Why do uneducated working class trump supporters vote against their own economic interests?

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Who are you to say what peoples economic interests are? That sounds pretty fascist to me.

I do not know wtf you are talking about.

Fucking commies

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The image is blatantly untrue. Almost everyone got tax cuts across the board

Tax cuts only work, if you're working

I make $89k/yr and I received a break amounting to roughly $3k more a year.

It's insane that letting people keep more of their earnings is somehow bad to the Left.

Wut? I saw a tax cut.

Because we're not an ethnostate.

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everything sounds fascist to you, faggot

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Dragon Islander, what are you even doing?
Xia duwar wen tei? Huan do Xuan Lu

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>99.8% of Americans won't get any tax cut.
That's demonstrably false.

>mass illegal immigration is fine goy and it won't reduce wages or conditions and stuff

Also even burgers are not stupid enough to vote themselves into a race war.

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because why change now?

50% of bottom muricans already paid no taxes under Obongo because of benefits and rebates and shit.

This is simply a lie. My taxes went down and I am not rich. Moreover, rich people getting a tax cut is not against my economic interests. What's against the economic interests of middle and lower class america is an unrestricted flow of migrants, moving to this country to lower wages, and a massive welfare state the shifts the burden of paying wages from the companies that employ people to the American taxpayer.

I got a pay raise because of those cuts.

Yes but half of all Americans already paid no net taxes. Inbetween the deductions and rebates and shit.

The fuck you talking about? I'm not rich and I keep more money each week under the tax cut.

Blacks and Mexicans vote straight Democrat, they didn't vote for Trump.

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>3% tax cut
Lmao the top brackets got a 35% tax cut Holy shit you guys are so cucked

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>poor didn't get a tax cut

Pic related. Now can we have a real discussion on how OP is such a faggot?

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The only people who didn't get a tax cut are people that own a fuckton of property in states where SALT was abused, and people making less than six thousand dollars per year. All normal workers received a very substantial tax break in the form of DOUBLING the standard deduction. Let's say you work full time minimum wage, 16 thousand a year. Under the old system, you would do the 6K standard deduction and then pay 10% on 10K for $1K in taxes. Under the new system, you have a 12k deduction, meaning you pay 10% on 4K, or 400 dollars.

That's 600 bucks trump put back in your pocket every year. Pretty substantial.

Why do democrats claim to know more about economics when their last big leader (King Groid) was wrong about almost every single economic decision he ever made, and even wrong about his predictions for the future?
Leftykikes love to say they have people's "economic interest" at heart, but it's not for the taxpayer, oh no. Their interest lie solely for the lazy, degenerate slobs who leech off the backs of decent, honest, hard working people. They care absolutely nothing for the average middle class person (white or black) and only seek it's destruction. It is, in every sense of the word, soft communism.

I don't give a shit about anyone else, I am getting a significant tax break. Household gross adjusted income of ~ $135K a year, so I am pretty much middle or upper middle class.

I think if you pay under 10K a year in federal income tax, you should not be able to vote in federal elections.

If you aren't chipping in on the pizza, you don't get to pick the fucking toppings.

> not one nickle

its like reality is foreign to you.

> Now can we have a real discussion on how OP is such a faggot?
Fuck yeah.

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why does anyone who votes themself into cukoldry think they are educated? It's not hard to understand that bringing jobs back to this country and making the US a manufacturer again is in the interest of working class people. You are wasting your life by letting other people tell you what to think, please educate yourself and read more before posting

>Gave Trump's kids 4 billion in tax cuts
>Trump's not as rich as he claims to be.
Witch one is it you shill faggot? You guys really need to get on the same page, seems like it would be more effective.

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He's not as rich as he claims to be because he gave his kids all of his money, what a stand up guy

but the %99.8 did get tax cuts, significantly more than a nickel

surly you wouldn't come to a sophisticated place like Jow Forums and tell lies

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