While you sackless anti-semites are bitching about imaginary Jews

Real Jews are training South African white farmers to defend themselves against brutal attacks.

“They will kill us for that. There’s a group of white right-wingers who are being trained by Jews in Pretoria to be snipers…”

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Bump. If Israel supports the Afrikaners in the upcoming conflict, I will become pro-Israel for life.

why dont you go over there and fight for the kikes, just you always do, you kike cannon fodder piece of shit

Fuck off Juden.
It's the kike subversion and financing the reason SA is the way it is

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Jews aren't of a singular mind any more than whites are.

Jews come in various forms, and this is the problem, because you don't know what are they motivated by really. You can have the Goldman Sachs jews and regular jews. Who is motivated by what? Do they have something in common?

I trust in individuals, not in organizations. This even applies for the jews.

I fucked a jew in the ass once

She may be Israeli, and she may even be of jewish faith, but you can tell she's not an ethnic kike.

She's Russian.

so? arabs fuck swedes anally and figuratively anally all the time

Jow Forumsestians will bury this, be careful

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Funny, cause it was jews that started this shit to take control of the diamond and gold mines there.

Daily reminder that Israel sold nukes to Rhodesia and White South Africa and the west made up some rainbow nation bullshit to wreck the nascent regional power

well of course they are ,the rich farmers are mostly jews.. did you think they were doing it to help whites bro?

A jewess thought she stole my seed one time but, it was just pee

>Real Chews

so... Arabs


>Jews training boer as cover so that they can steal the remaining Uranium for more Israeli nukes

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rightwing jews are based

hitler is the founder of the state of israel

jews should primarily live in israel but above all be treated as israeli citizens

feelgood PR stunt Jews aided the ANC to power.

instead of larping in the bushes jews should teach the whites in south niggerland how to build tactical nukes

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This thread makes me have to take a thick dump.

I don't actually believe this shit Jews would never do anything to help the white man it's just kike propaganda to try to get some favor with the right because they know more and more young white Right winger's are starting to question Israel and the Jewish people

That's false. The entire identity of Jews is about hatred of others. It clearly unifies them for large causes, whereas Europeans/Christians have no such thing.

During appartheid era Jews were considered white by South African laws.
Japs were considered 'honorary' whites, but chinks were classified as coloured.

Redpilled. Fuck chinks.

Real Jews both internationally and domestically were also at the forefront of efforts to end apartheid and subvert the white South African government. Its just some ex military Jews seeing a profit opportunity.

I tittyfucked one and jizzed on her face

It makes sense to me. There is something about the Japanese that is whitelike and honorable. Chinks on the other hand are pure chink.

put me in the cap

ppl with fascist meme flag always know their shit.

Left-wing Jews are based
Hitler was not even right-wing

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>fuck chinkz
Fat American who is okay with Israel detected

South American farmers are fucking cancer
If white people had never gone to Africa, it would not be over populating today
NO to imperialism. NO to supremacy. NO to colonism. NO to internationalism

Just like how christians are on the forefront of globalism and an open borders agenda? Hillary came out of a christian cunt....so fuck cucks for christ and their globalism bullshit!

Jews operate with banking
They don't ruin countries

They got there even before the Bantu did. They have a complete right to that land more so than Americans do here.

Looks like christians are fucking up America, congress is made up of....entirely christians no?

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Yes they are. Read the Culture of Critique.

Christians are divided politically into evangelical and not
Evangelical Christianity (the one who supports Trump) is apocalyptic cult
BTW Globalism is the only solution unless you want a WW3 apocalypse

jews are are less unified in their disdain for goyim than whites were in their disdain for the muds from 1942 to 1914

>Implying that there were not other tribes on that land
Americans don't have right to any land
I hope they all get genocides by the chinkz
This land belongs to native Americans

Jews are there training and arming both sides.

The Jews can redeem themselves by fixing the mess they helped create, asking forgiveness for their sins and coming to Christ.

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No, I want you to die on that altar. Congress, made up of entirely politicians ( most globalist FUCKS), by choice or happenstance, were born from the cunts of christians. Irregardless if they actively cuck for christ, or are down right atheist- they are christian because they were born of christians.

A jew by birth who doesn't practice is less equal than a non-jew who converts and is orthodox in their religious world. Period. Action makes the person, not the cunt they came out of; or die by your own standards.

they didn't know better, they thought they could handle population growth like the whiteman

Absolute state of leafposting
Wrong thing is colonising

Show your real flag, Kike. Also explain why all these Jew organizations including just today the ADL are all trying to downplay or outright gaslight everyone on the situation in South Africa. God damn I hate you fucking lying Jews.

Because American liberal Jews don't want to blow themselves off, because they are too "materialistic"?
American Jews hate Israel


Natives were a mix or gooks and indo- europeans.
And the Bantu were the only one in that area since they themselves genocided all the other tribes in centeral africa. Those tribes may have been there before but not the Bantu.

Meme flag = Shlomo

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>Jews operate with banking
>They don't ruin countries
self-contradictions gonna selfies


Media brought down South Africa.
You'll see anti South African white messages placed conspicuously in 80's films like Scrooged.
Who's behind media and Hollywood.
Is it the Buddhists...the Mormons...the Hare Krishnas?
Yes, well when you can be honest and take responsibility for your own actions as a group (the same group you prosper from) instead of maintaining that in all history you're always innocent and right but absolutely everyone else everywhere that you go are all evil and out to get you for no raisins at all then we can talk. There's no point until you can be manage basic honesty. That's a bad thing that you are bringing on yourselves because when you can't be talked to but you must be stopped then YOU have left only one solution. YOU have determined the only available solution.
You can either see what I mean and change your ways or YOU will get YOU in big trouble eventually, inevitably.
- have I saved t Jews or will you carry on down the path to self destruction?

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Zionist Christians already look for
Christian on this board are all covert Zionist agent who slowly started to take over the narrative of this board

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those dont exist now nigger. the land is the property of south africa. whites in south africa who were farmers have no livelyhood and its not a real growth sector south africa (5 years ago they got rekt) so there is little chance for them to get jobs now

Your gay
I just exposed Israel's plans
Why would I do that and how would they let me do that in Israel?

Imagine the potential of having jews and gentiles united for a common goal

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Fuck off with your israel support and israel anime girl is shit I prefer nazi girls.

>hitler was a found
Wrong there no israel during his time and he was only going to send them to madagascar to be monitered you traitor the brits gave them israel.

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>jews play both sides
Fuck both of them.

That's not even true. Israel supported SA because it gave them an international ally that would back their apartheid policies against Palestinians. SA and Israel had a lot in common. Ethnostate completely surrounded by neighbors consumed with the desire to annihilate them.the mental gymnastics you people engage in to scream joos is retarded

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>Start Armageddon or not?
I can't understand how this thing can be a question still?
>White race is under attack by the brown races
>let's vote for Apocalyptic people into the power so they could kill us all, fucking based

impossible, that would leave unexplored areas of the world and curiosity is the prime drive of the thinking man

Fuck off traitor.

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You know the only reason Israel was an (((ally))) of South Africa is because the South Africans were given them uranium for nukes, right? I don't understand this

>What is up fellow white people, how about those based Jews defending the right of the nationalist white South African while completely eroding nationalism in every other white country. Those heroic Israelis are doing this because they believe in nationalism and totally nothing else!

Execute yourself, kike.

This benefits the Jew somehow. Otherwise they wouldn't even bother.

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>Hating chinks makes you a supporter of Israel
Nah fuck off Chang

How difficult is it to shoot/control actual clinical retards?

How much "training" does a real white need to kill niggers? None if you're pure; it's in your blood.

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at least ask your whores to use a more convincing hair dye next time filthy rat

Chinese control half and the Jews control the other half. If you don't give your best to help one, then the other side may win
Jewish supremacy must end, no matter what

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Not gonna happen chink, sorry

The chinks are in bed with the kikes. My Jow Forums interests was always in favor of helping the white race.

They are when it comes to goyim

This.chinks are just slant eyed Jews. They also want to control the west, see Aus and Canada. Fuck them both.

He literally sent them to Palestine. "Britain" (((gave))) Jews Israel after WWI, what the fuck do you think the Stab in the Back was all about? Jew bankers immediately switched allegiance because "Britain" offered (((them))) "Israel". True, Israel wasn't Israel until after the war, but Hitler sent Jews to Palestine. The reason Nazis had so many Jew items of high value is because they wouldn't allow Jews to leave with them. In order to get them they had to buy them back from the Nazis. Once war broke out it was no longer safe or viable to start transporting expensive works of art across the world. I already know you aren't stupid enough to believe that the Nazis just plundered Jews for their riches to live like Jews themselves as is often claimed.
The (((official))) story of the Nazis is so fucking absurd it makes a James Bond plot look more than realistic. That one where James Bond falls from the Moon and parasails on a tsunami or whatever completely pales in comparison to the (((reality))) of concentration camps.


Zionists clearly supported Trump and Chinese supported Democrats
>inb4 Jews voted for Hillary
American Jews are liberal Jews who identify more as communists than Jews

Why don't you goyim just convert? We seem to be the only white ethnicity with any survival instinct. Imagine if there was 100m Jews, we'd be unstoppable.

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All sides. That's how a hedge move works.

daily reminder

Apartheid South Africa's only ally was Israel.

And why would he send them to Palestine when Hitler himself hated Zionists?
Why would he give Grand Mufti of West Bank title honorary Aryan?

Hitler didn't help and neither Britain. See the British White Paper that BANNED Jewish immigration to Palestine. Zionism succeeded because of the will of Jewish people to be a free people in their own nation was above all other odds.

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Israel supports totalitarian right-wing anti-migration parties, to hold Europe from collapsing. If Europe and America would fall, who would protect Israel from the Muslims

Jews help South Africa because they want a foothold in a place in its prime to be taken advantage of.

well if the white people don't want it..

JIDF thread

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Sorry, but no. You have an entire religion specifically based around racial identity. Now, obviously Jow Forums doesn't care about that per se, but rather that it's also a supremacist ideology that by it's own nature entails and endless race war against Gentiles, and that means you tend to remain an enemy. Remove all Zionist money meddling in international politics to the same point as other nations, stop demanding special privileges etc, while explicitly financing anti-European and anti-Christian propaganda and maybe this doesn't all end in blood and fire. You've already got your ethnostate and a ton of wealth, it's enough or should be. Humanity is so damn close to having the technology to spread to the stars, you fucks really want to jeopardise the future of the world just for your egos & will to self-destruction? And why, so you can rule a planet-wide favela full of Muslim serfs (who will turn on you at the first moment they've successfully wiped out or enslaved all Christians and Whites)? That or Whites suddenly snap, go full 1488 en mass and glass the whole Middle East? No doubt you're right that there's different factions, if you value your own people, call out the faction behind all of this shit.

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I'm not a jew, or a zionist.

I don't even disagree with the rest of your post, but kikes are as divided as we are.