Daily song:youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikeg
>Reminder that this is the thread that shills want to slide

>Reminder that the midterms are arguably MORE IMPORTANT than the 2016 election, because there is more power in Congress than in the Presidency

>Reminder that The Left is absolutely bloodthirsty for their Blue Wave and will stop at nothing to crush you and have their revenge for what happened in 2016

The purpose of this thread is to provide Jow Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, spread awareness of how important it is to take part in the midterms, and provide a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”

>Partisan State-By-State Guide to the Midterms


>Extremely Comprehensive Non-Partisan Guide To The Midterms




>Important dates - for primaries, runoffs, etc

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


bumping the only decent thread in the last hour

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Howdy storm pupper


1. Compile a collection of memes, infographics, and images pertaining to the midterms for the purpose of dissemination throughout the Internet.

2. Create and continuously update a comprehensive, state by state, district by district, reference guide for each race in 2018 --> redstorm2018.wordpress.com/

3. Brainstorm ideas for effective political action that anyone can do over the Internet (we'll let the GOP and other groups handle the boots on the ground work), and execute those ideas with ruthless efficiency.

4. Lay the foundations for an online network of right wing political organization that will later supersede what the left has.

Remember, the left has been much more powerful in terms of political presence on the Internet for years now. That's starting to change because of Jow Forums and events like GamerGate, but if we want the right-wing to succeed, we'll have to accelerate that change.

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dumping a bunch /ourguys/ cooked up during the 16 elections for us

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Here is a Quick Rundown on Michigan for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware

Like Pennsylvania, it went red for HW in 1988 but was comfortably blue until 2016. We’re going to want to keep it red if we want to save the country.


Take a look at those red counties. Republicans need to get turnout in those areas as high as possible, especially because the Democrats’ Get Out The Vote machine has been refined for efficiency quite a bit in the past few years.

>Senate: Debbie Stabenow (D) vs John James (GOP, probable candidate)

>Debbie Stabenow is a three term Senator who first won in 2000 with 49.5% of the vote, won in 2006 with 57% of the vote, and won in 2012 with 59% of the vote…much has changed since 2012, however

>voted for Obamacare and did her best to kill any attempts to reform it.


>voted against tax cuts


>John James is a black combat veteran who is ideologically sound on all the important issues

>I know some of you will make “hurr stop shilling for based black men you dumb magapede” but face it, he’s better for you than Stabenow


Volunteer, donate, meme !

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You're obviously new here, this isn't a decent thread keep this type of cancer in /ptg/

Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault
Rules for radicals: a practical primer for real radicals
machiavelli’s the prince
the history of the peloponnesian war
the book of five rings
The Politics
plato’s republic
how to win friends & influence people
the art of the deal
12 rules for life: an antidote to chaos
The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation
Total Resistance
Germany Tomorrow
Storm of Steel
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
City of God
Parallel Lives
Inside the Third Reich
I, Claudius
The Israel Lobby
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Decline of the West Volume I and II
Reflections on the Revolution in France
The French Revolution: A History
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: abridged edition
Might Makes Right
Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
Who Are We?
Starship Troopers
The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution
The G Factor
A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History
The Bell Curve
Human Accoplishment
Blood Meridian
Camp of Saints
Manufacturing Consent
The Crisis of the Modern World
Man and his Becoming According to the Vedanta
Revolt Against the Modern World
Ride the Tiger: A survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul
Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist
The Myth of the Twentieth Century

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die in a fire kike

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Here is a Quick Rundown on Virginia for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware
Was red for years and years before turning blue for Obama in 2008. Government workers living in DC suburbs turned blued it up. However, it is still possible to take back the state !

>Senate: Tim Kaine (D) vs Corey Stewart

>Tim Kaine: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Kaine

>Hillary’s sidekick in 2016, got destroyed by Pence at the primaries, became governor of Virginia and later Senator despite looking and acting like a cross between child molester and teacher’s pet

>relies on government workers from Northern Virginia, felons, and illegal immigrants to win

>Corey Stewart: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corey_Stewart_(politician)
>smeared as being “alt-right” (which means he’s almost certainly /ourguy/)

>smeared for his praise for Paul “can’t hide my power level” Nehlen when he was challenging Paul Ryan; denounced him after he revealed his power level

>hard worker, travels all around Virginia to campaign and speak to people directly and answer their questions

>Republican Party hasn’t won statewide in Virginia since 2009, though they’ve always ran establishment cucks. For 2018, we are trying something DIFFERENT

>strong on immigration and all the important issues



Corey must get turnout in those red counties as high as possible. If Tim Kaine gets mediocre turnout from Hillary 2016 voters and Stewart gets super high turnout from Trump 2016 voters, WE CAN WIN THIS



Volunteer, meme, donate

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Here is a Quick Rundown on Pennsylvania for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware

>State went red for Trump for the first time since 1988, albeit at a slim margin of 0.72% (44,292 votes)


>Tom Wolf (D) vs Scott Wagner (GOP)

>Tom Wolf: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Wolf#Tenure

>Appointed PA Supreme Court Justices that changed the House district lines in favor of the Democrats

>announced SJW infested “It’s On Us” campaign to combat muh rape culture and “sexual assault” on campus

>Scott Wagner: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Wagner

>In 2017, Wagner referred to billionaire businessman George Soros (a U.S. citizen since 1961) as a "Hungarian Jew" who has a "hatred for America”


>Bob Casey (D) vs Lou Barletta (GOP)

>Bob Casey: 2nd term senator who first won in 2006 with 59% of the vote, and in 2012 with 53.7% of the vote

> mcall.com/health/mc-casey-defends-obamacare-20170106-story.html
He defends Obamacare. Now, health care is a popular issue among Democrat voters, but there are many people who are disgruntled with the financial repercussions of Obamacare, and those can be swayed to vote against him.


Take a look at the map here. Scott Wagner and Lou Barletta are going to have to do their damndest to get turnout extremely high in those red counties. We’re going to want to get the Amish to turnout like they did in 2016.


Donate, volunteer, meme


Here is a Quick Rundown on Montana for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware

Montana is a state that actually ALMOST went for Obama in 2008, but then went comfortably for Romney in 2012 and even more for Trump in 2016

Democratic strength is concentrated in the few small cities it has, everywhere else is deep red: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Montana,_2016

>Senate: Jon Tester (D) vs Matt Rosendale (GOP)

>Tester: First elected in 2006 with 49.2% of the vote, reelected in 2012 with 48.6% of the vote. Tester supported the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, voting for it in December 2009.

>got under fire from Trump for smearing his Veterans Affairs pick: thehill.com/homenews/administration/385310-trump-dem-allegations-surrounding-va-nominee-proving-false

> breitbart.com/big-government/2018/06/12/build-wall-montana-gop-senate-nominee-rosendale-hammers-amnesty-backing-democrat-tester-opening-ad/

>Rosendale: rancher and businessman, majority leader in the Montana State Senate

>ideologically sound on all the important issues: mattformontana.com/defend-our-nation



Volunteer, donate, meme !

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Here is a Quick Rundown on Ohio for the midterms for anyone who may not be aware

Ohio went comfortably for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but then went for Trump at an almost double digit margin in 2016


Check out that electoral map. DeWine and Renacci need to get turnout in those red counties as high as possible. Trump should help them through rallies.

>Governor: Richard Cordray (D) vs Mike DeWine (GOP)

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Cordray

>Cordray is a former Attorney General and Hillary Clinton Democrat who beat the Berniecrat (Dennis Kucinich) in the primary

> cordrayforohio.com/issues/

>bad on gun control and muh women’s rights

>Mike Dewine is the current Attorney General

>apparently the establishment GOP type, beat the more anti-establishment Mary Taylor in the primary

>Senate: Sherrod Brown (D) vs Jim Renacci (GOP)

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherrod_Brown

>second term senator, first elected in 2006 with 56% and re-elected in 2012 with 50.7%; he benefited from Bush’s bullshit in 2006 and Obama at the top of the ballot against Romney in 2012

>grade of F from the NRA

>Jim Renacci: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Renacci

>House Rep, endorsed by Trump, ideologically sound on all the important issues




Volunteer, donate, meme.

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Spam these forbidden truths all over the Democuck Lie Spaces:

Democrats hate white men.
Democrats hate straight men.
Democrats hate Christian men.
Democrats hate men in general.
The only time a Democrat puts a blue eyed, white male on the ticket is when they are afraid of losing an election.

Want to expose Democrat hatred for whites, straights, Christians and males? Pose as one of their Protected Classes and ask why the Democrat Party still has White Males (or any other hated class) at the top of a given ticket.

Hey Democucks! You spent every moment of your lives since 1965 getting revenge on Straights, Whites, Christians and Males. Anyone who hears these truths can't deny them. They can only cover them up. Too bad you failed to ban free speech on the internet.