Why do SJWs always engage in forced swearing?

Why do SJWs always engage in forced swearing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Xfjya2iyh7YJ:homerhickamblog.blogspot.com/2018/08/social-media.html &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Because they're raised in Tumblr

The left cant controll itself, thats why they always have so much useless stuff in their house no adult men needs

They were raised on Barney and Tele-tubbies...what do you want from people like that?

Yup. My sister's a Tumblrina, and she started swearing like a sailor. I guess the F bomb is the cutting edge of being edgy on Tumblr.

Don't forget being a trannie furry as well. "Naomi" be one fucked up homie, 'sho 'nuff.

Because mentality wise, they are children. And what do most if not all children do when they’re young and “rebellious?” They begin to curse because they think it’s cool. Why do you think these braindead retards believe in fairytales and (((lies)))?

This is why you don't hire mentally ill people.

Link or it didn't happen, Taro.

she deleted her twitter after this

It happened. He's not in charge of hiring and firing, so he couldn't do anything. But NASA did see the tweet because all the friends retweeted with "#NASA" .. and they terminated his internship. Hickam then worked with other heads at NASA and got this guy a better job.

It did happen, Paco. That guy Naomi cursed off is a prominent NASA engineer that had a movie made about him.

A better job as a janitor, hopefully.


And damn it, I wanted to read the reply thread.

>Hickam then worked with other heads at NASA and got this guy a better job.
He's either very forgiving, or was sweating the SJW backlash.


He made a blog post about it.. he said that after review he felt he was being condescending toward the person, so he reached out to try and help them. I'm looking for the blog post, but he may have removed it (he linked to it on his twitter, but apparently he's deleted his twitter too).

I don't know, I find it kind of embarrassing. Like they are trying to be "ironic" but you can just see the desperation for any form of validation behind it and a way to deflect it as "I was joking ha ha" if they get called out.

They're meek. Always spent their lifes looking down and biting their tongue, wishing they had super powers to fix their petty lifes. So they'll take any chance to be foul and abusive whenever they can.

This is retarded even for these kinds of fags, you got the job now stfu and spend your researchbux on AIDS medicine and hormones.

Yep. That blog post has been deleted. Here's google's cache of it that I've found:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Xfjya2iyh7YJ:homerhickamblog.blogspot.com/2018/08/social-media.html &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

that old chub is a cuck

Get a load of this newfag

>It calls itself a "she" .. so it must be a "she".
Get a load of THIS newfag.

Because they are rewarded for acting out

>he's deleted his twitter too
Sad when the SJW lynch mob descends on an old guy like that. Who could know that a black furry trannie is such a protected beast?

Because they think that whatever they say is so important that it warrants un-needed profanity.

Worried about being condescending towards an intern who just told you to "Shut the fuck up/Suck their dick and balls".

This is precisely the kind of coddling and enablement that created these entitled, little monsters in the first place. What could have been a teachable moment for that millennial cunt instead just reinforced the notion that they are perfect and the world must change to accommodate them, no matter how shitty they are being.

Just stop. And lurk forever.
You're on the right side, but you clearly don't belong. Go back to the boomer thread or something.

>Telling someone on a public forum to suck your dick and balls after just getting accepted for a fucking NASA INTERNSHIP
Regardless of it being Hickam why would you even say this to anyone to begin with given the circumstances?

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Cause he knows he can shut him down. Why not shut someone down when you can?

You can take the negro out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

Correction, they never grew out of watching Barney and the Teletubbies.

Generally speaking they are poorly raised overgrown children with poor impulse control. That's why they are SJW's.

>Just got accepted for an internship
>Tell someone to suck your dick while also including your new employers name in the tweet
Common sense, man.

this reminds me that i need to swear less. it's a very bad habit.

Same, dad. But I work around a bunch of pretty old school southern boys so it's hard not to.