This is BS

Trump paid off porno actresses to hide affair and National Enquirer buried the story.

Hillary got questions to the debate from CNN and no one seems to care.

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Hnnnnnnnggggg mummmiee

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the last this girl wants to be called is mommy. but her body only lets her be a mummy. if she really had kids she get fatter.

I love big tits and small tits.

I think its cool that the president fucks porn stars.
Powerful men fuck beautiful women, that's life.

Thanks for the tips Mr. white knight

>Hillary got questions to the debate from CNN and no one seems to care.

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Who is this semen demon

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I think it's cool that the president is going to get fucked by porn stars.
Powerful men getting spanked by beautiful women, that's life.

he didn't do any of that while he's been in office.

why is it that he's now generally viewed by retards as a racist fascist murderous russian double agent because of his marital affairs? why? what do any of the mueller changes have to do with carrying water for russia?

faggoty lefties have gone full retard this time