I don't want to lose my hair

What are proven methods to for men to keep the hair they already have.

Inb4 buying pills from Alex Jones

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you have yourself castrated, apparently that stops your hair from falling out

Don't have shit fucking genes, done.

Alex Jones has some nice pills

Physical strength and wealth are the most attractive things for women, don't worry.

>proven methods
start a therapy to replace your testosterone with estrogen

Peppermint oil

Not even memeing, look into it

High-quality political discussion.

losing your hair is not the end of the world.
stop giving a fuck, be healthy, fit and successful.
oh and stop posting this shit on Jow Forums

We live in such a feminine society where having or not having hair is a major concern for men. Faggots.

its either you lose your hair or you use finasteride which kills your dick

stop posting on Jow Forums for one. go to Jow Forums fuckface.

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Not OP but nobody in either side of my family has balding. i think im losing my hair because i took a job in roofing and wear a hardhat all day long. This didn't start happening until after i took this job earlier this year at the end of february

Make a couple of billion dollars.

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LMAO another hair thread

drinking semen promotes hair growth

Just accept it, I'm bald, you save money on shampoo and can invest in a hat collection.

I want to stop thinking about my hair.

fortunately i was gifted with a head and face full of the stuff, but i know a few people who have tried this shit and it actually fuckin works.

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It's pointless. You can pay $40 a month for just enough minoxidil to arrest hair loss. I did this for 10 years. But two weeks after you stop it's falling out again.


Seriously, what is his ethnicity?

>tfw bald men are genetically built to drink the semen of other men

Blow dry your hair dont be rough with it when washing or drying. Cuting it short helps with this.

Male pattern baldness was cured just a couple years ago. It’s in trials now and the solution will be available in just a couple years if you can hang on.

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I like them red ones.

I think he's Finish.

he's a white mutt
mom from canada
dad is a white saffer

it already is user
refer to >183261554
it was originally a high blood pressure medicine which they found other uses, like growing hair anywhere there is follicles

cyproterone and estradiol together are an excellent phalanx against male pattern baldness

Using it for 6 months now. It works and you can use allot less after it grows back

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Go to the dermatologist and get a prescription for Propecia. I did this a week ago and I longer find loose hair on my clothes.

Iodine helps it grow faster.
ACV helps it grow in thicker.
Genetics does the rest.
Sage because not politics.

Ok, Mongol then. Now understand.

>white saffer
What is that? A white south african?

But look at his fucking eyes and face, he can't be caucasian.

>man with receding hairline dot jpg
>isn't receding at all
what did he mean by this



You're welcome.

Minodixil as spray
Proscar (for front) and Avodart (back)
as tabs

When ever I look online about hair growth it's usually black women talking about it.

WTF why is this on Jow Forums

I wonder what zoomerz making fun of bald guys will think when they start going bald.
It hasn't happened to me yet but when I hit my mid 20's the jokes stopped being funny.

Seems weird a hardhat would do that though

The Rothschilds are bald, forget it.


I've been using minox for about 4 years and my hair loss has slowed down but it's still advanced in that time. Apparently Finasteride is better but IT MAKE YO DIK NO WORK

Don't be pathetic, own your baldness. Embrace it. Accentuate it.

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i asked around and it seems most of the other guys went through the same thing and only up front. they have hair all over their head except for the receding hairline up front.

Use this shit at least until you get married

A lot of people forget that alopecia is an auto immune disease, something triggered your body's defence mechanism to defend itself. Unfortunately when alopecia occurs the system starts distrusting itself in other words the roots of your hair.

Maybe a change in your environment, consumption of food/drinks triggered this auto immune response.

Though do note alopecia is a lot different from hair falling out due to stress. So reduce stress in your life and experiment with a healthy diet to see if that changes anything. Hair loss through stress can be stopped and your hair can regrow, with alopecia however it's not so much the case.

Nigger that is Rogaine. It’s been out for years and does not work.


This is what I’m talking about. It actually works and isn’t available yet.

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I use and my dick is fine. It’s different for everyone

this unironically only because semen is high in proteins, vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc.

You literally waste this by jerking off. You are draining your life force when you jerk off.

this is why nofap is real. Absorbing these nutrients back into your body creates a healthier, fitter you.

i would imagine a cure & reverser without terrible side effects is on the horizon

Mom is Canadian, dad is a Boer so Dutch.

wait... it's alpha to embrace balding and not shave it off? I've been not giving a shit about the fact I look like shakespeare now for over a year and I regarded that as not being very chaddy until now. I'm just too lazy/convince myself it's not that bad and just try to be confident instead of shaving it off.

* I use finasteride

people come up with all sorts of shit to cope with the fact they have a disfigurement second only to things like leprosy and acid attacks

>1 post by this ID
Nice non-politics slide thread.
Fuck off back to Jow Forums.

No, it’s alpha either way, just depends on what suits you better. Fighting it tooth and nail is bitch shit.

Take 10k to Thailand and get a hair transplant.

6k for transplant and 4k for travel expenses.

Mitochondria replacement. Look it up.

Umbilical stem cells.

Semen has a lot of testosterone in it. If you rub it in the area you are losing follicles it'll grow back,.

Apparently the stuff you apply directly to scalp (Minoxidil?) causes wrinkles on the forehead.

Embrace the shit out of it. I only have a minor widows peak but you bet your ass I don't hide it or comb over it. See Christopher Meloni in Happy for a living example of the Chad Embrace.

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How about you stop caring about irrelevant shit like your looks? Are you a man or some leftard who spends hours in the bathroom to prepare himself for his bull?

Fin changed my life
I forget I'm even balding now
Hair is full, thick and looks great

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Well hopefully it pays well if you're going to lose some hair

Testosterone causes hair loss does it not?

Have better genes you faggot

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Rogaine and such can save your hair at the cost of your testosterone levels. Better to just hit the gym and shave. Bald and out of shape is no good. Bald and jacked is no problem.

t. jimmy neutron

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Rogaine foam or cripple dick propecia

Buy pills from your friendly Jewish masters instead

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I think there can be some political points to be had as we see men fear balding.

It used to be that you got married and had kids at a younger age. You wouldn't give a shit when you went bald after that because you won at the game of life(raising them properly is another story). With 3rd/4th wave feminism that forces some men to stray, it's not a pleasant feeling to go bald as it can diminish your sexual market value. Hence why these threads pop up.


What about the risk of losing the use of your benis?

Bimataprost? Like 200 for 5 mL?

there are two drugs that are used, each with their downsides.

minoxidil (rogaine): applied topically, helps with regrowth. Has to be used daily for life, can leave a residue in your hair. Has been known to give men bags around their eyes and exacerbate forehead & eye wrinkles. Works by improving blood flow to the area.

finasteride (propecia): a pill, this chemical destroys your body's ability to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a far more potent form of testosterone. By destroying DHT, it kills the main cause of baldness. Can have sexual side effects like limp dick, and occasionally it has permanently destroyed men's ability to produce DHT, turning them into hormonally-fucked eunuchs.

Hair transplants: work by manually plucking hairs that are immune to DHT and planting them in the areas of your head that are balding. Works rather well, but is very pricey and the non-transplanted hairs will still continue to bald as you age.

Dermarolling (micro-needling): some people use this on their face, and its shown a bit of effectiveness in treating hair loss, usually used in conjunction with finasteride and minoxidil. Using a rolling tool with needles on it, you create thousands of tiny invisible punctures in your skin, triggering your body's healing response, improving blood & nutrient flow to the affected area.

apple cider vinegar

Rogaine and fin. Also some shampoos. Diet and exercise etc. I think something in the diet has a big impact like gluten or something. I'm going to cut out wheat for a while and see.

I'm 35 and I've been losing since I was 20. I've been on fin and rlRogaine since I was 25. I did stop for a year while I traveled like an idiot.

At this point I have moderate recession. Probably like Henry Cavill.

Next step is a hair transplant. I've got $15,000 saved for one and it'll last me another decade. My hairloss is genetic and the rest of my men have a gradual hairline reduction. Not dramatic but usually beyond saving at age 60... though a few of the men are still doing so-so. Others in my family had some really shitty loss but they got it from their grandfather while my grandfather wasn't as bad. I know they say its linked to the mothers side but I think that is BS. We all have the exact same patterns as our grandfathers. Overall all the men have some degree of hairloss, and I literally mean every single one of them.

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It's a sub 1% chance that is more prone to occur in older men, and those with low testosterone. If you have a healthy level of testosterone to make up for lost DHT, then you'll be fine. Just ofc don't take an excessive amount like a retard, because then you'll run into problems like brain fog and depression as some 5ar is needed for normal brain function.


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Results vary. I've been using it for a little more than a year, and it has only slowed the process rather than stopping or reversing it. I'm jumping on fin soon, but I'm already noticably thinning on the crown, so it might be 2late. Might save up for transplants, but hair is just another strike on my mile long self esteem rap sheet until then.

Finasteride blocks testo to dht type 2 only
Others dht type still working

>I did stop for a year while I traveled like an idiot.
Stress reduction and change of environment unironically makes the difference. The auto immune effect of hair loss is triggered by something different for everyone. It's highly likely your living environment or change in consumables triggered it.

if you always wear a hat your roots become weak over time.
My cuz went bald by 17 because he always wore hats it

Be healthy but if it’s genetic it’s just you, embrace it as an heirloom

The Chad embrace only works if you have a strong jawline.

There’s a surgery for that tho

this a slide thread he only posted once

But then you're just taking drastic measures over another insecurity.

hair loom you mean

Insecurity is rational sometimes and so is drastic action. Accepting yourself is a cope.

I've been trying a derma roller along with organic castor oil and coconut oil. No improvement at all so far.

Mind you it's a difficult thing to remember to do every couple of days.

ive heard that you should go at least one week in between derma rolling sessions, to give your body time to respond

It has nothing to do with wearing hats, if you arent bald because of genes then it could be a sign of poor blood circulation, get some exercise.

lowers T levels significantly

Ignore all the fags talking about minoxidil. It 'works' in that it improves blood flow to your hair follicles making them last longer, but it doesn't stop the cause, and you will experience some regrowth followed by sustained hair loss. It DOES NOT stop balding.

Only FDA approved hair loss treatment that stops hair loss is finasteride, which has a few side effects. Don't listen to the fags here about it though. Go read up it's potential side effects on reputable websites and talk to your doctor about it.

There's also deutasteride which works the same way as finasteride, but is many times more potent and more likely to give you negative side effects.

There's also
>cyproterone acetate
>and estradiol

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Jow Forums hates hearing this along with the truth about burning in the sun

Don't be a whiteoid