Change my view. If the south african farmers and whites cant defend their property, they dont deserve it

Change my view. If the south african farmers and whites cant defend their property, they dont deserve it.

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Who's saying they can't? PMCs are active in South Africa. If whites conglomerate and form a corporation or confederation of farmers they could easily hold back the black SA military.

If I take your property, do you not deserve it?

I can defend my property.

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i mean you aren't wrong, OP.
the strong devour the weak, always have, always will.

Imagine this.. obama says the black people in america can take your house and will do nothing about it if they decide to rape, torture, murder you and your family in the process.

If you ever get mugged, just remember, you deserve it.

Not from everyone.

I don't have to, since by even posting a picture of Max Stirner you've ceded your right to an opinion.

Define "deserve"

I honestly doubt it. It wouldnt take much to wait and see when you were vulnerable. To strike when youre weak. How protected can you be, in this age of rifles and bombs? People arent going to knock and threaten you out of your house, not if they can just shoot you when youre checking your mail. Walking your dog. Driving to the store and get bombed.

> a family of farmers

> a dozen of rabid niggers with guns

Yeah, they deserved it or something.

But do you deserve your property if he takes it from you

Equating natural law with moral law, which is what you seem to be doing, is redundant. Your statement should instead read "The South African farmers and whites can't defend their property, therefore they wont have their property". "Deserve" doesn't even enter the picture without the assertion of some sort of moral framework, which you haven't provided.

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property is a spook

No. So l must go on the offensive to find new property.
This isnt hard to understand. Almost all animals are territorial. Either singular or collective.

Btw you justified slavery, gg

The best part about Trump's presidency imploding is that all the r/the_donald boomers exposing themselves as cultists and Jow Forums immigrants. Low energy!

Nothing wrong with slavery. Ants enslave other animals

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>hur dur why does civil society and laws exist brofriend?

*gets a loan in usd, thus devaluating your savings*

heh, nothin personnel

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I agree.

No one deserves anything but civilisation is built on a shared set of rules. It's better to sacrifice a little short term strength [as in strongest just take what they want] for long term stability.