Serious question

How are faggots able to override the natural sexual attraction to the opposite sex? No other species has been documented to be exclusively homosexual but humans. What is wrong with fags?

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Because nature doesn't give a fuck and sometimes creates anomalies and retardation just to spice up things for the rest of its citizens.
A circus can't exist without freaks to populate it and drive money towards it.

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Can't remember where I got this stat, but over 80% of the lgbt community had experienced sexual abuse as a minor.
So trauma

Some other animals have individuals that are exclusively gay.
I know some gay guys and lesbians and as far as I know they're not interested at all in the opposite sex.

>How are faggots able to override the natural sexual attraction to the opposite sex?
With the help of Satan. Otherwise this is not possible. Animals cannot pray to Satan, so they cannot become gay.

They were victim of child sexual abuse.

I suspect a lot more gays would be bi if they didn't have mommy/daddy issues.

No they can't. It is a genetic disorder, and due to the nature of its self, it does not allow itself to spread efficiently.

Imagine actually believing in such a thing.

This is a meme.

Do you have the abuse stats?
I'm at a loss as the search engine is bringing up verbal abuse.

Shit imagine we found the actual cure for homosexuality? We'd just have to develop something to turn all the population off for 3 months and everything would be fixed

>turn all the population off
Good luck, lg and b are typically hypersexual from personal experience.

Well there is a commonality here for homosexuality and leftism in general. A lot of it has to do with control over sexuality, feminism control of men, first encounters with sexuality (who got there first, man or woman?), underaged and teaching it as young as possible, transism and being able to change into something else, free love and promiscuity, fat acceptance, polyamory, All of these are at the core of the leftist drive for control. We can probably connect the dots and even be able to prevent a lot of this early and wipe out a lot of degeneracy quickly.

Idunfkkn know, but it makes avoiding cumwhores a whole lot easier for me. Too bad kikes turned correctly sexually oriented males into feminised cumwhores too...
How do I become straight, or even better, asexual?


We surely must have a drug that inhibits sexuality, right?

SSRIs did it for me haha

for some reason prozac gave me back my sex drive... but uhh, killed my dick :c

Prozac was great, leveled my mood, made me far more agreeable, and I didn't care about sex anymore.
Downside is it cost me my marriage.
Zoloft was shit, Cymbalta withdrawals had me homebound for a month

Fags used to lay low and get married while being secretly gay in some side-group. They'd have kids and hide their faggotry thus spreading the genes albeit in tiny levels.

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Those twins who are both flaming faggots is an interesting case. I know there are twins where one is homo and one straight... but maybe they is secretly gay hmmmmm

Homosexuality is a social construct

How do I stop jerking it to porn anons. I don't want to be gay anymore.


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Make sure it's pink, helps a lot.

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Abstain from tech.
Get a hobby like guitar, piano, woodworking, hiking.
Lift weights and eat healthy.
You can do it user.

it cost your marriage?

100% not. early sexualisation and childhood trauma fucks you up bigtime. it fucks up your stress response, it fucks up your oxytocin receptors. it is only logical that one would try to enter a group then that is very caring and open like the lgbt community were people constantly give you hugs and compliments. if you get molested you are likely having a ton of internalised shame and becoming part of the this community is a flight forward because they are completly shameless.

t. dude who got molested at age 9.

Agreeable isn't a good trait for a man to have. No sex drive left her frustrated.
I'm getting better now without the drugs.

Eh, I see. I'm a virgin and submissive, so I guess agreeability and ED don't really matter in my case.

>serbian science

Except that homosexuality has been observed in other species of animals. Ducks for example will fuck anything, even dead ducks.


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>doesn't know what the world "exclusively" means
kill yourself.

We should start fucking dead ducks then

Because they love attention more than pussy

Submissiveness and being agreeable are feminine traits.
I recommend steak and eggs diet with a hearty dose of lifting heavy weights. Helped me far more than meds ever could.

Animals do engage in homosex though. Just look up the male to male pairings of black swans.

Niggers don't count

Mental illness?

That's not what I'm saying at all retard, it's just that animals are homosexual. A quick google search will tell you that you absolute nigger.

>waah the real world doesn't conform to my ideas of what is proper
sad sad sad!

Frogs can be turned gay with chems.
Surely queerness can be quelled.

uh huh, so when shall we start fucking dead ducks?

Oi! That'll be 10 lashings for that internet hate crime!
Get in the bowl, edgelord.

>caring about with who other adults bump uglies

>waah nigger swans count
mad mad mad!

Lie. Exclusively homosexual individuals exist in other species, including mountain goats.

Do you know from experience?

DBZ is kind of based for making a tranny the most evil and vile character in the show (Frieza)

Frieza was not a tranny, he had a sexually ambiguous voice in the english dub.

Found the Muslim

If you want a based piece of film that had a bad guy tranny I suggest the rocky horror picture show.
Tim Curry was a beast of an actor.

You could probably use the term non-binary to describe him.

I mean its gay as shit of a term, but he's an alien, who knows maybe they reproduce like snails and slugs where one becomes the male and the other the female.

Then they fight with their penises or something and the loser gets fucked.

>something exists in nature therefore it should be acceptable in human society!
>see how those two male animals are fucking each other in the ass? We should be doing that too!
>that one looks like it's trying to get away. Hmmm, maybe we should allow rape then as well!
>look, animals also eat each other's shit! Are you hungry user?

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>who knows maybe they reproduce like snails and slugs where one becomes the male and the other the female.
>Then they fight with their penises or something and the loser gets fucked.
snails r based

>they fight with their penises or something and the loser gets fucked.
Sounds like a pirates of the Caribbean gay parody.


too much estrogen turned their brains into those of women.

Some constellation of Personality Disorder.
A poorly defined and poorly quantified set of pathological traits.
There is probably a flip side to the Big 5 personality traits. I would suggest that homosexuals are naturally deceptive on standardized measures of pathology. They are inoculated as a group against sincere monitoring. Only the google research on search indexing seemed to get at real world frequency of observable behavior (search words and history, ect.).

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Hey there kermit

The fight is basically about them trying to stick their penises into each other.
The looser gets impregnated and becomes "female"
Kinda hot desu

I'm borderline.
It's going to take years of therapy to become close to normal.

>The looser
I see what you did there

E v e r y o n e I s B I S E X U A L

No one wants to admit it...


Actually numerous other species have been observed to behave in homosexual ways.

What I want to know is why they look like this? Look at this shit. What the fuck does this shit have to do with being gay? It's true faggotry of the highest order. There's fucking a man in the ass and then there's sticking dildos all over your body and being a humongous faggot in public.

Gay is a virus.... it takes over its host

Found the faggot trying to justify their degeneracy.

If that makes you feel better go ahead and believe it user

It can definitely mess you up, but it's not what causes people to be gay or bisexual.

Close enough!

Never clash swords with another man though.

That shit is gay

I was wondering if anyone would notice.

Not if you say "No Homo" afterwards

Is hentai ok?

Nope. Sorry, my dude.

>Zoloft was shit
I'm on that now and feel the same. I don't notice a difference in the slightest. I even skipped my tablet yesterday and didn't feel any different. Unlike Pristiq where missing a dose would fuck me up with withdrawals.

You're only a faggot if you let your opponent win.

Letting them win isn't interesting.
Putting up a genuine fight and loosing is.
Is that still homo tho?

Actually OP's pic of that guy is my wife's son's pediatrician.


Delete facebook, instsgram, snapchat, twitter, all the bullshit. Do as other user said. Get hobbies outside of looking at your phone.

You can do it

What is that thing good God! Kill it kill it now!

B-but user... I already eat a lot of meat and protein... Though I jog rather than lift weights.

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Thanks for posting this. Going that no fap rn, glad I never got as far as that user, but scared of how close I got.

He means humans are the only species who have been observed as being purely homosexual, as in they only fuck the same sex and nothing else, no thoughts of the opposite sex, etc. A duck fucking anything isn't exclusively being homo.

>his first time witnessing the spawn of chaos
Stand fast, brother. The Emperor protects!

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definitely not. I was abused very young by a babysitter, partially gay I guess, only fuck women though these days. Luckily hate degeneracy enough and pissed off enough about niggers, muslims and spics that I could never ally with faggots because they hate the west.

Jogging is inferior to walking or sprinting.
Weight lifting is good for boosting mood and health, also burns fat for an hour after you've finished lifting.
Steak and eggs diet is no carb, it makes the body use fat stores for energy,which will give you a steady supply of energy through the day.

i know that feel but im addicted to 2d qts

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It is homo, but after such a bout a man can train, and return to redeem his pride.

>my dog eats it's own shit, therefore I should eat my own shit

that's essentially your logic faggot

actually I've seen in nature documentaries how a young male animal will take on the role of a female if raped by an older male, otherwise it would be killed by the older male.


such as?

>he wants to win

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That was a prison documentary user

Sounds like prison.