandwagon.

*blocks your path*

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>muh wall

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>too stupid to check IDs

oh shit guys? i think this edgy faggot may be the coolest user?

He's the worst president in the history of the USA.

>that should stop them

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Would you rather him codify a 500 million dollar defense bill with Saudi Arabia? The US does this all the time and there is no president who can be anti-Semitic. At the end of the day, Trump still wants to protect our borders and our way of life. He is an American at heart.

>they'll never get around muh wall

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You posting this confirms he's the best


How about not giving our money to Israel or Saudi Arabia and fixing the homeless Vet problem?

>it worked for china

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>Either a shill or too dumb
i thought you were done btw

Never met the man. No real opinion about him.

I love Trump

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Part of being an international super power is having influence on other nations militarily and monetarily. He actually is working on helping homeless veterans and I know a vet personally who started receiving disability checks a month after he entered office. (He filed for them over 6 years ago).

>worst president in the history of the USA
Drop your proxy pedro

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I like him but wish he would tell israel to go fuck themselves.

he's trash. low IQ jewish-slave bluepilled moron. i hate him, and i hate the media. the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. fuck him for elevating john bolton. fuck him for cucking to israel. fuck him for consistently cucking to the PoCs and Jews.

we can only hope for a massive collapse. this is not time for reform.

>they'll never get through them bars

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>you will never go bombing around the desert in your military jeep to reload the airborne mexican defense system

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anybody who disagrees with this and STILL supports Trump is a boomer and beyond retarded. sorry folks, he's let us down. hard.

My opinion on him has always been the same. He’s ok. My opinion of his oppnonts on the other hand has gone from annoyance to outright hatred.

>trade wars
>US companies going down
>US farmers fucked
>military and intelligence community fucked
>spreads ass for Putin
>scandals after scandals
Yeah, sorry, he's the best president so far.

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Israel does not need our foreign aid.
America needs funding, not Israel.
Fuck off kike.

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