/sag/ South Africa General: THE PROPHECY EDITION

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=KL70sAglpZc


Best rundowns:




>So what the fuck do White South Africans think of this? What are you doing? What is the reaction?


>Can I get some general info about South Africa and this land theft situation?


Pastebin with general info: pastebin.com/ebxChxCH

>So what are the black's reactions?



>Ernst Roets from Afriforum interview:


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Other urls found in this thread:



Honestly, might just be something I think personally, but I believe inside of us lies a type of "wanderlust", something that makes us want to overcome hardships or current circumstance that either drove our ancestors to prevail heavy times in Europe or drove them overseas in search of new colossusses to conquer when their current lives became dull.

Now, we're all stuck in our sedentary lifestyles where it is generally considered the dream life to work a middle management office job for some company for 35 years while paying off college debt and having very little prospect of being able to afford anything beyond a single child. Meanwhile this is all caused by governments lowering the cost of labour, downgrading our neighbourhoods to dangerous gang ridden garbage laden corpses of tarmac and oil stains. And all the while you're told how privileged you are and how you deserve to be marginalised.

The slow boil ends globally now. Life will be harder for sure, but also a lot simpler and I will feel I am actually doing something worth it and not slaving away and watching it all slowly degrade. This is what we have been deprived of all our lives and I think many will feel the same. The experience here will no doubt baptise males to be a man amongst men and they can either stay to build up what they were fighting for or return to their own countries with the feeling of vindication and fight the good fight there.

Always remember the bottom-line; the most important possession you have is your own people. This is the call for protecting it.


If you feel strongly that you wish to either help assist white refugees here in the new future from suffering or you want to provide humanitarian security download Telegram messenger and search for @witbaard

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Most important question of the thread.

Will I get to wear short shorts?

All memeflags below this post are infected with the gay.

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Very much, just also know how to use a FAL


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I'm bringing my SKS

>tfw FALs are $2000+ these days

A (((stein))) defending Obama's ambassador to South Africa who says that the whole entire thing is a white nationalist myth while he is at the head of a Soros organisation called open borders, You can not make this shit up.

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Reminder to ignore the shills and troll retards itt.

> tfw FALs are banned up here

The media says the farm murders don’t exist and Trump is merely parroting wn talking points. What did they mean by this?

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Brilliant move by Trump calling out White genocide.

Anyone who believes SA is "socialist" needs to realize anti-white IS anti-socialism. Period.

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It could be I haven't been tested. I expect on the range of gay I am less gay than some meme flags, but more gay than others.

Well if you can't trust the news who can you trust?

You have access to cheap SVT-40's and any access to chinese type 81's. So you know there's that.

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It's pretty obvious that the liberal blue checks have a murderous agenda.

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They still want to kill whitey, they just don't want to broadcast their intentions until they have the power to do it.

Getting to wear short shorts while shooting commie nigs sounds like a good time. Is this shit actually going to happen though? I've been cock blocked on happenings before.

Genuine socialists do not.

>mfw I had the experience of shooting with a FAL
>I used to think it was a shitty riffle for current year and my country should have change all of them for modern weapons

I guess I was wrong as fuck

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Well you better tell the rest of the socialists then, cuz they're pretty set on killing whitey.

Socialism is shit, Rayan.

How easily will it be for whites outside of South Africa to get weapons and ammunition to the South African white resistance? Americans have a metric shittons of extra supplies and I can only imagine they'd be more than willing to send it over.


>Genuine socialists
I had one genuinely tell me they want the extinction of the white race. They also want nuclear families to fall apart because it doesn't suit socialism. He was Jewish.

This I would (total not) donate to a fund that organized this

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The best part is that they're directly sourcing the ADL.
Because the ADL is an authority on genocides in foreign countries?

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They can build weapons, but what they really need to be doing is pressing bullets in their garage. You can mill a STEN in a day. You cannot get easy ammunition for it, that would be the first thing to be blockaded by (((them))).

They have their own munitions factories already, just need to be kept fed with brass and lead.
Also; its Africa, dig up some rusty Soviet Surplus.

This gal

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Are we gonna make it bros?

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Of course mate. Never give up

My cousin's boyfriend is South African

He's in medical school here but his parents live over there. Is this really going to blow up that bad?

It doesn't look good friend from what I can tell. I'm no blackpiller but the situation is pretty fucked

I hope Australia is going to give them amnesty. And then the country can go the Zimbabwe route for all I care.

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But if any people can fight through this it's them!

This. I hope all Western countries allow them here. Plus I'd love to see the shitstorm created from letting in a bunch of whites to America but still kicking out the spics hahaha. The kvetching would be nonstop

He's over there right now, hope they will be allowed into Canada

I hope so too friend. Both of our countries need all the whites we can get. Because it America can't control the flood of spics then once they destroy our country they'll come for yours next.

Only if it's natsoc retard now get out
You don't belong here.

Nazbols are insufferable.

For me it's the faggots and commies.

2 million would cross the boarder and there wouldnt be anything america could do to stop it

I wonder who would stand to benefit from a deterioration in conditions within SA?

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Yes, one of the best rifles available here is a PTR-91 and it's essentially a semi-auto civilian copy of a FN-FAL derived from a similar H&K design. A comparison here:

So China is going to invade and take over the rare earth mines?

That will be entertaining

Invade, nah. They are going to "invest" in SA. Think of how much help the ANC will need after they fuck over their national agriculture. Who do you think will conveniently help them get their shit together and for what price.

Saffers are the only people on earth who are anything like Americans in terms of our real culture, we're like long lost twins.
>Protestant smallholders who want the government off their backs
>Religious liberty and freedom of speech
>Distributed firearm ownership
>guerilla war with British Empire
>the whole black thing
>the world hates you for daring to be successful

this is what im worried about
china will just bring in chinese farmers

there's no way Trump is too stupid to realize this play right?

seems like the jews get yet another christian genocide and the (((superpowers))) will pick the carcass clean

im not worried about the nigs being a threat, im worried about the chinese and mossad bringing in isis

I am happy to let the Chinese have the chrome if we can save and energize whites. We'll have the chrome soon enough.

The media reaction to this has given me the white-hot rage of a thousand suns.

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Throughout history whenever a group became a majority or otherwise acquired political power they oppressed the minority they triumped over. The SA Nigs are about to bring the pain to the Boers for real. But that is just a sideshow for Americans. It's like looking into the future of when whites are a minority in the USA. As soon as that happens the vocal minority you see all over calling for death to whitey will ascend to power, as all the other nonwhites will not want to get their hands dirty, but will be fine with the extremists exterminating white people. It will be the end.

I am not so sure Trump cares honestly unless he can use it as leverage to improve America's economy.

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>muh workers
>soft hands
Stop shilling your channel here, you fat lump.

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>I remember seeing this in watchmen. Redpilled as fuck

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if whites wont get off their ass and fight then you all fucking deserve it

Beautifully put.
I can not abide communists in our brother nation.

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when TSHTF are the saffer disapora here going to immigrate back and help their white brethren?

it'll end in ww3

literal billions dead, (((they))) won't surrender so easily

it will also be the singularity

Rorschach is best Right-Wing super hero.

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>The Charter also wants 70 percent procurement of mining goods and 80 percent procurement of services from BEE (black economic empowerment) entities, among others

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Most South African whites are
>liberals/cuckservatives (basically the same)
>civic nationalists
>still believe the "Rainbow Nation" lie
>support America, even though we sanctioned them to oblivion
>support Israel, even though it backstabbed them and stole their nukes
>won't do anything but whine about white genocide
>too afraid to fight back
Who cares anymore? Just let the blacks kill them if they won't fight back


Can someone post some evidence about land seizures or murders? Need rebuttal sources for redpilling

Feel free to make adjustments.

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Yes. These are big moves being made quickly by a desperate China. The blacks are merely pawns once again.

I’m starting to see some motives here...

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>China gets ANC to kill off whites so they can buy up all the agricultural land
Why wouldn't they just buy from white farmers directly? Makes zero sense trying to convert a Bantu hellscape into a big rice paddy.

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the prophecy

Divide et impera

This is all about BRICS. China is using the blacks as a bludgeon to seize South Africa entirely. They need the land to grow crops and prevent a massive famine on their mainland. Likewise they want control of the the rare metals, Gold, Platinum, and ability to produce fissile material.

Trump is not so much supporting white farners as hre is making a move to neuter China. The breaking of the TPP and Paris Climate Accords (designed to neuter the USA and empower China) means that China will be forced into more and more desperate moves.

In all scenarios war with China is inevitable, which is why the have installed Xi as "dictator for life". Real deal hyper-war is inbound lads.

The collusion to silence "alt media" and "conservative voices" recently is strictly to control the flow of material out of South Africa. Whites the world over will flip their shit at 9/11 levels when the 4K gangrapes and torture of white children by laughing blacks comes out.

Make no mistake, (((they))) are terrified of us spreading the reality of this massacre becais eit will bring the entire house of diversity crumbling to the ground worldwide, virtually overnight when outraged whites are mocked by (((them))) in response to their concerns.

This also means those who have worled to silence and deplatform alt media are either bankrolled directed by Chinese or psychopath kikes.

The beacons will be lit soon and we all must answer the call. It is up to US, you and me, to spread the truth no matter the cost, because we are the next target for silencing and deplatforming. We owe it to our ancestors and to our children to reveal the truth.

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I’m stealing this


This video explains Chinese and Russian intereat for the next 20 years and the role of the Petro-Dollar, and the nature of American Hegemony. It shold become quite clear what China is doing and why after watching this.


It does not have any information about Israel or its influence or interests, so I leave it to Jow Forums to fill in the blanks.

Spread the teuth where you can. We are now the only ones with eyes to see.

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interesting posts thanks m8

Jesus fucking christ liberals are psychotic.
>have far-left boomer mom
>full on affirmative action supporting boomer
>autistic hatred for republicans and conservatives, physically incapable of seeing past her own bias for two fucking moments unless its to shove something in my face later
>south africa bullshit starts
>bring up how taking land from farmers for things their ancestors did is bad
>immediately goes into a fucking psychotic rant screaming about how im a far right conspiracy theorist while quite literally fucking foaming at the mouth
>sits back down on the couch to watch more cnn afterwards like nothing ever happened, hyperventilating like someone who was just forced to run a marathon

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Does anyone else have any experience with liberal friends/family regarding this matter?

This might be the gayest thing i’ve ever read in my life.

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You bring up a perfect point actually. I hope they all just make a jump across our border if the spics do it so should they. At least we'd be getting decent people

Generally parents (women) of this kind will remain unreachable.

You might be able to poke holes in her logic but it would be impossible for me to suggest where the holes in her logic lie.

Possibly suggest that CNN is damaging her brain, and ask her why in the world she would ever get so mad at her own son because of some garbage on the Television.

Tell her that Television is nonsense, cotton candy nonsense designed to obscure and to confound. Tell her you "thought she was better than that" and dismiss her responses so she is forced to sit alone and stew.

how can we push Trump to do more?
I want Boots on the Ground

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Literally a civil war is ongoing RIGHT NOW if my PMC friend isn't lying about his kill count.

This sounds eerily like my schizo conservative aunt


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Most people are moist robots programmed to do a certain number of things and most of their thoughts and actions revolve around serving them. One of them is status-seeking which is an evolved social mechanism that is useful in a normal society.

Your mom is freaking out at you because she wants to be known to have a high status opinion, wants you as her genetic line to have a high status opinion, and if she can't convince you then let's the world know that she doesn't associate with your opinions.

Even though she is not consciously aware that that is what she's doing, that is what she's doing. She couldn't explain her reasoning if you asked her why she believes the stuff she does, she would go straight to 100% emotionally charged manipulative social tricks to break down your confidence in what you believe.

Once you see reality for what it is, an ocean of NPC controlled by a few independent actors, you can come to terms with this type of constant retardation more easily.

I can't wait to hear you cry rayciss when niggers are hanging from lampposts

so is Pompeo likely to actually do anything or is he a deep state stooge?

Pressure the media so they keep talking and making mistakes. Get them to laugh at dead whites. Get them to laugh at dead children.

Moreover maybe you can help escalate the situation by letting them know what will happen to them if they keep advocating genocide and supporting literal Chinese Communist schemes.

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As I stated above, this is Chinese expansion and USA intervention is guaranteed. The Pentagon would never allow such brazen movements by China. Especially when they are no longer shackled by a fifth column traitor like Obama.

There will be a USA response. Quote me.


Maybe because she watches too much cnn

Guys I'm going to sleep please keep the thread alive until us saffers wake up

You have to understand user, Excepting the situation in South Africa literally goes against a liberals entire outlook on life. They will have two main responses which you can observe for yourself: Grasp at straws to maintain there current mindset - ‘As many blacks are killled as whites in south africa!’ or they’ll decide morally that whites losing their farms/existence is justice after all.
At this point you could have 4k video of blacks singing kill the boer while slaughtering some white dude, and many liberals will not change, some might, most won’t.